What we have here.. is a failure to communicate.
We, as a western society, have gotten SO used to media representations of how people react to disaster or tragedy that we -think- we know how they should act, or not act. Talk to any Cop, or any Detective and they'll tell you there's a difference between being cold and distant and being withdrawn. There is no one size fits all state emotional reaction to situations.. everyone's different. Some people make a huge thing out of it (kind of like you see when a kid gets killed in a Spike Lee film).. and then you have people that show no emotion in public, but fall apart in private.
The second category is much more common than you think... Police, Fireman, EMTs, Paramedics, Doctors ande Nurses are prime examples of how this emotional reaction works. Often times you'll see them laughing or joking around at the scene of a horrible accident, or in the hospital after someone's died when theyve been working to save them for hours. Its how they cope. Sandy Hook, is absolutely NO different. You're taking people and throwing them into a situation theyve never faced, with an emotional burden that overwhelms the mind and the senses. Their entire world just came crashing down around their feet, but people get upset because they "didnt react like they were supposed to."
Having lost some of the best friends Ive ever had in combat, you could say the same thing about me. I didnt wail, I didnt cry, I didnt show any emotion what so ever.. I looked at the person delivering the news and said ... "oh.. well... shit." When I got HOME, on the other hand.. I got drunk and didnt come out of my house for two days. When ppl saw me in public before and after, youd never have guessed.
So for you to sit there and say that its faked JUST because they "dont act right" is about the biggest amount of BS you can come across, and it shows and absolute lack of empathy... period. It doesnt matter whether you believe or not.. you can think its a false flag all you want to.. but until you walk a mile in the shoes of those individuals and then have people accuse you of being an actor for some imaginary conspiracy while you're trying to deal with the loss of your loved one... you might want to think twice about casting judgement or even opening your mouth.
Pyschology is a fickle thing, you cant just LOOK at someone and go "yep, theres no emotion there." It doesnt work that way.. You can learn that on the first day of Psych 101.