Debunked: HAARP rings/scalar squares, etc. validated in paper from Stanford

Starting about about the 5:10 mark, Dutch fixes in on the Duluth and Minneapolis radars.

The birders noticed those too:

More birds moved up into the northern part of the forecast zone last night with both Minnesota radars showing moderate to heavy (20-25 dBZ) migration through early this morning. Birds heading on a SE->NW trajectory will be in inland hotspots and those along the Mississippi River this morning
I feel like I'm beating the maggots that were once a dead horse but...

The bird watches said of last night:
National overview

Hot and heavy migration continued up the Central Flyway last night with the heaviest movement from Texas to Iowa.

Naturally that means that there was widespread non-precipitation clutter during the overnight. Dutchsinse was watching.
5/8/2013 -- RADAR pulse / 'HAARP ring' / Scalar Square outbreak May 7th into 8th

Basically every radar up the central flyway lit up with clutter last night. We are reaching the peak of spring migration. Dutch thinks "they" are "pulsing frequency" at the weather. You see in dutch's video several examples where he shows the national mosaic loops that every radar from Texas to Minnesota filled with clutter during the night

Dutch says:

Pay attention to EACH pulsed area (although there are now several to watch if one includes the pulsed areas from 36-48 hours ago).

Well Dutch, none of the "pulsed areas" from 5/6 got hit. There is weather approaching and you've drawn a swath from TX to MN for your prediction, as at the 7:05 mark in this video. We will certainly watch the "ring epicenters" and see that there isn't any correlation between the location of the radars and where the severe weather reports occur. Or Dutch could actually do a scientific spatial analysis of plotting the "ring epicenters" at the time of his forecasts and then plotting the location of severe weather during subsequent days. Of course he might then have to admit that his "confirmations" are most often misses as the storms actually end up occuring close to a radar other than the one where the "ring" occurred.

One must wonder why dutch has not given any thought as to why these spring and fall "frequency outbreaks" only occur at night in a pattern that matches up with bird migration. Why wouldn't the NWS be "pulsing" whenever they need to? It isn't like they need to hide the invisible radio waves from the public by only emitting it under the cover of darkness. Of course one might also wonder (if these pulses are NWS actively manipulating weather) why NWS freely gives the data that show these pulses to all these third party vendors like Accuweather and why NWS displays the clutter on base reflectivity whereas the third party vendors go out of their way to attempt to filter it from the display.
Highlighing one of his "pulsed areas".

On a national mosaic loop that is heavily filtered the clutter may only appear for a couple of frames of the loop and, therefore, appear to flash on and off. But, when you look at the base reflectivity loop with frames in 17 minute increments from each individual radar you can see discreter targets appear and move through the sweep. Last night there was a great example.

The bird watcher says:

Definitely check out the Davenport radar just so you can see the mass exodus out of the Mississippi River floodplain.


Flocks of targets are actually discernable lifting into the radar view right over top of the river.

Why on earth would HAARP beams or "HAARP like frequency" look like discrete targets (stuff off of which the radar signal is bouncing) lifting off from the ground and then flying to the NNW at ~20kts? (speed and direction estimated from base velocity image).
I feel like I'm beating the maggots that were once a dead horse but...

The bird watches said of last night:
National overview

Hot and heavy migration continued up the Central Flyway last night with the heaviest movement from Texas to Iowa.

Naturally that means that there was widespread non-precipitation clutter during the overnight. Dutchsinse was watching.
5/8/2013 -- RADAR pulse / 'HAARP ring' / Scalar Square outbreak May 7th into 8th

Basically every radar up the central flyway lit up with clutter last night. We are reaching the peak of spring migration. Dutch thinks "they" are "pulsing frequency" at the weather. You see in dutch's video several examples where he shows the national mosaic loops that every radar from Texas to Minnesota filled with clutter during the night

Dutch says:

[q]Pay attention to EACH pulsed area (although there are now several to watch if one includes the pulsed areas from 36-48 hours ago).[/q]

Well Dutch, none of the "pulsed areas" from 5/6 got hit. There is weather approaching and you've drawn a swath from TX to MN for your prediction, as at the 7:05 mark in this video. We will certainly watch the "ring epicenters" and see that there isn't any correlation between the location of the radars and where the severe weather reports occur. Or Dutch could actually do a scientific spatial analysis of plotting the "ring epicenters" at the time of his forecasts and then plotting the location of severe weather during subsequent days. Of course he might then have to admit that his "confirmations" are most often misses as the storms actually end up occuring close to a radar other than the one where the "ring" occurred.

One must wonder why dutch has not given any thought as to why these spring and fall "frequency outbreaks" only occur at night in a pattern that matches up with bird migration. Why wouldn't the NWS be "pulsing" whenever they need to? It isn't like they need to hide the invisible radio waves from the public by only emitting it under the cover of darkness. Of course one might also wonder (if these pulses are NWS actively manipulating weather) why NWS freely gives the data that show these pulses to all these third party vendors like Accuweather and why NWS displays the clutter on base reflectivity whereas the third party vendors go out of their way to attempt to filter it from the display.

Because we (the NWS) feel it is better to hide in plain sight and behind the bird migration cover up story.....oops....did I just say that :) J/K

In reading one his comments he also seems to still believe that the actual transmitted pulse is visible on the radar imagery, in spite of how many times he has been told that the transmit and receive paths share several components and having both paths active at exactly the same time (which is the only way you'd see a pulse at the moment it is transmitted) would DESTROY most of the receive path as it is designed to amplify return signals that are expected to be in the microwatt range. A transmitted pulse as it leaves the dish feedhorn is roughly at 400-500 KILOwatts......

He dismisses a perfectly logical and documented explanation (bird migrations) for his recent "pulses" in those areas with an "LOL" yet continues to propagate his theories about some covert, weather altering, atmosphere heating pulse weapon hidden within the structures of the WSR-88D radar sites. Which is more laughable?

I look forward to the day he makes one of his posts about the Marquette, MI radar.

I also hereby extend an open invitation to Dutchsinse to make the trek up to Marquette, where I would be more than happy to give him a personal tour of the weather radar facility, allowing him a first hand opportunity to find his smoking gun. Or better yet, I would advise him to request a tour of his local NWS office in St. Louis or attend their open house should they have one. Surely the answers could then be found.......
With the recent heavy spring migration, Michael has been uploading "haarp ring" vids just about every day this week. Here's the latest:

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Late PM May 8th, 2013 .. going into early AM May 9, 2013.. a series of RADAR pulses / "HAARP rings" / Scalar Squares appeared over multiple areas in the Midwest, North, and South USA.
Of course it was just "Another big night of migration."

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Posted on 5/9/2013
Heavy trans-Gulf arrival was followed by a major flight of nocturnal migrants across much of the U.S. last night. This included the entire southern tier of the country, the second big push into the Mid Atlantic and Northeast, a huge push up the Central and Mississippi Flyways and additional birds up along the Pacific coast. To get a real feel for this event, you should definitely check out the Hurtado loop from 3pm yesterday through this morning here.
Michael keeps on insisting that "frequency" is inherent to Direct Current.

5/3/2013 -- Artificial atmospheric ionization -- Precipitation via Frequency -- AMS Conference

No Michael, there is no "frequency" associated with straight DC. Corona discharge works due to an extremely high voltage potential, not because of "frequency". Not to mention the fact that corona discharge ionization cloud seeding has yet to be proven effective in enhancing precipitation.

This is an older vid from late 2012, but he does touch on Haarp a little bit. I don't completely agree with every point this guy makes, but I do watch his news every morning to see what the space weather and global weather is doing. @1:34

edit: this is one of his special longer vids, most are around 3-4 mins
This is an older vid from late 2012, but he does touch on Haarp a little bit. I don't completely agree with every point this guy makes, but I do watch his news every morning to see what the space weather and global weather is doing. @1:34

edit: this is one of his special longer vids, most are around 3-4 mins

I go over the same space and weather info every morning straight from the various sources, in less time than it takes to watch one of those 3-4 minute vids. Suspiciousobservers is just one among many youtubers who don't know what they're talking about and just makes shit up, not much different from Michael "dutchsinse" Janitch or Rev Michelle Hopkins.
The only reason I'm posting this new Michael "dutchsinse" Janitch vid is to highlight this comment he made after someone asked "Why don't you talk?":

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dutchsinse 7 hours ago

because no one listens :(
/watch?v=aM cIuusN9x0
look at the views on my last video -- seriously.. no one listens to me anymore.. they all bought the hype HOOK LINE AND SINKER..
meanwhile.. the guy who called me a fraud, is putting out information saying HAARP is DECOMMISSIONED --- and now charging .99 cents for 30 minute videos..
and virtually everyone is patting him on the back saying "good job".
meanwhile they dissed me for having a freakin' donation option.
I give up !

He won't give up. This isn't the first time he's pouted and wailed trying to get sympathy from his followers after he's made a fool out of himself. Plus the donations he's been getting seem to have dried up to a mere trickle based on his latest "fundrazer".

Oh, and for the record, here's what WoodCreeper had to say about migration on the night covered in the above dutchsinse vid.

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Trans-Gulf migration into the Texas coast was followed by widespread nocturnal migration across most of the country last night. Notable exceptions were the areas under the control of high pressure such as New England and the Four Corners region of the Southwestern U.S. Migration was heaviest up the central U.S. from Oklahoma to southeastern Wisconsin, and east to the Ohio Valley and Appalachian Mountains.
I think he (Dutchsinse) was the unregistered guest who posted #127 asking if we thought that image of a North Dakota anomaly was birds. That particular image is Dutch's favorite - he loves to use it to compare it to the Navy's "HAARP image", it can been seen in several areas right now on his Facebook page and blog and just like the unregistered poster here, seems to think everyone who posts here thinks all radar anomalies are caused by birds or other biological returns. I noticed he made a couple of "LOL - birds" comments on one of his recent videos.

That image, as was discussed before, is nothing but the classic bullseye pattern that would go out whenever technicians would run certain constant power calibration routines and forget to disable comms lines to the outside world. I've actually been doing a lot of reading in my local NWS manuals and it seems it was such a big problem in the early 2000s that the FAA was hesitant to ingest NWS data at times for fear of a bullseye pattern being sent out and disrupting their own data displays.

That problem has since been resolved with major upgrades that automatically sever comms lines during maintenance procedures but other bullseye patterns might occur during equipment failures.

With all that said, it was and always will be a "HAARP ring" to some people.......
Michael has been told over and over again that different anomalies/artifacts/non-precip returns each have their own explanation. Here's a little exchange I had recently with dutchsinse on one of SuspiciousObservers vids of an outflow boundary on radar. Of course to them it's another "haarp ring".

External Quote:
timsolrey 3 days ago
Michael, you claim to have studied meteorology yet you fail to recognize a classic Outflow Boundary on radar?

dutchsinse 2 days ago
uh.. you're not going to claim its birds?! classic!
de jour response from the mediocre skeptic forum. You guys really marginalized yourselves after you claimed to have quote "Debunked Tesla"... thats when I knew your skepticism was ridiculous in nature.
A way of life for you, nevermind the facts! you've got an ego to maintain! i get it! have fun br0
Michael also seems to suffer from Psychological Projection.
But for them Tesla is a god figure, and they need him to give their 'technology' creditability. He also gives them a basis for a long ongoing conspiracy.
I go over the same space and weather info every morning straight from the various sources, in less time than it takes to watch one of those 3-4 minute vids. Suspiciousobservers is just one among many youtubers who don't know what they're talking about and just makes shit up, not much different from Michael "dutchsinse" Janitch or Rev Michelle Hopkins.

It is sometimes entertaining to read the coments, when Dutch is having one of his breakdowns.
My only question would be "I wonder who's payroll some of the seemingly intelligent disinfo agents here are on"?

My only question to you is: What exactly are you contributing to here, other than hypocritically accusing us of being "disinfo agents" when you are doing exactly that by claiming we are?

We aren't the ones spreading lies and "disinfo" around, and at least we have the nerve to stick around and justify what we say. Instead of not registering and cowering in the shadows of the internet. We are not 1984.
Michael has been told over and over again that different anomalies/artifacts/non-precip returns each have their own explanation. Here's a little exchange I had recently with dutchsinse on one of SuspiciousObservers vids of an outflow boundary on radar. Of course to them it's another "haarp ring".

External Quote:
timsolrey 3 days ago
Michael, you claim to have studied meteorology yet you fail to recognize a classic Outflow Boundary on radar?

dutchsinse 2 days ago
uh.. you're not going to claim its birds?! classic!
de jour response from the mediocre skeptic forum. You guys really marginalized yourselves after you claimed to have quote "Debunked Tesla"... thats when I knew your skepticism was ridiculous in nature.
A way of life for you, nevermind the facts! you've got an ego to maintain! i get it! have fun br0
Michael also seems to suffer from Psychological Projection.

I saw that discussion. I also saw the one where he is calling the NWS the "bad guys". I am considering responding to that one.....

I would say he is a classic case of "motivated reasoning" - drives people to develop elaborate rationalizations to justify holding onto beliefs that logic and evidence show to be wrong. Just tonight, he made a post on Facebook about an "invisible pulse"? Now, wouldn't logic suggest that if we (the NWS) could send out an invisible pulse of the type he thinks we are putting out, then why would we not do so all the time??

Invisible chemtrails, now invisible haarp pulses....ahhh...the continuing evolution of conspiracy theories......
Nerds are hot now so they went back and found a nerd to celebrate.

Tesla is a fascinating person, but he was just a man and it seems that he ended up with some mental issues. Isn't he the model for the 'mad scientist' right down to Doc Brown in the Back to the Future movies.
... Isn't he the model for the 'mad scientist' right down to Doc Brown in the Back to the Future movies.

Maybe for that particular style of mad scientist. It would be an interesting archetype to track down to its origin. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written before, then there's Faust. Suspicion of those who meddle with the secrets of the universe is old.
In many legends and fables it was the blacksmith that dabbled in things 'un worldly'. They were respected and yet feared at the same time.

He'd use it as some kind of confirmation of one of his forecasts, which he just made a couple videos of just today. I mean, after all, first we pulse the area with the WSR-88D working as a weapon, then we sit back and wait and watch with the WSR-88D now acting as an observation tool.

That image does remind me of something else he has been wrong about with many of his latest vids. With the dual polarization upgrades, the power available at the antenna is now split between both the vertical and horizontal channels. Output power as measured at the klystron is still ideally 700 KW (of course he continues to quote the max power out of 750 KW which we NEVER run them at to prolong life of the transmitter), but each output pulse is now split horizontally and vertically and power is now essentially cut in half. To compensate, engineers increased the sensitivity of the receiver path.

Oops, did I just say pulse?
Dutchsinse now implying yesterday's massive tornado in Moore, OK was a result of man made weather.

quote from his Facebook page:

"Moore, Oklahoma.. guess whats just south of town..

PLUS -- Guess what Moore is the direct epicenter of?

ALL the RADARS in the area literally surround Moore. But what are the chances that Moore would have its own Dome?"

...apparently not realizing that it's NOT a WSR-88D but a Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)

Oh, gee, I don't know Dutch, why would there be a high definition TDWR anywhere near the National Severe Storms Laboratory in the heart of tornado alley? Why would the National Weather Service in Norman want a terminal doppler to augment their own WSR-88D? Why would the FAA want a terminal doppler anywhere near a large airport subject to wind shear events?

He has a screenshot of the TDWR radar in Norman, OK and one of his subscribers makes the comment "knock it the f**k down."

I don't know what makes me more disgusted - his implications or the people that buy into his garbage. A tornado warning was issued by the Oklahoma City NWS office 16 minutes BEFORE the storm ever developed but I am sure he'll take credit for another confirmed "pulse forecast"......

Dutchsinse now implying yesterday's massive tornado in Moore, OK was a result of man made weather.

Well using that silly standard of logic small tornado's ought to be the result of man made weather too. But that's probably not occurred to him.
Just a reminder that Dutch said in the past:

External Quote:
and even IF noaa called for each general area (which they haven't).. im saying a 100% occurrence will hit each ring epicenter .. each town.. but let be frank.. noaa doesn't forecast for specific towns to be hit..
We've seen Dutch put out a lot of videos this spring with "rings" covering dozens of states in each video. 100% Dutch? Really?
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but let be frank.. noaa doesn't forecast for specific towns to be hit..
Michael Janitch = Liar

External Quote:
459 AM CDT MON MAY 20 2013

In post #90 of this thread I addressed a video of dutch's:

HAARP ring / Circle Sweep forecast (2am Aug 7, 2012) = Central South Texas

I explained to Dutch that he was seeing bats and why that was the case. I also provided links and search terms that would allow him to verify what I was telling him instead of expecting a stranger on the internet to accept my word on faith.

Months later he responded:

hey aren't you the person from that nut job forum called Metabunk?
you know.. the forum that said SCALAR SQUARES and HAARP rings are BIRDS AND INSECTS?!!!
yep.. thats you.. scrombrid.. "Bird Rings" and "Insect squares"
funny to also note that this "metabunk" forum also CLAIMS to have "debunked tesla"
Saying quote "tesla was just a good self promoter"...
You can't get any better than douching out on Tesla .. but I'll settle for birds .. thats funny stuff..
Insect squares!

He blocked me so I could not respond. In his attempt at ridicule he tips his hand. I would expect that he would want to avoid false positives in his search for HAARP or HAARP-like signals on NEXRAD imagery so that he could omit such from his predicitive model. Therefore he should be eager to learn what biological targets look like. Instead he issued a glib dismissal and basically insisted that the mere idea that birds, bugs, bats, etc... show up on weather radar is absurd and laughable. He did that without ever addressing specific points or the fact that aero-ecologists and meteorologists support my interpretation of the radar.

One would think that if he is really searching for truth and really thinks that HAARP and HAARP-like signals are predicitive of future weather events, that he would be building a scientific model and doing some hypothesis testing. In such a model he would need to learn what all the non-precipitation returns look like so he could avoid feeding those into the model as "HAARP" or "frequency pulses". He would then need to do something like pick areas and times to scan for "HAARP type" signals, plot all of the HAARP signals and forecast areas, and then accurately plot the weather. Then he should do a spatial analysis of whether the the weather happens nearer to NEXRADs, TDWR, etc.. that display rings/pulses than to weather radars that did not feature such signals during his sample period. Such an analysis would either help him refine his predictive capabilities or disprove his hypothesis so he can move on to another fruitfull investigation.

He has never done such an analysis. Instead we get "confirmations" where he claims a hit in Norman OK but ignores the dozens of other "rings" and "pulsed areas" that got nothing.

So Dutch, about the radar rings near Austin TX during the summar and fall. If it isn't bats, why to the concentric spreading rings occur exactly where there are known bat colonies? Why have biologists that study the bats claimed that it is bats on the radar if that is wrong? Why wouldn't bats show up on a radar? Why does this particular type of return occur right around sunset if it isn't bats emerging for their nightly foraging run?

Are you incapable of answering? Is that why you only responded with insults?
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In post #90 of this thread I addressed a video of dutch's:

HAARP ring / Circle Sweep forecast (2am Aug 7, 2012) = Central South Texas

I explained to Dutch that he was seeing bats and why that was the case. I also provided links and search terms that would allow him to verify what I was telling him instead of expecting a stranger on the internet to accept my word on faith.

Months later he responded:

He blocked me so I could not respond. In his attempt at ridicule he tips his hand. I would expect that he would want to avoid false positives in his search for HAARP or HAARP-like signals on NEXRAD imagery so that he could omit such from his predicitive model. Therefore he should be eager to learn what biological targets look like. Instead he issued a glib dismissal and basically insisted that the mere idea that birds, bugs, bats, etc... show up on weather radar is absurd and laughable. He did that without ever addressing specific points or the fact that aero-ecologists and meteorologists support my interpretation of the radar.

One would think that if he is really searching for truth and really thinks that HAARP and HAARP-like signals are predicitive of future weather events, that he would be building a scientific model and doing some hypothesis testing. In such a model he would need to learn what all the non-precipitation returns look like so he could avoid feeding those into the model as "HAARP" or "frequency pulses". He would then need to do something like pick areas and times to scan for "HAARP type" signals, plot all of the HAARP signals and forecast areas, and then accurately plot the weather. Then he should do a spatial analysis of whether the the weather happens nearer to NEXRADs, TDWR, etc.. that display rings/pulses than to weather radars that did not feature such signals during his sample period. Such an analysis would either help him refine his predictive capabilities or disprove his hypothesis so he can move on to another fruitfull investigation.

He has never done such an analysis. Instead we get "confirmations" where he claims a hit in Norman OK but ignores the dozens of other "rings" and "pulsed areas" that got nothing.

So Dutch, about the radar rings near Austin TX during the summar and fall. If it isn't bats, why to the concentric spreading rings occur exactly where there are known bat colonies? Why have biologists that study the bats claimed that it is bats on the radar if that is wrong? Why wouldn't bats show up on a radar? Why does this particular type of return occur right around sunset if it isn't bats emerging for their nightly foraging run?

Are you incapable of answering? Is that why you only responded with insults?

funny how he calls you a nutjob- if he only knew how much of an object of ridicule and jokes he is within the real weather forecasting community. I recall one day where we were laughingly talking about ordering one of his haarp ring hoodies for a guy that was moving on to another NWS office. But it's only that way because he is not open to discussion. People with an open mind and just want answers are not made the subject of jokes. People that do not listen to reasonable explanations and go around accusing the NWS of murder are.....
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I made an earlier post from bloomberg about the storms in Nebraska coming "predicted" by the Storm Prediction Center..


speaking of the Storm Prediction Center...

check out the flat out denials from the NWS .. saying they "don't know where the companies are spraying due to it being proprietary secret information..

THEN.. listen to the Storm Prediction Center director saying some BS about Project Stormfury in the 1970's and quote ..

"umm.. yeah... theres nothing like that going on now...."



The best of the best, though, is when the NWS director DENIES that RADAR can see cloud seeding/weathermod activities..

Nevermind we sent Julio to go to the Weahter Modification conference in Texas, where the RADAR professionals and one of the companies that MAKES the RADAR for OBSERVING THE CLOUD SEEDING ACTIVITY spoke..

Also they spoke about how they use WSR-88D NEXRAD RADAR to observe the cloud seeding activity...

FINALLY... the bogus BS straight up lie that the NWS director said.. saying that they "don't know where they're spraying"...

There is a form that MUST be filled out before any weather modification takes place in the USA -- here is that NOAA form that must be approved , listing area to be sprayed, along with what substance being sprayed:

I don't even have a comment for this. If there is an attack on a NWS office, I guarantee you it is going to be linked to Dutch's delusions.
For the folks who don't already know some of the basic facts...

First, what dutch claims Dr. Uccellini said...

External Quote:
check out the flat out denials from the NWS .. saying they "don't know where the companies are spraying due to it being proprietary secret information..
...and what Dr. Uccellini actually said:

"Well, here, let's put it this way, um, cloud seeding now is done more by private sector and they don't tell you when they're doin' it 'cause they consider it proprietary. So, um, we just, we do not factor in that type of activity into either our analysis or forecasts, we're just not even made aware of when it's happening. Uh's, and it's mostly now, uh, focused in the western, uh, the western part of the US for water resource purposes. But no, ah, it doesn't play a role in our forecast products."

Big difference, eh?

More spin from dutch...

External Quote:
FINALLY... the bogus BS straight up lie that the NWS director said.. saying that they "don't know where they're spraying"...

There is a form that MUST be filled out before any weather modification takes place in the USA -- here is that NOAA form that must be approved , listing area to be sprayed, along with what substance being sprayed:

First, I'm sure Uccellini said when, not where the first time because in the next sentence he clearly said "we're just not even made aware of when it's happening."

Either way, it doesn't really matter because the NWS has nothing to do with cloud seeding. Cloud seeding operators must follow the laws of the individual states they operate in as well as submit paperwork to NOAA, specifically the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer. Compliance with NOAA has nothing to do with the NWS which is just one of several organizations under the NOAA umbrella, which is itself a division of the US Department of Commerce.

External Quote:
NOAA Organizations

Line Offices

National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Ocean Service
National Weather Service
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Office of Program Planning and Integration
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, which is where paperwork submitted to the Administrator is processed.


External Quote:
§908.4 Initial report.
(a) Any person intending to engage in
any weather modification project or
activity in the United States shall pro-
vide a report of his intention, to be re-
ceived by the Administrator at least 10
days before the commencement of such
project or activity.
Basically, cloud seeding companies submit an annual report for each intended project and submit additional paperwork on the projects activities. It's all fairly routine for existing operations.

External Quote:
The best of the best, though, is when the NWS director DENIES that RADAR can see cloud seeding/weathermod activities..

Nevermind we sent Julio to go to the Weahter Modification conference in Texas, where the RADAR professionals and one of the companies that MAKES the RADAR for OBSERVING THE CLOUD SEEDING ACTIVITY spoke..

Also they spoke about how they use WSR-88D NEXRAD RADAR to observe the cloud seeding activity...
Uccellini is right, nexrad weather radar can not see cloud seeding activities as they're taking place. The main aspect of cloud seeding that WSR-88D radar is useful for is estimating rainfall totals. Other radar systems operating at different wavelengths are useful for other aspects of cloud seeding, such as identifying exactly where to direct aircraft for optimum effect. The NWS rainfall data is freely available to anyone for any type of analysis they choose so the data is not specifically for cloud seeding operations.

Here's some information about how radar is actually used to support cloud seeding operations.

External Quote:
Another option for the conduct of airborne cloud seeding operaions is the WSR-88D National Weather Service (NWS) S-band (10 cm wavelength) Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD). NEXRAD is a 10 cm radar that does not attenuate appreciably in heavy rain, and they are operated continuously unless they are down for maintenance. In addition, the NEXRAD radars have a clutter-removal algorithm that eliminates most of the ground clutter and false rainfall produced during periods of anomalous propagation.
This NEXRAD data has been available since April 2004 through Weather Decision Technologies (WDT). WDT receives instantaneous reflectivity data from the NWS radar sites located in the United States. NEXRAD data is run through TITAN as a graphic user interface. This data includes a better-quality radar estimated rainfall product making radar estimated rainfall a much superior product in rainfall accumulation estimation.
It's obvious that Michael "dutchsinse" Janitch purposefully twists and spins the facts beyond recognition, as opposed to just making honest mistakes.
He also hides information. To his bat video I posted the following title:

Analyzing NEXRAD doppler radar images to assess nightly
dispersal patterns and population trends in Brazilian free-tailed
bats (Tadarida brasiliensis)
Jason W. Horn1,* and Thomas H. Kunz*
Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215

And a portion of the abstract:

Synopsis Operators of early weather-surveillance radars often observed echoes on their displays that did not behave
like weather pattern, including expanding ring-like shapes they called angels. These echoes were caused by high-flying
insects, migrating birds, and large colonies of bats emerging from roosts to feed. Modern weather-surveillance radar
stations in the United States (NEXt-generation RADar or NEXRAD) provide detailed images that clearly show evening
bat emergences from large colonies. These images can be used to investigate the flight behavior of groups of bats and
population trends in large colonies of Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) in south-central Texas which are
clearly imaged by local NEXRAD radar stations. In this study, we used radar reflectivity data from the New Braunfels,

His response was to disappear all such information, call me a nutjob, and then block me from responding.
He also hides information. To his bat video I posted the following title:

Analyzing NEXRAD doppler radar images to assess nightly
dispersal patterns and population trends in Brazilian free-tailed
bats (Tadarida brasiliensis)
Jason W. Horn1,* and Thomas H. Kunz*
Center for Ecology and Conservation Biology, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215

And a portion of the abstract:

Synopsis Operators of early weather-surveillance radars often observed echoes on their displays that did not behave
like weather pattern, including expanding ring-like shapes they called angels. These echoes were caused by high-flying
insects, migrating birds, and large colonies of bats emerging from roosts to feed. Modern weather-surveillance radar
stations in the United States (NEXt-generation RADar or NEXRAD) provide detailed images that clearly show evening
bat emergences from large colonies. These images can be used to investigate the flight behavior of groups of bats and
population trends in large colonies of Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) in south-central Texas which are
clearly imaged by local NEXRAD radar stations. In this study, we used radar reflectivity data from the New Braunfels,

His response was to disappear all such information, call me a nutjob, and then block me from responding.
"His response was to disappear all such information, call me a nutjob, and then block me from responding."

But seeing a perfectly formed square on a radar mosaic and calling it scalar activity and man made tinkering with the weather is perfectly reasonable thinking.......
He's also been told about the difference in sensitivity between clear air and precipitation modes, yet still ignores anything that contradicts his bullshit. As has been explained numerous times, if a radar unit switches from precip mode to clear air mode and back to precip mode, the clear air mode returns will be stronger/brighter on that particular volume scan. The result is a sudden, brief increase of intensity on a radar loop.

5/27/2013 -- Evansville, Indiana -- Large RADAR pulse / "HAARP ring" event

External Quote:
Not a typical lower intensity RADAR pulse / "HAARP ring" -- this is a much larger very bright flash RADAR pulse .

Coming out of Evansville, Indiana -- afternoon of May 27, 2013.
Starting at 5:00 in the vid, he selects a split screen view of the KVWX radar station in Evansville. In the bottom right corner of the display on the right, the Volume Coverage Pattern is displayed between brackets like this - [VCP 12]

The VCP switches from 21 (precip) to 32 (clear-air) to 12 (precip), thus the "flash" from the VCP 32 clear air mode volume scan.

External Quote:
Clear Air mode is used when there is no rain within the range of the radar. In this mode, the radar is in its most sensitive operation state. This mode has the slowest antenna rotation rate which permits the radar to sample a given volume of the atmosphere longer. This increased sampling increases the radar's sensitivity and ability to detect smaller objects in the atmosphere than in precipitation mode.
No HAARP ring confirmations from him today in spite of numerous severe weather outbreaks over the past 24 hours. He must not have been able to find anything resembling one of his squares or rings the past couple nights. I also noticed too people are actually turning to him for severe weather information. And often times he is not being factual, issuing "warnings" where none of have been issued by the NWS.
I've gotten so beyond annoyed with Dutch I can hardly speak. I have been suggesting that people google "NEXRAD hoax", click through all the links and think about how the same story Dutch is telling now was told and debunked 10 years ago. His response? He asked how the stories can be that old because they didn't start until 2008 and implying I would not research "HAARP ring confirmation". The first is just laughable. The second? It produced a lot of hits.....all of which led directly back to him. Imagine the mindset that thinks his own "work" is confirmation of his theories. Ah, the wonder of an education grounded in YouTube.
Hiya Stars. These guys would have been in circuses in a previous era.

The calculated power transmitted by the HAARP antenna may be determined through a mathematical expression in a scalar form to compensate for the Earth's curvature, thus:


There is no other connection I know of in reality that the world "scalar" has meaning. It isn't a secret technique. It is merely old mathematics. 150 years old.
No HAARP ring confirmations from him today in spite of numerous severe weather outbreaks over the past 24 hours. He must not have been able to find anything resembling one of his squares or rings the past couple nights. I also noticed too people are actually turning to him for severe weather information. And often times he is not being factual, issuing "warnings" where none of have been issued by the NWS.

Oops, I was premature...right on schedule.....