Debunked: claims silver iodide causes chemtrails/global warming!

I'm surprised there is still a debate after China and the Olympics. China very clearly stated that they were going to manipulate the weather in order to stop it from raining on the Olympics, which they did by cloud seeding and cutting the clouds before reaching Bejing. Now they have plans to cloud seed in hopes of clearing smog. The United States cloud seeds regularly especially over Northern California and Colorado. As a farmer with a new toy of a GPS driven tractor I am able to watch the skies a lot more, I'm able to watch planes fly by and leave jet streams that are supposed to dissipate. I'm able to watch those jet streams expand and turn into clouds that join the weather system and go to the east over the mountains, here we have a drought, East they're getting snow dumped on them. "Climate Change"

Nobody has ever denied cloud seeding exists. So what's your point?
I'm able to watch planes fly by and leave jet streams that are supposed to dissipate. I'm able to watch those jet streams expand and turn into clouds

"supposed to dissipate"? Who says? Can you reference any science that says contrails are always "supposed to dissipate".

The scientific and historical record suggest otherwise:
Cloud seeding upwind of Bejing would cause the precipitable water to rain out before it could rain on the olympics. Rainfall also tends to pick up stray pollutants and clean the air. Neither of these are in dispute and are known uses of silver iodide cloud seeding.

Neither of these have anything to do with the contrails (not jet streams, which are bands of high speed upper atmospheric winds). The cirrus clouds contrails turn into do not precipitate. No rain falls from them to ground level. California's drought has everything to do with changes in atmospheric circulation due to climate change and nothing to do with cloud seeding.

I'd go back and read the thread over if I were you; these points have been addressed already.
Who says "jet streams" are suppoed to dissipate?? Contrails will hang around as long as atmospheric conditions allow them - just like clouds hang around as long as atmospheric conditions allow!!

And yes China used cloud seeding - it is not news, not secret, not done from airliners at 30,000 feet, and doesn't look anything like why would you think that was something to do with the "debate"?? o_O
I'm surprised there is still a debate after China and the Olympics. China very clearly stated that they were going to manipulate the weather in order to stop it from raining on the Olympics, which they did by cloud seeding and cutting the clouds before reaching Bejing. Now they have plans to cloud seed in hopes of clearing smog. The United States cloud seeds regularly especially over Northern California and Colorado. As a farmer with a new toy of a GPS driven tractor I am able to watch the skies a lot more, I'm able to watch planes fly by and leave jet streams that are supposed to dissipate. I'm able to watch those jet streams expand and turn into clouds that join the weather system and go to the east over the mountains, here we have a drought, East they're getting snow dumped on them. "Climate Change"

How do you reconcile your claims of "cloud seeding" with "jet streams" that "expand and turn into clouds"? Cloud seeding does not mean creating clouds. It means making clouds drop their moisture as rain, therefore tending to disperse the clouds. I have never seen jet trails produce rain clouds. You seem to be confusing two very different things.