Please forgive me in advance for how long this post is. Dave has asked me to point out any errors in his movie. There are statements there that are uncontroversial, and other statements that are more for dramatic effect, so I'll clip out and highlight the points that I'm disputing.
The transcript can be seen here. In spite of Dave's claim that "every sentence is supported by a science paper or a government doc.", one soon sees that the citations are very sparse, especially for his more extraordinary claims.
Contrails provide some of the necessary cloud nuclei in the form of ice particles and other aerosolized particulates.
But the many chemical aerosols in this highly toxic exhaust still do not provide a sufficient explanation for the massive plumes they create which persist and continue to gather mass and form clouds.
There is no citation or support offered for this claim, that jet exhaust is not sufficient to cause the persistent contrails that are observed. There is also ample documentation to falsify this claim; persistent contrails have been observed since the WWII era, and the phenomenon has been studied from the 1950s to the present day (e.g.
Appleman (1953),
Hansen and Hansen (1995) and
Schraeder (1997)). (In emails, Dave has dismissed such articles as "old news" and said that everything is different now. This is puzzling; has atmospheric physics changed somehow so that persistent contrails are no longer possible without the addition of silver iodide? Why is it that even papers published
this year about contrail formation (such as
Irvine et al. 2012) also don't say this?)
So what is this mysterious chemical that causes drastic climate change by covering the Earth with artificial clouds? It's called silver iodide, which is a combination of silver nitrate and potassium iodide. And you're about to see why this chemical is responsible for the huge, icy clouds that are routinely created by jets.
This last claim is the main one that's in dispute. Again, no citation for it. He then goes into a history of cloud seeding, which is mostly accurate as far as I know, until we get to here:
That is, artificial clouds made by jets are most often the result of attempting to make rain, and to increase the mountain snowpack that keeps rivers flowing in the summer.
While still referred to almost euphemistically as "cloud seeding," the technologies and capabilities of the weather modification industry have evolved over its 70-year history.
Today, we don't just sprinkle chemicals onto clouds. We MAKE clouds.
Again, we have the claim that contrails are usually the result of cloud seeding, and that cloud seeding makes clouds. Again, no citation or support offered, just a bald claim.
He then goes into the fact that cloud-seeding is paid for in some areas by a surcharge on utility bills, and gives some motivation for governments to wish to control weather. Those are not particularly controversial, no one says that cloud seeding doesn't exist. But he appears to think that it is going on at an absolutely massive scale, to the extent that the air all over the place is filled with silver iodide – wherever you see contrails, he thinks, cloud seeding has been going on.
It would be nice to get some records of how many cloud seeding flights actually take place. I strongly suspect it is nowhere close to what Dave imagines.
But the growing fleet of cloud-seeding aircraft continued to deploy more and more flights spraying this extremely hygroscopic material across the sky.
Now we can clearly see the two powerful forces at work creating artificial clouds: The spraying of millions of tons of silver iodide into the atmosphere by small aircraft, and the
cloud-making effect of large jets passing through air that's thick with cloud-inducing silver mist. vs
Small cloud-seeding aircraft such as Bombardier jets and high-altitude propeller planes deliver their payloads using silver iodide flares that are ignited by remote control. The flares are typically fixed to the wings of the aircraft, and release the silver and salt mixture high into the stratosphere so it slowly drifts down into the moist air down below.
46, 61, 103
He does give citations there (Wikipedia, and two different cloud seeding companies), but as far as I can find, none of them say that the seeding is done high into the stratosphere, into open air where there are no clouds.
When the pilots can see ice forming on the wings, they know liquid water is present in the air and there is the potential to create storm clouds.
Again, bald unsupported claim that they create clouds – storm clouds, in this case. They do cause existing clouds to produce rain or snow, so this could be just a wording issue.
So: how many sorties do cloud seeding aircraft fly in order to make it rain or snow? The answer is, "as many as possible." The more aerosols, the more chance of condensation that makes thick rain clouds. Commercial air traffic helps to facilitate rain by plowing through the field of silver mist, emitting the super-heated steam that freezes into expanding clouds.
Again, no citation. I suspect that this "as many as possible" quote came from one of his conversations with cloud seeding company staff. I suspect that they meant as many as possible into a targeted cloud system, but Dave seems to think they mean as many as possible, all the time, everywhere.
Shade from the artificial clouds also drops the temperature below, decreasing the pressure and creating a low channel that flows like a river, drawing in the moist air. This can allow some ocean storms to make landfall that might otherwise be repelled by higher onshore pressures.
No citation offered there, either.
Eventually, say the weather modification experts, the silver iodide disperses over such a wide area that they presumably have no noticeable effects.
46, 61, 103
But we have now flown millions of silver iodide sorties in these ongoing aerosol operations and, unfortunately, our deliberate and inadvertent modification of the atmosphere can also inhibit natural rain cloud formation in more than one way... and that turns out to be a big problem.
Millions of these sorties? Where does he get that? No citation.
There is a limit to how much water can be extracted from the sky by enhancing and creating rain clouds.
With no rules about who owns the sky rivers, when California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado use cloud seeding to extract all the moisture from the air...
what happens to Texas? In 2011 alone, the state of Texas lost approximately 500 million bees and ten percent of its forests due to drought.
Now he is blaming the historic drought in Texas on cloud seeding? There is no evidence to support this remarkable claim.
Citation 77 there talks about changes in rainfall patterns being driven by changes in ocean salinity – as a result of global warming, not silver iodide.
(Quote from the Texas Weather Modification Program Manager)
In 2012, we confirmed that the most arid parts of the Earth, where ocean surface salinity is highest, are getting even drier. Scientists also confirmed in 2012 that ocean salt levels in many areas have increased far more than expected. This is significant because most evaporation on the planet comes from the ocean, and the greater surface salinity, the less efficiently water evaporates into the atmosphere.
I think he got his citations mixed up there, because 77 would have related to this statement better than
78, which is a paper about how urban and industrial pollution can suppress rainfall while cloud seeding can enhance it, using the example of experiments in northern Israel which show that these two inputs can cancel each out to some degree.
Since cloud seeding uses salt-based chemicals, the very technique we use to make rain might also help to prevent rain.
Wait, is he claiming that enough cloud seeding is done to
change the salinity of the ocean?
Next we get to an overlay of Dave's primary thesis, which is that this supposedly massive and pervasive cloud seeding is necessary and responsible for the formation of persistent contrails. Notice that there are absolutely no citations given for ANY of this. The idea that persistent contrails are related to silver iodide spraying appears to come directly from Dave's imagination.
With a telescope, from the ground you can sometimes see the flares burning on the wings of cloud-seeding aircraft. Since these aircraft are at cruising altitude and have relatively small engines, they make only a small contrail wake behind them that quickly disappears behind the plane.
Now, enter the second force: the huge jets which carry billions of passengers each year fly directly through the silver mist.
Unlike the small cloud-seeding aircraft that precede them, these jets have huge engines that are many times powerful, delivering a over quarter of a million pounds of thrust and creating enormous amounts of frozen steam as they climb to cruising altitude.
The vaporized water in the jet fuel instantly freezes around the silver iodide molecules, creating the huge plume of ice dust behind the plane. The more jets travel down the same flight path, the more aerosols and water vapor build up.
Exhaust moisture immediately becomes ice crystals bonding around the particles in the wake of the aircraft.
At 25-40,000 feet, artificial clouds spawned by these aircraft don't appear to move like rain clouds... they seem to be stuck in the sky.
But using stop-motion photography, we can see hours of cloud movement in just a few seconds. Now we can see what happens when the big jets fly through the silver mist laid down by flight after flight of the cloud seeding aircraft.
As the tracks continue, they merge and lose their contrail shape, and even begin resembling natural clouds.
If you haven't noticed this before, it's just because you're not paying attention.
It's not really your job to watch the sky. Most people don't, and few people are aware that in some parts of the world, including the western United states, artificially-created clouds are more common than naturally-formed clouds.
If we could see artificial clouds from jets move this way in real time, we might recognize them for the toxic swirls of gases and particulates that they are.
We might notice the profound affect jet clouds have on the weather we experience down here when they move in front of the sun, creating shade.
We might also wonder what the health effects of these toxic clouds, and whether they might be related to the increasing lung cancer rates we are seeing.
We might wonder, too, about the affects on smaller creatures: the bees, the birds, and the butterflies.
Weather modification companies, who obtain more and larger contracts every year, say that silver iodide cloud seeding is harmless. After all, silver iodide is inert, and spraying it in the air is like peeing in the ocean. It has no known adverse effect on the environment.
However, this analogy is not accurate. Thousands of weather modification aircraft spraying TONS of cloud-making chemicals into the air around the world is not so much like a person peeing in the ocean. It's a lot more like hundreds of people peeing in the swimming pool.
Earth's atmosphere is a relatively very thin halo of gases that surround the planet, held in place by gravity, and silver iodide has been building up in our soil and water for over 70 years.
Again, no citation. Where is the evidence that silver iodide has been building up? All of the studies I can find have found no measurable increase in silver in the environment, in areas with cloud seeding programs. See for example
Tsiouris et al. (2002).
(Snipping the non-controversial statements about the effect of clouds on climate being a topic of legitimate scientific interest, that using weather modification for warfare is banned, and that cloud seeding for other purposes is legal.)
But silver iodide is an inorganic, non-soluble hazardous chemical that has been shown to be highly toxic to fish, livestock and humans. Numerous medical articles demonstrate that humans absorb silver iodide through the skin, lungs, nose, and GI tract. Even mild toxicity can cause serious health problems.
This is interesting, because
citation 80 actually goes into some detail in explaining how cloud seeding with silver iodide is harmless to health and the environment.
"Environmental impact studies related to silver iodide usage in cloud seeding were conducted starting in the 1960s and continue to be conducted today; all findings to date indicate no adverse environmental and human health impacts (ASCE 2004, 2006; WMA 2005; WMO 2007)." That cited article is actually a good reference to debunk Dave's claims that cloud seeding is building up in the environment, and that it is having adverse effects on health and the environment.
(Snipping out the non-controversial parts where Dave gives reasons for why governments are interested in increasing rainfall, and concerns about the effects of climate change on water supply.)
Dave seems to be saying here that cloud seeding is a major cause, if not the main cause of global warming. No evidence is offered to support this.
I think the rest can be snipped out, because it just reiterates the same claims in an exhortational manner, and no new evidence is offered.
An interesting point is that while Dave offers
112 numbered citations, as far as I can tell only 23 of them are actually cited in the text of the transcript (plus two from his "additional reference sites").
Dave offers this at the end:
Primary concepts to understand:
- Silver iodide is dispersed as aerosolized cloud seeding nuclei in the stratosphere at about 25,000 to 40,000 feet, right above commercial air traffic. (Silver iodide is released using ignited flares which also contain salt and incendiary materials, including aluminum, strontium, magnesium and other chemicals.) This is done worldwide in over 50 countries to enhance precipitation due to growing water needs. You can read an excellent history of cloud seeding on Wikipedia, and read about precipitation enhancement in this PDF from the California Water Plan.
Again, none of those sources support the claim that silver iodide is released above commercial air traffic. I also don't know if it's true that cloud seeding flares contain those other trace metals.
- Globally distributed weather modification practices to increase rainfall makes clouds. Clouds affect the climate by preventing the heat from escaping at night, and by cooling with shade in the daytime. Read The Importance of Understanding Clouds to learn more about cloud formation and how NASA is studying cloud-aerosol interaction.
But again, nothing in that link or any of his other sources supports the central claim that cloud seeding "makes clouds" in otherwise clear skies.
- Super-heated water vapor destroys the Earth's protective ozone layer, and humans have injected hundreds of billions of gallons of water into the stratosphere (in the form of trillions of gallons of water vapor) through jet aircraft exhaust.
The first link there is about the "injection" of moisture into the stratosphere, not by airplanes but by increasing convection currents resulting from global warming. However, it's true that the effects of aircraft exhaust in the stratosphere are of scientific interest and concern, especially as they relate to climate change. There are components of aircraft exhaust that both increase and decrease ozone.
According to Wikipedia:
External Quote:
At the high altitudes flown by large jet airliners around the
tropopause, emissions of NO
x are particularly effective in forming
ozone (O
3) in the upper
troposphere. High altitude (8-13km) NO
x emissions result in greater concentrations of O
3 than surface NO
x emissions, and these in turn have a greater global warming effect. The effect of O
3 concentrations are regional and local (as opposed to CO
2 emissions, which are global).
x emissions also reduce ambient levels of
methane, another greenhouse gas, resulting in a climate cooling effect. But this effect does not offset the O
3 forming effect of NO
x emissions. It is now believed that aircraft
sulfur and water emissions in the
stratosphere tend to deplete O
3, partially offsetting the NO
x-induced O
3 increases. These effects have not been quantified.
[11] This problem does not apply to aircraft that fly lower in the troposphere, such as light aircraft or many commuter aircraft.