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Find some very recent ice core data for Seriouslydebatable to look at, ride that jackass on over to the library and do something productive for a change.![]()
I find this to be highly offensive.
Find some very recent ice core data for Seriouslydebatable to look at, ride that jackass on over to the library and do something productive for a change.![]()
trekkie or trekker does not have a negative connotation, that is why people who like star trek call themselves that. No chemtrail believer I have seen calls themselves a chemmie. Either way the tone in the comments is pretty negative, whether or not a label was used. Getting upset is a sign of a closed mind, and people label other people when they get upset. I hope he can overcome his weakness about his ego by not feeling the need to call people chemmies OR jackasses anymore.
I think the conclusions from your analysis is incorrect . . .
The claim is that chemicals or metals are being sprayed by planes into the atmosphere. The point of the quote by Einstein is that NOBODY can observe EVERYTHING. There is always information that you do not have when you make your decision, you just have not observed it. I did not intend to offend you. P.S. I noticed you label people "chemmies" who adhere to the chemtrail theory. That is kind of offensive, don't you think?
Sometimes Jekyll comes out. I'll try harder to individualize my scorn and not box unworthy folk into a group they may not fit.Still, if someone is offended by something, then it is by definition offensive, even if no offense was intended, so best to avoid if possible. Otherwise time gets wasted.
This is my problem. I do not like to be labeled, or grouped into a category. I am an individual, who is skeptic just like you. Furthermore I am not on either side of the debate, and I have no dog in the fight. I have seen no absolute proof for chemtrails, nor any absolute proof of their absence. I prefer you describe people who question things, as skeptics. Either contrail skeptics, or chemtrail skeptics.. or you could say they are chemtrail theorists... I think that should give you a better idea of what I am talking about.Your people
I refuse to call chemtrails a theory. Based on fifteen years of experience examining the claims and its promoters, I find that calling it anything other than a hoax to be seriously debateable, if that gives you a better idea of what I am talking about.Th or you could say they are chemtrail theorists... I think that should give you a better idea of what I am talking about.
I'm afraid you are going to have to ask a specific question here. I'm guessing you want some kind of data on the Mauna Loa observations. But I don't like to guess. So what EXACTLY do you want to know?
See Jay's expansion on the Mauna Loa topic here:
Ok we have vast amounts of tests... from the Mauna Loa observations. Still that is only one source and that means it is not independently verified. Now that's 1 for 1 on the scale. Can you add weight to your side and give the input data and the collection method they used when performing those vast amounts of tests? Otherwise these tests are not indisputable.
I refuse to call chemtrails a theory. Based on fifteen years of experience examining the claims and its promoters, I find that calling it anything other than a hoax to be seriously debateable, if that gives you a better idea of what I am talking about.
Much like data in collecting rainwater is given, they list the container material used to collect the rain, the dates the rain was collected, the location, etc. so that people can either repeat the test and see if they get the same results, or be able to identify a source of contamination or other flaws with the test.
I am not sure how aerosol is measured or collected so I cannot specify the information that I want, what I am wondering is if the data used for the tests is publicly available, and if anyone has checked the results to make sure they are accurate. If the test is inaccurate, then there is no reason to debate its conclusions.
Both the solar and thermal infrared transmission of the atmosphere play important roles in Earth's energy balance. For example, the anticipated long-term worldwide decrease in infrared atmospheric transmission, due to increasing greenhouse gas abundance, gives rise to the issues and concerns of global warming. Similarly, long-term increases in the solar transmission would contribute to warming, while a decrease would have the opposite effect. While considerable attention and effort has gone into observations necessary to track and understand the long-term global background of the atmospheric infrared transmission, relatively few similar records of the solar transmission exist.
One of the longest, continuous observational records of solar transmission through the free troposphere and above is maintained by NOAA at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii (Dutton and Bodhaine 2001). This consists of qualified daily and monthly averages of clear-sky morning "apparent" solar transmission obtained from pyrheliometer observations by the methodology first described by Ellis and Pueschel (1971). The "apparent" is an optical term applied to the solar transmission values used here because they are determined from ratios of direct beam solar irradiances observed at different solar zenith angles (atmospheric paths) such that the computed transmission is relative to the irradiance already transmitted along the shorter path. The irradiance is measured with a calibrated pyrheliometer. The linear calibration factor cancels out in the apparent transmission ratio, yielding a more accurate and stable result.
This measure of solar transmission is particularly sensitive to aerosols. The computational procedure diminishes the effect of water vapor, which is the other major contributor to variable clear-sky solar transmission, due to saturation effects. There is also a minor ozone contribution, although this is not significant on the scale of the variations seen. Spectral aerosol optical depth is also observed (sun photometer) at the site and confirms the primary aerosol role in current observed solar transmission variability. Although only a single site, Mauna Loa can be considered representative of a much larger portion of the Earth because of its remote central Pacific location and high elevation, above most local effects, especially in the early morning during downslope-wind conditions when daily transmission measurements are made.
P.S. if it is debatable, seriously or otherwise, it is still on the table, meaning it has not been decided. Refusing to call it anything other than a hoax means you have made a decision. You just made a contradictory statement. I don't usually get to point those out. Sorry!![]()
I would say the best evidence for chemtrails is that they have admitted to spraying them before (experimental tests, military exercises) but they deny it happening on a regular basis.
I think "hoax" is the right word. I think Will Thomas knows he was mistaken and deliberate when he started spreading this nonsense. He was looking to become more famous so he used the gullibility and ignorance of the average conspiracy theorist to spread the word....and further his career.
Just because the hoax is started by someone who knows the information to be wrong...doesn't mean it isn't then spread by others who have no with all hoaxes.
The real question is; how can we test for evidence for any of those long white high-altitude trails being something other than contrails. There is no evidence because we have no way to test it... BUT we can see if anything similar has been done in the past... like deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities and since it has been done, that means chemtrails are plausible and not off the table. I have seen reports where there are a ton of trails for weeks, then no trails for weeks... extensive tests for years would need to be done it would seem to get to the bottom of this.The real question is: what is the best evidence for any those long white high-altitude trails being something other than contrails.
If you have no evidence that those long white high-altitude trails are something other than contrails, why do you cling to the belief that something sinister is going on? Is is YouTube? Chemtrail propaganda sites?how can we test for evidence for any of those long white high-altitude trails being something other than contrails.
Thomas began by being hoaxed. His first claim was that ethylene dibromide was being sprayed. He got that from the email by Richard Finke. He claimed to have the lab report, but never showed it. He then claimed to have "photos of air tankers spraying out of their tail booms deluging my office", but he never showed them, either. I offered to pay for copies of both, he would no sell them. He had a good opportunity to show all of this at the conference, but he didn't. I conclude that he was hoaxed, but later started to fabricate stuff, so he is dishonest. Maybe he can redeem himself, but to do so, he has to come clean about all of this and much more.I spoke with Thomas a few weeks ago. My impression was that he did not know he was mistaken. I explained some of his mistakes, and he actually seemed quite open to my input. He seems to pretty much be basing his belief on some supposed whistle-blower testimony from 12 years ago. I think it's quite possible that he himself was hoaxed.
What justification would you give for spending money on testing trails?
Good question. I think no justification is needed in the private sector, as an individual can do what they please with their own money. But if you want to go that route, there are tons of things that I do not want tax dollars spent on. Perhaps it would be best if they just allowed people to keep their money eh?
JayReynolds said:Today, November 20, 2000, I predict that no airliner cabin HEPA air filter, either used or new, will ever be examined by 'sorethroat'. Further, that no actual material or biological analysis of a used HEPA airplane cabin filter will ever be presented at any time by any chemtrail proponent whatsoever.
I am not just talking about the plausibility of the capability to spray, but the plausibility of doing it in secret.No one denies that they are "plausible".
What do you conclude from your comment " I have seen reports where there are a ton of trails for weeks, then no trails for weeks..."
I'll bet I conclude something completely different...and completely benign.
And tests (sampling) are done on our environment all the time...from hundreds of schools and hobbiests. NOTHING unusual has been found....ever.
What has been reported as "evidence" from chemtrail advocates has consistently been nothing more than misunderstanding and ignorance on the part of the advocate.
So far...there is literally NOTHING to support the claims of a widespread program to manipulate the weather/harm the population/hide planets/whatever...
If you have no evidence that those long white high-altitude trails are something other than contrails, why do you cling to the belief that something sinister is going on? Is is YouTube? Chemtrail propaganda sites?
What made you delving into the subject in the beginning? Just observation? Honestly?
I have an open mind, nothing more. I remain open on the issue of a mass global engineering program.SD, I think that you were propagandized to some extent by the claims of chemtrails believers. You have come a ways away from that, probably by hooking up here. You can't deny that much of what they tried to convince you about their claims has been debunked,
and when I asked you for specifics you dodged. That tells me you have seen enough here to have doubts.
Some recent ice core samples or varve core samples would be nice. Testing for the 3 "alleged" chemicals that they are spraying on us. Of course I don't think we will get those any time soon as an accurate result would require many varve cores from many parts of the world and testing would be expensive.If there are further claims which you would like us to examine for you, just ask.
You links above, the first one is about "Unethical Human Experiments", which just show that people have done unethical human experiments in the past. There's nothing in it about long white high altitude trails.
The second one is about chaff, which is visually invisible, so again it's not long white high altitude trails.
What evidence is there that the long white high altitude trails people keep pointing to are anything other than contrails?
I was thinking about a situation nearly 12 years ago and reviewed it. The chemtrails believer 'Sore Throat" recognized that airplane cabin air filters would collect anything toxic in the outside airstream, and spoke of obtaining one. Here was my prediction:
12 years later, same guy, still hanging around thinking about how he 'coulda been a contenda':
Sad to see................hope his throat hasn't been sore for 12 years!
I have none, nor have I ever claimed to have had any. I do have additional unanswered questions however that I will address as they come to mind. Again I will give the other side of the argument here. What evidence is there that the long white high altitude trails people keep pointing to are ALL contrails?
You links above, the first one is about "Unethical Human Experiments", which just show that people have done unethical human experiments in the past.
Even if the observation of the spraying is not visible, and people have mistaken contrails for the spray itself, there is still plenty of evidence for spraying. Let's not use semantics to "cloud" the real issue here. Chemtrails may very well be invisible.
A more accurately interpretation would be that it shows that people have BEEN CAUGHT doing unethical human experiments in the past.
A) They all look and act exactly as you would expect contrails to look and act
B) There is no evidence that they are anything else.
It's the same thing as robot cats. I've got no evidence that the cats round here are not robots, even though they do act a bit odd sometimes. But they still look and act exactly like you would expect cats to look and act, and there's not evidence that they are not cats.
You can't PROVE everything is what it appears to be, but if there's zero evidence that it is not, then why would anyone believe otherwise? Why don't they go around thinking maybe cats are robots?