I have some experience in fuels, tribology, and refining, having worked as an engineer at a major refiner of jet fuel which handled sour crudes. Thelion's share of sulfur is removed from the crude feedstock early on. While the sulfur is a saleable by-product, the sour crudes are used by refineries because of economics. They are cheaper, and allow the refinery a chance to offer their refined products at a competitive price.
As stated before, the sulfur must be removed to avoid catalyst fouling, because when the catalyst is spent it must be replaced and that means a lengthy shutdown costing many millions. Again, economics.
EPA sets sulfur content regulations for fuels. They saw that it was quite easy to regulate US national fuel sulfur content, as they had jurisdiction. If you want to change those, just lobby for that, no need to start some conspiracy theory over it. Jet fuel, however, is put into aircraft worldwide which are not at all within the EPA's jurisdiction. Good luck getting the rest of the world to cooperate with US.
As far as sulfur in fuel goes, lots of it is bad. When it burns the result is acidic pollution and engine corrosion. However, sulfur in fuel does pereform an essenial function. It acts as a lubricant for the moving parts of a fuel system. This has been a big problem first as gasoline engines went to fuel injection, and then as diesel engines went to ultra low sulfur fuels. To some extent, it will affect jet fuel systems, but I believe to a lesser extent than surface engine systems.
The lubricity problems are currently somewhat alleviated by lubricity additives.
This whole sulfur in jet fuel farrago was gone through many years ago by a now-defunct chemtrails promoter names "Chem11". He spent years claiming about the same thing as these goons are doing here. He gave up when it became clear people were seeing ordinary jets making contrails in the troposphere not the stratosphere, and that his claims
about aerosols increasing turned out to be a clear sign that geoengineering wasn't taking place. His "Megasprayer News" board is now maintained by one sole acolyte who posts a few doomsday news articles a week, that is all.
But, the sulfur in chemtrails have now morphed 180 degrees! Now "organic" sulfur is available for you to eat like candy.
And it "Protects" you from chemtrails!
Yes, John Hammell,
one of the originators of the chemtrails hoax, fifteen years later is still selling quack cures for chemtrails, and this time its SULFUR!
I couldn't make this stuff up if I was Ian Fleming.