Almost amusing to watch people request that an organisation which they clearly do not support should provide them with evidence that they will refute if it does not concur with their own view anyway. I bet none of these people are or did make the same call for federal agencies who actually got paid to investigate this properly to carry out these tests.
Mick West and @
Alienentity --- Do you feel that it would have been right and proper for NIST to have these same tests carried out as part of their investigation? (ignoring the convenient changes to their charter that preceded said "investigation".
Sorry I didn't check this thread until today.
NIST isn't a political lobby group like AE911Truth. In a fire investigation of unknown origin, the source of the fire is investigated. In the case of the towers and WTC 7, the source of the fires were known.
There would be no approval to investigate for explosive residues in a house fire, accelerants maybe, because that would be a waste of resources. It's the same with the WTC investigations - the fire sources and accelerants were known, the task was to reconstruct the physics of the collapses to the best of their abilities.
I think early on RJ Lee did a study of the WTC dust, and no suspicious explosive chemicals were identified, and none have been since. The notion of nanothermite is probably something that wouldn't have entered anyone's mind - for good reason.
The nanothermite hypothesis is a very novel and imaginative idea - however clever it is, I don't think it's ever been used for controlled demolition in world history - the very idea that red/gray flakes (resembling some type of primer paint, frankly) would arouse suspicions at NIST is hard to imagine; let alone the idea that a thinly painted layer of something could do any damage.
So no, I wouldn't expect NIST to test for nanothermite, nor high explosives. There wasn't, and still isn't any really great reason to do so. The only reason I see at this point for doing further testing of the red/gray chips is to satisfy 9/11 Truthers who have become obsessed with the nanothermite hypothesis.
Since that testing won't be terribly expensive, it behooves AE911Truth to step up and provide the funding for such testing.
Dr Millette did his testing for a bargain rate because he wanted to present the study to forensic scientists; his tests showed that the chips are not thermitic. If AE911Truth isn't satisfied (Kevin Ryan is almost foaming at the mouth with ad homs for Millette) you'd think they'd be eager to prove him wrong! What gives?
I've yet to hear a 9/11 Truther answer that question without deflecting somewhere else... it's almost as if you don't really want to know the answer...