Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

Just to be clear here, noone ever will (come forward) because there is no such spraying operation. It does not exist.

yes agree thou I am in debate with those who think other wise and so need the politest kindest primmer to take apart the delusion as head on attack has predictable failed. So sheer weight of numbers against hiding the claim is an avenue to explore now.
I said, "so just how many planes are there in this plot" the answer was hundreds. So extrapolate we have 100 x 100 10,000 souls keeping quiet while doing evil to own familys,,,,, this should beg beyond any fools belief

bets on it will still fail but i gotz to know

Cloud Trains Over the Southern Appalachians (Wave Clouds)
February 11, 2014

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Cloud Trains Over the Southern Appalachians

This photograph, taken by Seth Adams, shows lines of clouds over the southern Appalachian Mountains. It was taken at cruising altitude (approximately 30,000 ft or 9,144 m) during a flight from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Atlanta, Georgia on January 14, 2014. Notice how the clouds are parallel with the ridges below them. Wind near the surface blowing up the western slopes forms waves in the atmosphere. At the crest of the wave, over the ridge tops, the air has cooled sufficiently to condense into clouds. As this air descends toward the wave trough, it becomes slightly warmer and drier, inhibiting condensation.

Read more about this image from EPOD at

See more ridges topped with clouds at
My real desire is not to determine how many people (knowledgeable operatives) advocates think it would require to pull off a Chemtrail program but to see if images (for example the ones found on this Thread) can influence people's belief in chemtrails (either for or against) . . Since people are reinforced continually by looking into the sky and further influenced by media to believe . . . can images also persuade doubt about the belief? And can a repeat of a previous poll with new images show that . . . or would a newly constructed poll be better ?

Old and New Poll comparisons

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Old Poll . . . 05/08/2011 07:58 PM
POLL: Do you believe in Chemtrails?

New Poll. . . 02/21/2014 01:49 PM
In 1976 Joni Mitchell Sang about jets leaving trails . . . were they Chemtrails? Do You believe in Chemtrails?



Yes, and they are all over the sky . . . 38.5% (1126)
Yes, and they are all over the sky . . . 42.9% (144)

No, I do not . . . 22.8% (668)
No, I do not . . . 19.3% (65)

Yes, the TPTB is trying to crowd control, and other agendas 17.8% (522)
Yes, the TPTB is trying to crowd control, and other agendas 18.5% (62)

Yes, they include cloud seeding, Chaff, insecticides, etc. 9.8% (288)
Yes, they include cloud seeding, Chaff, insecticides, etc. 11.6% (39)

Yes, but most are persistent trails from High Efficiency Jet Engines 5.6% (163)
Yes, but most are persistent trails from High Efficiency Jet Engines 3.0% (10)

Yes, but they are rare . . . experimental geo-engineering, etc. 5.4% (159)
Yes, but they are rare . . . experimental geo-engineering, etc. 4.8% (16)

Blank (View Results) (551)
Blank (View Results) (60)

Non-Blank Votes: 2926
Non-Blank Votes: 336
Doesn't seem like attitudes have changed and the new images did not seem to have any immediate impact . . .
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Great article and pictures, about the unusual sightings in the sky over LA as a result of rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base. I am just posting one of the many images for now, but please check out the slide show of all the images from that article... good stuff.

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It's not the apocalypse. It just looks like that.

Every few weeks, bright streaks and colorful, rolling waves appear in the California sky. They can startle those unfamiliar with their source, spurring speculation of aliens or apocalyptic visions.

But the secret behind the heavenly artwork is much more mundane: frozen fuel exhaust crystals -- the trails of rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base – combined with nature.
Old and New Poll comparisons

External Quote:

Old Poll . . . 05/08/2011 07:58 PM
POLL: Do you believe in Chemtrails?

New Poll. . . 02/21/2014 01:49 PM
In 1976 Joni Mitchell Sang about jets leaving trails . . . were they Chemtrails? Do You believe in Chemtrails?



Yes, and they are all over the sky . . . 38.5% (1126)
Yes, and they are all over the sky . . . 42.9% (144)

No, I do not . . . 22.8% (668)
No, I do not . . . 19.3% (65)

Yes, the TPTB is trying to crowd control, and other agendas 17.8% (522)
Yes, the TPTB is trying to crowd control, and other agendas 18.5% (62)

Yes, they include cloud seeding, Chaff, insecticides, etc. 9.8% (288)
Yes, they include cloud seeding, Chaff, insecticides, etc. 11.6% (39)

Yes, but most are persistent trails from High Efficiency Jet Engines 5.6% (163)
Yes, but most are persistent trails from High Efficiency Jet Engines 3.0% (10)

Yes, but they are rare . . . experimental geo-engineering, etc. 5.4% (159)
Yes, but they are rare . . . experimental geo-engineering, etc. 4.8% (16)

Blank (View Results) (551)
Blank (View Results) (60)

Non-Blank Votes: 2926
Non-Blank Votes: 336
Doesn't seem like attitudes have changed and the new images did not seem to have any immediate impact . . .
should I vote or would that mess up the poll? ;)

I think that first post in the thread is horrible! you show a crazy pic that looks suspicious and theres the poll. I don't think people are scrolling to see your 'debunks' BEFORE they take the poll.
should I vote or would that mess up the poll? ;)

I think that first post in the thread is horrible! you show a crazy pic that looks suspicious and theres the poll. I don't think people are scrolling to see your 'debunks' BEFORE they take the poll.
The first Poll was from 2010 or 2011 . . . while still active it is not been used for some time . . .the new poll is to see if any change in attitudes have occurred since the first poll . . . looks like nothing has really changed . . .
The first Poll was from 2010 or 2011 . . . while still active it is not been used for some time . . .the new poll is to see if any change in attitudes have occurred since the first poll . . . looks like nothing has really changed . . .
I'm actually surprised the numbers are so low. considering its a conspiracy site and normal people wouldn't be there. well, I may be there but I wouldn't be clicking 'chemtrail' threads.
I used that back in 2007 in my first post on contrails:
Not sure where to post this. An acquaintance of mine spends a great deal of time researching this subject. I have posted a few links from contrail science for his to consider. To no avail. Here is his latest. How could one respond to the notion that high-bypass turbines are incapable of producing contrails. Thanks for any help you may provide.
Not sure where to post this. An acquaintance of mine spends a great deal of time researching this subject. I have posted a few links from contrail science for his to consider. To no avail. Here is his latest. How could one respond to the notion that high-bypass turbines are incapable of producing contrails. Thanks for any help you may provide.

See here:

The key point though is that real science tells us that it's actually MORE likely:<0080:ACOECT>2.0.CO;2

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Schrader (1997) explained the use of the Schmidt–Appleman theory and presented a method for the calculation of critical temperature (using the contrail factor to represent the slope of the mixing line) that corrected a few minor errors in the work of Peters (1993). Schrader's (1997) algorithm also uses different contrail factors for high-bypass, nonbypass, and low-bypass engines to improve forecast accuracy. Although the contrail factor for an individual aircraft varies as flight parameters change, Schrader (1997) pointed out that one can use representative values for the contrail factor that account for the generic propulsion efficiencies of typical engine types when preparing contrail forecasts used for different types of aircraft at the same time. This procedure is currently followed by the AFWA, which produces separate contrail forecasts for high-bypass, nonbypass, and low-bypass engine types. Because propulsion efficiency is highest for high-bypass engines and lowest for nonbypass engines, high-bypass engines have the highest contrail factors, and nonbypass engines have the lowest contrail factors (Schrader 1997).
Hi, what I'm after is a picture or facts showing how many staff are required to operate maintain a passenger jet eg a group photo. Web search has failed me here.

My line of debunk is to show how many souls are required to say nothing to no one while allegedly operating filling & flying the tanks. My guess is about 100 heads per big plane. eg cleaners air frame pilots/crew fuelers avionics caterers painters mechanical etc etc the list goes on

Oh and if can pictures or facts of how many staff operate a main airport control tower who again would know and need to not tell as they assist the safe flight and tracking of said spraying.

Here is a great article:
I requested some old video from a 1989 research project called CSAE (Contrail Studies Airborne Exhaust) project, ran by NCAR/UCAR/EOL (Earth Observing Laboratory).
They sent me the video footage, and I edited it into a video.
Here's my YouTube description (partial):

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"In this 1989 research mission, a modified Falcon 20 plane purposefully flew into a (persistent ?) contrail of a Sabreliner jet.
Data was collected, and the results compared to the (already in place) Appleman curves used to predict contrail formatio

Here is the CSAE data portal....

I have not yet been able to retrieve the data from this mission, as it is in NetCDF format , that needs software and re-formatting to plain text.
I will link to the results when I have it figured out.

Credits go to all those involved with the CSAE project, NCAR, UCAR, EOL, and everybody else at the National Science Foundation for making this rare footage available."
Can anyone help me retrieve the data from the same site ? this page >>>
(They'll reply to the request on one day, but it's only available on a temporary FTP link for 72 hours)

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I have seen occasional pictures of these awesome sights attributed to some version of the chemtrail nonsense from time to time, this collage I found on the ScienceAlert Facebook page with the following explanation;

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'Fire rainbows' are a rare phenomenon that only occur when the Sun is higher than 58° above the horizon and its light passes through cirrus clouds made of ice crystals. At the right alignment, the ice crystals act as a prism, and refract the light to look like a rainbow.

Read more: via Livescience

Images: (L) Ken Rotberg (R) UC Santa Barbara Geography

Sadly on the LiveScience website where they also posted a picture and explanation of the sky display, a CT-er posted this comment;

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These rainbow looking clouds are not natural, They are formed when NASA or the military dumps chemicals into the atmosphere to block the sun to cool the earth (Geoengineering) for their fake cap and trade I mean TAX cap and trade global warming scam! Global warming is nothing more than science made climate change! The UN NATO and US are manipulating our climate as I write this post! The testing phase is over this is a full on campign IMHO is to control food, water, weather, population control through soft kill aproach depopulation AGENDA 21 THEY WILL ALSO SOON BE moving people to specific areas LIKE CATTLE here is the FOX NEWS link Now if the government was up front with their climate and weather modification programs us chemtrail activist would not be on here telling you all to look up! contrails and chemtrails are 2 different things! I just saw 4 jets cause a total white out, these skinny jet exhaust lines expanded hundreds of miles in a period of 25 min's Not possible without chemcials!! People need to wake up and LOOK UP pay attention to your surroundings You're air, skies, landscape, trees and food (gmo) are changing ..... All the trees are sick lately! This started around the same time as the 24/7 spraying campaign about 4 years ago also around the same time me my family and my animals were all getting sick! IF YOU HAVE BEEN FEELING TIRED ALL THE TIME, SEVERE FATIGUE this is why, if you have been getting sore throats and bad cough's that wont go away this is why, if you know people that are getting cancer this is why, pneumonia this is why! joint pains this is why! I had my water, rain and soil tested all of them were highly contaminated with aluminum, barium mercury and lead, my soil PH went up 2. 6.6 tp 8.4 in 3 years!! Barium which wears down your immune low vit D from them blocking the sun through geoengineering also wears down your immune, cancer up 400% upper respitroy infection up 600% DURING THE LAST 3 YEARS! THEY ARE ALSO spraying things like strontium, lead, mercury, silver dioxide among other things they use to manipulate the atmosphere, dont believe this? well the info is out there even on legit news stations like CBS, CNN, FOX, ABC, BBC youtube "a chemtrail investigation" or why in the world are they spraying NASA is also engineering artificial clouds (BBC has a great article on this for all of those non believers) you will know when you these artificial clouds cuz they will refract rainbow prism colors ... Geoengineering is destroying this planet!

Those are some stunning photos....and yes unfortunately, the un-scientific comments are troubling.

I'm sure we are all familiar with many other examples of people unfamiliar with the science and optics of a prism (YouTube videos abound). But, it's difficult sometimes to explain to a person that a piece of glass (the prism) is "copied" in nature by water droplets.

It's especially hard to understand that most people know and comprehend what a "rainbow" is...and yet, when shown the effect (as in the sample photos above), then jump to a different conclusion, as to the reason for the "rainbow" colors!
I think the top right photo in post #261 is of cloud iridescence - a diffraction effect.

Edit: The image on the web site page is different from the one on the Facebook page.
Interestingly, the reply comment to that mono-paragraph rant (see web page link) is also full of errors. *facepalm*
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For those cases where you need to illustrate that correlation does not necessarily mean causality:

Spurious Correlations

It even allows you to create new random correlations from a database. Click "Discover a new correlation".
Helpful site for those of us who don't know their A320s from their 737s

ALSO.....a great number of B737s now are fitted with those "winglets" that are quite distinctive. They are long, thin UPWARD extensions on the wingtips.

The Airbus A320, A321 and A319 series have a different type of "winglet" is smaller, and "diamond shaped" (is my best description...maybe "rhomboid" is better) on the wingtips...they extend slightly above and below.

Of course, one day Airbus as a company may deem it necessary to compete, and offer aerodynamic conversion kits to their airline customers that involve different wingtip, this post could become obsolete in just a few years (months?).
Pimp my airliner?

EDIT: Oops...was just reading the thread about the controversy about using "Redskins" as a team name.

This word "pimp" (and the semantics of "pimping") tend to convey, perhaps, the wrong stereotype.

Although, the humor, as intended, is certainly clear, and IN MY OPINION, fine.
ALSO.....a great number of B737s now are fitted with those "winglets" that are quite distinctive. They are long, thin UPWARD extensions on the wingtips.

The Airbus A320, A321 and A319 series have a different type of "winglet" is smaller, and "diamond shaped" (is my best description...maybe "rhomboid" is better) on the wingtips...they extend slightly above and below.

Of course, one day Airbus as a company may deem it necessary to compete, and offer aerodynamic conversion kits to their airline customers that involve different wingtip, this post could become obsolete in just a few years (months?).

They already do, call them Sharklets. Air New Zealand has new A320's with them fitted operating domestically. They operate about 4-5,000 feet higher than the older A320's.

From 'Earth & Sky Photography by Debra and Peter Caravolo'

360 Degree Rainbow

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The conditions have to be just right to capture a 360 degree rainbow from the air. We looked for isolated rainshowers with just the right sized cloud and the sun had to be low enough in the sky with enough sunlight reaching the shower. We also had to position the plane so that the sun was on one side and the shower on the other. You can see the window reflections on the wing due to the sun being on the opposite side.

... also they have a photos of Atmospheric Optics, including:


Solar Halos

Crepuscular Rays
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Hopefully some UK chemtrail believers will watch this....

Problem doesn't work on a "True Believer".

Just a very random "search" of YouTube will reveal a huge number of people who "believe" it is the U.S. military involved....THESE are always people who reside in the United States and cannot contemplate the fact that the U.S. Military CANNOT act across ALL International borders, without some sort of OBVIOUS "hue and cry" in the media.

BUT....we also observe that MANY people in areas NOT "covered" by the U.S. military ALSO tend to get all "hepped up" about the myth, and HOAX, of so-called "chem"trails.

From Europe (and the UK) to New Zealand.

It is a fair TRUTH to say (and to add) that the United States military does NOT have "willy-nilly" access to airspace above these countries.
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Problem doesn't work on a "True Believer".

Just a very random "search" of YouTube will reveal a huge number of people who "believe" it is the U.S. military involved....THESE are always people who reside in the United States and cannot contemplate the fact that the U.S. Military CANNOT act across ALL International borders, without some sort of OBVIOUS "hue and cry" in the media.

BUT....we also observe that MANY people in areas NOT "covered" by the U.S. military ALSO tend to get all "hepped up" about the myth, and HOAX, of so-called "chem"trails.

From Europe (and the UK) to New Zealand.

It is a fair TRUTH to say (and to add) that the United States military does NOT have "willy-nilly" access to airspace above these countries.

Indeed. In New Zealand, for example, we're only just starting to get back to a position of co-operation with the US military after having banned their nuclear ships from our ports back in the 1980s.

The idea that on the one hand we'd stop their warships coming into our waters, whilst allowing their airforce to fly over us spraying chemicals does seem somewhat counter-intuitive.

Especially given the fact that almost all the 'spraying' documented in NZ is done by commercial flights on regular flight-paths.

(Having said that, the US Deep Freeze Antarctic operation operating out of Christchurch does see some of those big military planes going to and from the US and Antarctica, which do occasionally leave trails, which gives the local chemtrail community the barest of excuses they need to implicate the US military-industrial complex).
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(Having said that, the US Deep Freeze Antarctic operation operating out of Christchurch does see some of those big military planes going to and from the US and Antarctica, which do occasionally leave trails, which gives the local chemtrail community the barest of excuses they need to implicate the US military-industrial complex).
More about that incident here: metservices-ross-marsden-misinforms
And there is even more to and fro with Ben Vidgen about it in comments under another thread, but I am unable to located it.