I think computer models are going to advance quicker than physical models. And they are already a lot more useful for large scale simulations.
3D printing is interesting, but it's only going to make a very small model, and it's not going to be made from the actual steel and concrete that's relevant to the discussion. And you won't be able to get the mass in there.
Going back to the BSB model. Even though it's not a very useful model in proving the integrity of the building, it's interesting to consider what they had to do in their attempt to make it as close as possible. Basically they build everything with linear dimensions (width, height, depth, any length) reduced to 1/10x. This reduces the cross sectional area (and hence the strength) of all the structural members to 1/100th. So (simplistically) the reduced structure should get able to support loads of 1/100th of the original (square). However the primary load is the weight of the structure itself, which is reduced to 1/1000th (cube).
So to get anything close to relevant results, they need to add 9x the weight of the reduced structure in a non-load-bearing manner. The do this by gluing iron ingots to each floor, the equivalent of about three feet thick.
Now, consider what you would have to do if you were to apply similar correction to a smaller model of the tower, one that someone might build at home on a 3d printer. Say you made a 1/200th scale mode, so you are building a model that's 1368/200 = 6.84 feet (with a base of about 1 foot square). Now ignore for the moment the issues of modeling the tiny connections, and girders flanges that are a thousandth of an inch thick. How much should it weight?
Well, if it's a perfect scale model, it would weigh 1/(200*200*200) = 1/8,000,000th of the original. Estimates vary, but let's take a common figure for the weight of a tower is 300,000,000 kg. So the weight of our model is 300/8 = 37.5 kg.
However, since we've scaled it 200x, the actual weight loaded on the model needs to be 200x as much, or 7,500 kg.
So for our 1/200th scale model to work, we would have to cram 7,500 kg into about 7 cubic feet. That's about 16,500 pounds, or about 2,360 per cubic foot.
Solid gold weighs 1206 pounds per cubic foot. So the 1/200th scale model is non-starter.