Did you not understand the point that I made about scale or are you simply looking for an excuse to insult me again? The force at scale would be many, many times greater than the force of gravity on the Earth's surface. That was my point at the outset.
It's a good point, but misapplied.
Gravity does not have the same effect at every scale, because of the the square-cube law.
The force of gravity is mass multiplied by the constant g (32 feet/sec2 or 9.8 m/sec2).
The strength of a structure (say a beam, or a leg) is proportional to the cross sectional area (the square of a dimension)
The mass of a structure is proportional to the the volume (the cube of a dimension).
force due to gravity (the effect of gravity) is proportional to the
cube, but
strength is proportional to the
So the smaller something gets, the weaker the effect of gravity, the larger something gets, then the stronger the effect of gravity.
The can is a good example, you asked if Pete was from Jupiter (where g is about 2.5 times that of Earth), which is actually not a bad question, because if we want to scale up the can to the size of the WTC7, then we have to consider the square cube law. The can is about 0.12m high (12 cm)), and weighs about 15grams. WTC7 was 226m high. So to scale the can up to the size of WTC7 it would have to be 1883x as tall (and I assume I'm evenly scaling all dimensions here).
So, the relative strength is proportional to the square of the dimensions, so 1883x1883 = about 3,500,000 times the strength of the small can
But mass is proportional to the cube, so 1883*1883*1883 = about 6,700,000,000.
The large number are not too important, the key is that
the force from gravity has increase 1883x as much as the strength has increased.
So essentially it's the exact equivalent of taking the can and putting it on a planet where gravity is 1888x that of earth. Now you were on the right track with Jupiter, but that's only 2.5x, what we are looking at is more like the surface of a compacted brown dwarf star.
With no brown dwarfs handy I have to increase the force in another way, I do this by standing on it. An empty can can support a static load of about 100 pounds (45,000 grams), but will fail for sure at 200 pounds (90,000 grams). The can itself weighs 15 grams, so 15x1883 is 28,000 grams. So a can scaled up to the size of WTC7 would still support its own weight (ignoring wind loading, and simplifying a bit).
So if you run the numbers, it turns out that a can with someone stood on it is not at all a bad analogy for WTC7. And the three can experiment is actually fairly close in terms of the numbers.