Just before the collapse.What time were these taken?
There was a tv crew there until about 4.50. I posted it on another thread. It is confirmed because they said, just after the collapse, 'we were right there less than half an hour ago filming'.
Just before the collapse.What time were these taken?
Can you show that explosives were even tested for? Where is the section of the NIST report which documents the investigation's analysis of the physical evidence, and its reasonable efforts to eliminate every possibility of accelerants being involved?There seems to be no evidence of explosives.
Covered completely by showing/watching videos of the collapsing WTC1 striking WTC7.there's a powerful geopolitical case for eliminating the question of foul play
The buckling was not at the base, it was probably around the 7th to 14th floors.
Wow, great picture, Oxy.How convenient is it that they never show the upper floors in these sims so that it can be compared to the actual visual record.
How convenient is it that they never show the upper floors in these sims so that it can be compared to the actual visual record.
At this stage in a hugely chaotic simulation, you are only going to get broad strokes. It's enough to show it could collapse, not precisely what it would visually look like later. Like a break in pool, you know the balls are going to scatter, you don't know where they will end up. You can't perfectly simulate a break by inputting data from photos of a rack.
But you can see the top of the building at this point in the wider video. Other than some folding at the top it, it matches as well as you could expect.
This one shows the collapse more from the side. Start at 8.00. Unfortunately there's a cut where the cameraman suddenly realized the penthouse had gone, and yet quite a time before total collapse.