The Uniqueness of the WTC7 Collapse

There seems to be no evidence of explosives.
Can you show that explosives were even tested for? Where is the section of the NIST report which documents the investigation's analysis of the physical evidence, and its reasonable efforts to eliminate every possibility of accelerants being involved?

I think a reasonable person would consider NIST's attempts to relieve itself of the responsibility for testing for accelerants and other agents a bizarre and weaselly text in view of the magnitude of the events of 9/11 and the obvious impression the video evidence the collapse of WTC 7 gives: it is even more spurious than the justification for not documenting the debris field of such an unprecedented collapse event.

I realise that "there's another thread" for the discussion of NIST's failure to test for explosives, but as I have already pointed out, there's a powerful geopolitical case for eliminating the question of foul play as clearly and explicitly as possible in the case of the unique collapse of WTC 7.

Quibbling over a deviation of 3% from the perpendicular at the onset of the "skin collapse" or pointing out that there is folding later in the event when the evidence shows a near-simultaneous initiation in all four corners of the structure does nothing to address the fact that most of the Muslim world does not believe fire was the cause -- and with good reason.

The technical nature of NIST's investigation does not excuse it from the obvious implications of this wider context, and that is why its nonsensical claims that there were no explosions and so forth are entirely reprehensible.
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The buckling was not at the base, it was probably around the 7th to 14th floors.


How convenient is it that they never show the upper floors in these sims so that it can be compared to the actual visual record.
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How convenient is it that they never show the upper floors in these sims so that it can be compared to the actual visual record.

At this stage in a hugely chaotic simulation, you are only going to get broad strokes. It's enough to show it could collapse, not precisely what it would visually look like later. Like a break in pool, you know the balls are going to scatter, you don't know where they will end up. You can't perfectly simulate a break by inputting data from photos of a rack.

But you can see the top of the building at this point in the wider video. Other than some folding at the top it, it matches as well as you could expect.
This one shows the collapse more from the side. Start at 8.00. Unfortunately there's a cut where the cameraman suddenly realized the penthouse had gone, and yet quite a time before total collapse.

At this stage in a hugely chaotic simulation, you are only going to get broad strokes. It's enough to show it could collapse, not precisely what it would visually look like later. Like a break in pool, you know the balls are going to scatter, you don't know where they will end up. You can't perfectly simulate a break by inputting data from photos of a rack.

But you can see the top of the building at this point in the wider video. Other than some folding at the top it, it matches as well as you could expect.

Stop it at 08 and 09. These are huge discrepancies and it ends way to early. If that collapse sim continued it would look nothing whatsoever like the real collapse, which is presumably exactly why it stops there.

Also on the lead 'still shot' there are discrepancies where the sim shows the entire penthouse gone and the floor below but in reality the main part of the penthouse is still standing.
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This one shows the collapse more from the side. Start at 8.00. Unfortunately there's a cut where the cameraman suddenly realized the penthouse had gone, and yet quite a time before total collapse.

BTW, That is building 5 that is on fire and from where most of the smoke is coming. Also the cameraman obviously thinks the action is around 5 which is why he has positioned himself there.

See also
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