Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air


In the previous episode, when they shine the laser at the white board you can clearly see it creates the exact same cross shape. Yet they act puzzled when it shows up on the clouds.

This episode is ridiculous.
We cannot debunk deliberate faking.
I'd propose a friendly amendment -- if faking is done well, it is hard to debunk. But it is not done particularly well on many occasions, such as when the perpetrators show both the amazing cross in the sky (!!!!) but also show the cross on the screen in a previous episode!
Here's a photo taken from some distance away

If we compress the image, we get:

The strings on the building get slightly closer together as they get higher, which is correct for the perspective is they are parallel.

The lasers diverge, which means they are not parallel.

I suspect this is what give the appearance of a "neck" - where the lasers stop at different points. They are just angled so that from near the hotel, it looks like:

Each laser is not stopping, that's just six vanishing points.

A good example from a long distance showing the laser hitting multiple layers of clouds.
This sitch mod simulates a single laser centered in the triangle, there's two cloud layers, one at 2000m above ground level and one at 2200m. Both are 50m thick. The viewpoint is close to the base of the laser, So looking up you just see a blob (two when zoomed in)

Zooming in shows the limits of the laser "simulation", as it's fixed width on-screen. Better lasers are in the future, but probably not for a while.
In the previous episode, when they shine the laser at the white board you can clearly see it creates the exact same cross shape. Yet they act puzzled when it shows up on the clouds. This episode is ridiculous.


Aren't most of the claims associated with Skinwalker Ranch ridiculous?

The only questions raised by the whole SWR set-up are (1) why do those associated with it, present and past, want people to believe their nonsense, and (2) should we be concerned that TV channels describe this as a "factual" show?

The SWR regulars are in the business of manufacturing evidence (for e.g. hypersonic UAP, "wormholes", now this) with their various bits of kit, and then wilfully, and outrageously, misinterpreting the results.
If they claimed "in the real world" that they are following a scientific methodology, are making an educational TV show or that they are genuinely investigating rare phenomena/ claims of the paranormal, I might begin to doubt that they were speaking in good faith.
I just noticed something vaguely interesting.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E06 (36:54) where they discussed the "long exposure" images showing interrupted beams.


During this discussion they mentioned inviting the Nu-Salt guys back to do more laser cannon and rocket nonsense, which then took place on the very next show.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E07 (30:43) where they discussed the results from the latest "experiment" where the beam was supposedly blocked at 2000 feet.


Now I realise that people in these "reality" television shows always wear the same clothing for continuity purposes, but to me it looks like both of these briefings were filmed at the same time. Everything is positioned in almost the exact same place, with the only real exceptions the missing sunglasses on Kaleb's hat, LIDAR guy's laptop appearing to shift very slightly to the left and the mouse disappearing.

Everything else looks exactly the same, suggesting that what they were planning to do next had, in fact, already happened.

They use this same angle in all of the briefings, and looking at those I can see objects in the background that have shifted, like this one from S05E02 where the JBL speaker has been replaced by a stack of books and something has been affixed to the wall to the right of them. The background objects were never all in the same place from S05E01 through S05E05.

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LIDAR guy's laptop appearing to shift very slightly to the left and the mouse disappearing
Nice catch! I don't even think the mouse disappeared as much as LIDAR guy shifted in his seat a bit to hide it:


His hand is till on "something", he' just shifted a bit in his seat and obscured the mouse:


It all looks staged because it likely is.
Everything else looks exactly the same, suggesting that what they were planning to do next had, in fact, already happened.
Good catch! Apparently the rope/cable looped on the back of the door hasn't been touched at all. The camera position being the same just suggests there's a designated camera place, but the people are even sitting in the same place.
Nice catch! I don't even think the mouse disappeared as much as LIDAR guy shifted in his seat a bit to hide it:

His hand is till on "something", he' just shifted a bit in his seat and obscured the mouse:

Nah, I am talking about the mouse that's between the two laptops. LIDAR guy is the one behind the white/silver laptop.

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Nah, I am talking about the mouse that's between the two laptops. LIDAR guy is the behind the white/silver laptop.

View attachment 69305

My bad. Someone needs to label all these characters to keep track of them. I would argue though, that in the second photo LIDAR guys is reclining back in his seat, necessitating the moving of the mouse to behind the laptop. The missing sunglasses is just part of the "phenomenon" of SWR. Maybe one of the 7' tall bipedal wolf-like entities took them.
Good catch! Apparently the rope/cable looped on the back of the door hasn't been touched at all. The camera position being the same just suggests there's a designated camera place, but the people are even sitting in the same place.

To be fair, the rope/cable doesn't appear to have shifted at all throughout the entirety of season five.

The only background objects that seem to have actually moved are the red rug to the lower right of the television, the objects that are sitting on it (sometimes nothing, other times a speaker, a stack of books, or both), some of the cables below it and a photo/piece of paper affixed to the wall directly to the right of it.





This is a 25 second video showing the reaction of the cast, followed by a loop with close-up of a stabilized portion of the video showing clouds moving.
Wouldn't be the first time clouds have appeared as UFOs (e.g. here).

But seriously, what were they thinking? Shine a powerful flashlight into the sky and be surprised there are clouds up there? Whilst forgetting what shape their beam has?

(Looking for an object fixed above a certain location while not bringing any means to determine its altitude is just the icing on that cake that distinguishes entertainment from science.)
Gotta remember we're talking about the same show that did this.
Indeed. Just plain fabricated stupid non sense. Sadly most a lot of people believe it though. Just misinformation, like the stuff Joe Rogan brings on.

EDITED: Corrected above the word "most" to "a lot" because "most" is suggesting I know the numbers of statistics, which I don't.
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Just plain fabricated stupid non sense.
I need to do a posting guidelines check for factuality in your post, how well it is supported by the evidence presented.
"just" - can only be evaluated after the rest of the sentence...
"plain" - what follows did appear clear, brutally clear, so yes
"fabricated" - we can't be sure they did fabricate it, but to be able to *accidentally* make *all of the mistakes* they made would imply we should come to even harsher conclusions about their mental faculties, so yes-ish.
"stupid" - the obvious conclusions were so clear that in order to not come to them would imply some level of diminished reasoning skills, so yes.
"non sense" - taking that as an emphatic variant of "nonsense", the commentary given accompanying the actions performed did indeed make no sense, so yes.
And I'm led to no other feasable conclusion, so you've got the leading "just" approved as well.

4.5/5. Good enough.
Gotta remember we're talking about the same show that did this.


The equipment in question is a mobile security surveillance system manufactured by LVT - LiveView Technologies. The blue light is a security feature to alert intruders to the presence of the equipment on site, and it mimics the blue light of police enforcement as a reminder of its purpose.

This video gives an overview of the equipment, the flashing blue (purple) light is discussed between 01:08 and 01:53:


For more info:
The equipment in question is a mobile security surveillance system manufactured by LVT - LiveView Technologies. The blue light is a security feature to alert intruders to the presence of the equipment on site, and it mimics the blue light of police enforcement as a reminder of its purpose.

Yeah they showed these getting placed around the ranch in S03E01. They have four of them.


The bottom one seems to be the spooky light they pretend to not know the source of.

The blue flashing light was even seen in several episodes from that season before they decided it was spooky.



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I just noticed something vaguely interesting.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E06 (36:54) where they discussed the "long exposure" images showing interrupted beams.

View attachment 69295

During this discussion they mentioned inviting the Nu-Salt guys back to do more laser cannon and rocket nonsense, which then took place on the very next show.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E07 (30:43) where they discussed the results from the latest "experiment" where the beam was supposedly blocked at 2000 feet.

View attachment 69296

Now I realise that people in these "reality" television shows always wear the same clothing for continuity purposes, but to me it looks like both of these briefings were filmed at the same time. Everything is positioned in almost the exact same place, with the only real exceptions the missing sunglasses on Kaleb's hat, LIDAR guy's laptop appearing to shift very slightly to the left and the mouse disappearing.

Everything else looks exactly the same, suggesting that what they were planning to do next had, in fact, already happened.

They use this same angle in all of the briefings, and looking at those I can see objects in the background that have shifted, like this one from S05E02 where the JBL speaker has been replaced by a stack of books and something has been affixed to the wall to the right of them. The background objects were never all in the same place from S05E01 through S05E05.

View attachment 69299

I never thought of the possibility they may have built a studio set that may or may not even be on the Ranch. These could be staged evidence reviews. It would explain a lot.
I never thought of the possibility they may have built a studio set that may or may not even be on the Ranch. These could be staged evidence reviews. It would explain a lot.
They are very careful now to remove all dates and times from screens. This is probably just for continuity reasons, but makes it hard to properly investigate.
I just noticed something vaguely interesting.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E06 (36:54) where they discussed the "long exposure" images showing interrupted beams.

View attachment 69295

During this discussion they mentioned inviting the Nu-Salt guys back to do more laser cannon and rocket nonsense, which then took place on the very next show.

Here's an image of the "post experiment briefing" from S05E07 (30:43) where they discussed the results from the latest "experiment" where the beam was supposedly blocked at 2000 feet.

View attachment 69296

Now I realise that people in these "reality" television shows always wear the same clothing for continuity purposes, but to me it looks like both of these briefings were filmed at the same time. Everything is positioned in almost the exact same place, with the only real exceptions the missing sunglasses on Kaleb's hat, LIDAR guy's laptop appearing to shift very slightly to the left and the mouse disappearing.

Everything else looks exactly the same, suggesting that what they were planning to do next had, in fact, already happened.

They use this same angle in all of the briefings, and looking at those I can see objects in the background that have shifted, like this one from S05E02 where the JBL speaker has been replaced by a stack of books and something has been affixed to the wall to the right of them. The background objects were never all in the same place from S05E01 through S05E05.

View attachment 69299
Hope this works. I'm a newbie.

The guy by the door (Dragon?) has a different number of things that look like pencils in what appears to be a pocket on his sleeve. First photo: 2 pencils. Second photo: nothing. Third photo: 1 pencil.
The guy by the door (Dragon?) has a different number of things that look like pencils in what appears to be a pocket on his sleeve. First photo: 2 pencils. Second photo: nothing. Third photo: 1 pencil.
I don't think so. I think there are two in his pocket in the second photo too, but since he is at a slightly different angle there isn't that distinct reflection off the pen clips as we see in the first one. And in all three photos there appears to be a shadow down the side like you would see with a filled pocket, not the flat surface you'd expect from an empty one. But it's hard to tell, being black on black...
Welcome, newbie!
Hope this works. I'm a newbie.

The guy by the door (Dragon?) has a different number of things that look like pencils in what appears to be a pocket on his sleeve. First photo: 2 pencils. Second photo: nothing. Third photo: 1 pencil.

He has two black pens in his sleeve.

Here's a pic from the same scene in S05E07 (the episode where it looked as though nothing was there) showing both of the pens.


This clip suggests it's just light reflecting off the pens.

They are very careful now to remove all dates and times from screens. This is probably just for continuity reasons, but makes it hard to properly investigate.
I was wondering if a UHD stream might reveal the pixels in the corner of the desktop to be a clock. I suspect that's a vain hope.

However, stubble guy has a wristwatch...
I don't think so. I think there are two in his pocket in the second photo too, but since he is at a slightly different angle there isn't that distinct reflection off the pen clips as we see in the first one. And in all three photos there appears to be a shadow down the side like you would see with a filled pocket, not the flat surface you'd expect from an empty one. But it's hard to tell, being black on black...
Welcome, newbie!

Thanks to you and @jimmyslippin for the explanation. I'm always losing pens. Maybe I should get one of those shirts. And thanks for the welcome.