President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

"If " Trump heals well, and comes out of this unscathed in a miraculous fashion .... will this lead to the ongoing conspiritional idea that "the gov't leaders and the ultra rich' have secret vaccines or pills that prevent them from becoming sick ?.... and leave the le$$er masses to suffer without such a cure ?
"If " Trump heals well, and comes out of this unscathed in a miraculous fashion .... will this lead to the ongoing conspiritional idea that "the gov't leaders and the ultra rich' have secret vaccines or pills that prevent them from becoming sick ?.... and leave the le$$er masses to suffer without such a cure ?

most likely.

although the risks of death at his age aren't that astronomical. ( i didnt personally look at these studies in depth but im sure they give a rough estimate). Add that Trump is male and obese... his stats do go up a bit, but still he's much more likely to survive then not.

august 2020
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For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who are infected, around 116 will die. These are the stark statistics obtained by some of the first detailed studies into the mortality risk for COVID-19.

Trends in coronavirus deaths by age have been clear since early in the pandemic. Research teams looking at the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in people in the general population — in Spain, England, Italy and Geneva in Switzerland — have now quantified that risk, says Marm Kilpatrick, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The IFR was close to zero for people between the ages of 15 and 44, increasing to 3.1% for 65–74-year-olds and to 11.6% for anyone older. The results of the study have been posted to the medRxiv preprint server1.
From the Rush Limbaugh interview. Trump tells us what the doctors told him:

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I was asking the doctors today... 11 guys... great people... you know the heads of the biggest hospitals... it's amazing... I guess the president has a lot of power... but everybody shows up.
"What do you do"?
"I'm the head of Johns Hopkins... or I'm the head of stuff..." You know it's always like... but they're very brilliant people...

And I said, "How bad was I"?
They said, "You could have been very bad. You were going into a very bad phase." And so it wasn't like it was just gonna... like with... with the kids where you... they... get it and they get sniffles... and they're better two days later right? This looks like it was going to be a big deal, and ...and... you know what that means, right? That means bad. Because I've lost five people... at least five people that were friends of mine... one in particular like an incredible guy who went in there... went into the hospital... he was dead within three days. And I'm just saying that we have something that will cure this now.
I know this is hard to read. That's another issue.
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Something to be concerned about:
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How COVID damages the brain

COVID can cause damage to the brain directly by encephalitis, which may have devastating or subtle consequences. In one British study of 12 patients with encephalitis, one made a full recovery, 10 made a partial recovery, and one died. This study also found that a number of patients with COVID suffered strokes. In fact, COVID infection is a risk factor for strokes. A group of Canadian doctors found that individuals over 70 years of age were at particularly high risk for stroke related to COVID infection, but even young individuals are seven times more likely to have a stroke from this coronavirus versus a typical flu virus.

Autopsy data from COVID patients in Finland suggests that another major cause of brain damage is lack of oxygen. Particularly worrisome is that several of the patients who were autopsied did not show any signs of brain injury during the course of their COVID infection — yet all had brain damage. In one patient there was loss of taste, and in two there was "minimal respiratory distress," but none of these patients were thought to have any brain damage while alive.

Major cognitive effects of COVID

In survivors of intensive care unit (ICU) stays due to acute respiratory failure or shock from any cause, one-third of people show such a profound degree of cognitive impairment that performance on neuropsychological testing is comparable to those with moderate traumatic brain injury. In daily life, such cognitive effects on memory, attention, and executive function can lead to difficulties managing medications, managing finances, comprehending written materials, and even carrying on conversations with friends and family. Commonly observed long-term psychological effects of ICU stays include anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Effects due to COVID ICU stays are expected to be similar — a prediction that has already been confirmed by the studies in Britain, Canada, and Finland reviewed above.

Subtle cognitive effects of COVID

It is clear that COVID can cause brain damage by direct infection (encephalitis), by strokes, and by lack of oxygen. It is also clear that when patients experience severe illness requiring an ICU stay, brain damage is highly likely to occur, and its effects are typically obvious. But what if the COVID illness is not so severe? Can brain damage still occur?

A Chinese group of doctors and researchers examined several aspects of cognitive function in 29 individuals who were thought to have fully recovered from COVID infection. They found persistent impairment in sustained attention — the ability to attend to important information for as long as it is relevant.

Long-term cognitive effects of COVID infection

Why would sustained attention be persistently impaired in individuals who were thought to have fully recovered from COVID? The Chinese group thought it might be linked to underlying inflammatory processes. But it is equally likely that patients with COVID suffered silent strokes or lack of oxygen that damaged their brains. As discussed above, strokes due to COVID are common, particularly in those over 70. We know that silent strokes frequently occur, and are a risk factor for both large strokes and dementia. Silent strokes typically affect the brain's white matter — the wiring between brain cells that enables different parts of the brain to communicate with each other. This wiring is essential for attention, and when it is damaged, sustained attention is impaired.

The bottom line

There is one inevitable conclusion from these studies: COVID infection frequently leads to brain damage — particularly in those over 70. While sometimes the brain damage is obvious and leads to major cognitive impairment, more frequently the damage is mild, leading to difficulties with sustained attention.

Although many people who have recovered from COVID can resume their daily lives without difficulty — even if they have some deficits in attention — there are a number of people who may experience difficulty now or later. One recently published paper from a group of German and American doctors concluded that the combination of direct effects of the virus, systemic inflammation, strokes, and damage to bodily organs (like lungs and liver) could even make COVID survivors at high risk for Alzheimer's disease in the future. Individuals whose professions involve medical care, legal advice, financial planning, or leadership — including political leaders — may need to be carefully evaluated with formal neuropsychological testing, including measures of sustained attention, to assure that their cognition has not been compromised.
Trump tells us what the doctors told him:

except we can't believe Trump right? so be careful making medical judgements based on what Trump says.
In other cases his self-deception can give him a big advantage. Trump has a great natural talent for creating narratives that a certain population wants to believe. Their own self deception creates a convenient self-serving reality. He creates The Big Lie, which is what this program is about.

But Trump also creates the medium lies and the little bitty lies, constantly. That's what the constant, "pathological lying" is all about. I mean he does his own hair and his own makeup, looks at himself in the mirror, and genuinely thinks, "Damn, I look good." He lies about big things, little things, things that have no consequence. It just pours our of him in an automatic process.

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It's becoming known as Covid brain fog: troubling cognitive symptoms that can include memory loss, confusion, difficulty focusing, dizziness and grasping for everyday words. Increasingly, Covid survivors say brain fog is impairing their ability to work and function normally.

"There are thousands of people who have that," said Dr. Igor Koralnik, chief of neuro-infectious disease at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, who has already seen hundreds of survivors at a post-Covid clinic he leads. "The impact on the work force that's affected is going to be significant.

Scientists aren't sure what causes brain fog, which varies widely and affects even people who became only mildly physically ill from Covid-19 and had no previous medical conditions. Leading theories are that it arises when the body's immune response to the virus doesn't shut down or from inflammation in blood vessels leading to the brain.

Confusion, delirium and other types of altered mental function, called encephalopathy, have occurred during hospitalization for Covid-19 respiratory problems, and a study found such patients needed longer hospitalizations, had higher mortality rates and often couldn't manage daily activities right after hospitalization.

But research on long-lasting brain fog is just beginning. A French report in August on 120 patients who had been hospitalized found that 34 percent had memory loss and 27 percent had concentration problems months later.

In a soon-to-be-published survey of 3,930 members of Survivor Corps, a group of people who have connected to discuss life after Covid, over half reported difficulty concentrating or focusing, said Natalie Lambert, an associate research professor at Indiana University School of Medicine, who helped lead the study. It was the fourth most common symptom out of the 101 long-term and short-term physical, neurological and psychological conditions that survivors reported. Memory problems, dizziness or confusion were reported by a third or more respondents.

"It is debilitating," said Rick Sullivan, 60, of Brentwood, Calif., who's had episodes of brain fog since July after overcoming a several-week bout with Covid-19 breathing problems and body aches. "I become almost catatonic. It feels as though I am under anesthesia."