1979. Seems familiar, but an excellent shot, so worth a repost:
NYC Statue of Liberty and Twin Towers 1979 by Terry from Sydney, on Flickr
Oh deirdre, there you go with that common sense again....it's lightening
it's lightening
its an aquatint by Clark and Dubourg. its on all the copies i could find. My understanding (which isnt much) is with aquatints the color is 'pooled' onto the plate. so the white 'lightning' could have been easily fixed after the first printing.I doubt it. They have preservationists for that sort of thing.
External Quote:
Dennis Wheeler and Gaston Demarée's article, "The weather of the Waterloo campaign 16 to 18 1815," cites several passages from those who experienced the battle firsthand.
From the letters of Private William Wheeler of the 51stKings Infantry comes this excerpt, "…[a]nd as it began to rain the road soon became very heavy…the rain increased, the thunder and lightning approached nearer, and with it came the enemy…the rain beating with violence, the guns roaring, repeated bright flashes of lightning attended with tremendous volleys of Thunder that shook the very earth…"
And Private John Lewis of the 95thRifles wrote home to say, "…[t]he rain fell so hard that the oldest soldiers there never saw the like…"
100 lire Vatican coin John Paul II, 1985 (MCMLXXXV)
View attachment 13777
Contrail at the top of the coin
View attachment 13778
Source Numista.com
Source Ucoin.net
Source My Numi - La Maison Mumismatique