Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

South pole flight 1968 at 20:11

Bad-Ass B48 Hustler in 1950-60s leaving a contrail and contrail shadow at 2:46

BTW, this one will excite the conspiracy theorists: Recruiting all chemtrail pilots! Everybody sing: "Making a trail in the sky, making a gale way up high"
IM not sure how to post a screen shot of this old Twilight Zone from the early sixties @ 50 minutes pans toward the sky looks like persistent contrails ?

Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 10.45.00 AM.png
Not a photograph but a description of ground level persistent contrail (ice fog) from the book Song of the Sky by Guy Murchie circa. 1954


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"A single airplane warming up at one end of an arctic runway is enough to transform clear air into dangerous ice fog over a whole airport in ten minutes."
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this post, but I thought it was a good reference and didn't know where else to put it.
Saw this come up on the Global Skywatch page, apparently posted by a chemtrails believer.

I guess he has the first edition of this book from 1991 (a second was published in 1998). The text is as follows (note: the mammatus subclassification is also mentioned):
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Contrails form in the wake of aircraft, the result of condensation of moisture added to the air by the burning of fuel. Above, the most recen trails are still straight; older ones have been curved and spread by wind. The spreading, crossed trails below indicate high humidity at that elevation.
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Snow showers develop from contrails. The streams of ice crystals evaporate in the lower layers, which are warmer and dryer.
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This contrail developed pendules, or elements of sinking air akin to mammato-cumulus (see p. 41).
This was mentioned earlier, but I just watched it today, coincidentally.

The Boys From Brazil, 1978 (at about 1:05:00)


I was just watching the final episode of Michael Palin's Around the World in 80 Days, filmed in 1988, and there were several nice contrails. The most obvious came right near the end over London, it crossed the entire sky. I'll try to track down a screenshot, but if anyone has it on DVD it is when he is on Oxford Street almost at the end of his journey.
I am at my in-laws at the moment and found this on their bookshelf. Hard to tell for certain but that looks like a contrail (just above the distant mountains) on the cover of a book published in 1963. It also has mention of those "new" cloud types such as cirrus uncinus, and photos of halos etc. No specific mention of contrails that I could find, though.

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photo 2.JPG
I was just watching the final episode of Michael Palin's Around the World in 80 Days, filmed in 1988, and there were several nice contrails. The most obvious came right near the end over London, it crossed the entire sky. I'll try to track down a screenshot, but if anyone has it on DVD it is when he is on Oxford Street almost at the end of his journey.

I've managed to find an online copy of the relevant episode. This segment was filmed in London on December 12, 1988.

Wow, loads! Thanks for all that guys!

My purpose in buying an old VHS copy secondhand is because it will have a manufacturing date on it, and it will be from a private individual, it will be a material object rather than a web image, and it cannot have been easily altered in the past. And if people say the individual item has been altered, fine, buy another copy. The current response to showing the Internet images above to chemtrail people is that someone brings up the Virgin Train advert, saying everything has been altered to make it look as if the trails were in the past, they never really were (altering history). However even this has been explained very well here

So it is quite interesting, when one finds stuff on the Internet that does a debunk, the evidence is ignored because of little things like this. But yet the only evidence of chemtrails is by internet stories, which have already been debunked here. But, hardened chemtrail people do not come here, because they think @Mick West is in the pay of the conspirators. My argument here is that you need to know your "enemy", not hide from him,

I suppose I am targeting the people caught up in the "others say so, so it must be true" group rather than people who are actually occulting the truth by creating these videos. They know what they are doing, and are drawing energy from the situation, be it in Facebook likes like naughty Chris here ;), or in advertising revenue. Or, just for the sociopathic pleasure of manipulating others. Just like sheep really
And another one. Unfortunately the scans are pretty poor, but persistent contrails preceding a depression are specifically mentioned in the cirro-stratus section. This is from The Sunday Times, August 28 1977.

