Need help triangle uap/ufo


Active Member
Dear Metabunkers ; here is another case i want to discuss and in the process see and learn from your steps if this is a typical hoax or sensational story.

The story :
On 18th of August some person claimed on a dutch UFO sightings site link ( )roughly translated ; that she captured a picture of 2 UFO's in Petten The Netherlands above the Nuclear Research Centre for around 50 minutes.
She said that she observed it in the middle of the night. That they didnt move at all and that when she approached it the became ..invisible.
She returned home and wrote the came back.

I asked if she made the picture with a cellphone or digital camera. In response she said a cellphone.
Shs claimed the pictures were made between 02:00- 02:30 a.m.
I asked if she had the original and if she could mail it to me ( still awaiting ).

More info she gave was that she went back the next night and didnt see anything and made another picture (nr.3) she told that the red light is a markinglight from the city of Den Helder.
And that the other lights were streetlights.

Other than this info i dont have at the moment.
Im awaiting her response to send me the original pictures.
Only thing i need to ask is where she was standing exactely why she was there in the first place and what type of phone she used.

What made me sceptical was the darkness and the 2nd picture it was so much closer than the first picture. I already pointed her out i was thinking about planes but at that time there were no olanes in the air according to flightradar24.

Maybe its pointless but your input could tell me how to solve it and how you try to solve it.

Thanks everyone!


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could these tower things have a light on top? (i would imagine for planes they would but cant get close enough with the Google street car to tell really).
that is the nuclear station with a road in front of it. so light to the left could be 2 headlights on main road and one tail lights driving into the the actual station? Yellow line is my "road". the headlight angle might be off from my Google car angle..unfortunately i'm limited in sight to where the Google car allows me to go vs say being on foot.

there are more buildings to the left ...some cross the road on the station side and then 3 buildings that might be connected to that wind turbine... also which might have windows lit up. ??!1slGfFJax8RwYlztSU0dSYUQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656


daytime last year
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Totally unremarkable photos's.
The lights disappearing and reappearing could be form something as simple as the lights disappearing behind a cloud.
She saiz also she couldn't go back because it was too dangerous?
What Diedre has posted looks to be a good candidate,.
Totally unremarkable photos's.
The lights disappearing and reappearing could be form something as simple as the lights disappearing behind a cloud.
She saiz also she couldn't go back because it was too dangerous?
What Diedre has posted looks to be a good candidate,.
Yes thats what she also told. Which raised my eyebrowns. I asked her to email me the original pictures through email. I got an response where she wrote she wasnt so good with computers and is figuring out how to send those pictures. In response
I politely thanked and said she could take her time im not going away plus i asked what her location was when she took the pictures as what Deirdre was curious about but also me.
Location is important i can see that now ( maybe one of the basic "rules" ).

I found it also not only a strange story but the triangular picture seems to me was pretty close than the other, its not a zoom picture.

What i also noticed through Forensically app was that it was manipulated with if im right ( or wrong ? ) . It shows the lights were cloned. Correct me if im wrong im new with the app.


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Yes thats what she also told. Which raised my eyebrowns. I asked her to email me the original pictures through email. I got an response where she wrote she wasnt so good with computers and is figuring out how to send those pictures. In response
I politely thanked and said she could take her time im not going away plus i asked what her location was when she took the pictures as what Deirdre was curious about but also me.
Location is important i can see that now ( maybe one of the basic "rules" ).

I found it also not only a strange story but the triangular picture seems to me was pretty close than the other, its not a zoom picture.

What i also noticed through Forensically app was that it was manipulated with if im right ( or wrong ? ) . It shows the lights were cloned. Correct me if im wrong im new with the app.

The images are tiny, they are 5Kb this is ludicrously low levels of information for a phone picture. They are practically thumbnails. Even using the built in share functions on a phone would not send images this small. This shows some level of intent, you have to work to send this poor of a quality image.

Here's the 2 top lights next to each other zoomed to pixel level they are similar but not 100% identical but then they are 2 almost entirely white shapes around 6x9 pixels across., There's almost no information.

No im affraid not possible for me its an 2 hour drive and i would do it in a second but i have some family responsibilties.

if i spoke the language, i would go on facebook (or similar social media) type in petten and try to find a local group or a resident from the area and ask them to go to that location and take pics or better video for me at night. so that is always another option.

there's nothing about the photos to me that indicate photoshop, looks like some car headlights and taillights and a few tower lights or street lights on a hill.