Interesting observation of moon light phenomena i can't find the answer to ????

charchit mishra

New Member
It was around 3:00 am at night ,,It was cool breeze so I went to rooftop with my binoculars and Android phone just to lay down and enjoy the breeze , I watched the moon it was brighter than usual there were clouds moving dark and light both I recorded the moon then paused recording when clouds overshadowed the moon as moon came out of clouds I started recording again,, I did this 3,4 tyms I observed as I hit record on my phone moon was already visible in my phone screen but not to my naked eye as it came out of the clouds ,,,there was a time difference of about 1 or 2 seconds I can't figure out why this phenomena occurs its fascinating to me,,,, anybody knows plz let me know !!!!!!!thnx
I did this 3,4 tyms I observed as I hit record on my phone moon was already visible in my phone screen but not to my naked eye as it came out of the clouds ,,,there was a time difference of about 1 or 2 seconds I can't figure out why this phenomena occurs its fascinating to me,

Can you post some of the video you shot to YouTube?

The most likely explanation is to do with exposure, and what you were actually seeing on the phone screen was the clouds being lit by the moon from behind, but the phone had automatically over-exposed it so it looked more like the moon itself.

As I said in my post the camera seemed to capture the moon coming out through the clouds before i could see it by my naked eye coming out of clouds it was wierd,, I am sure there is some scientific explanation!! and I did it again and again it was not light reflecting from clouds it was clear moon maybe u should try this experiment ,,lets see what you find :)
seems to be somewhat common knowledge amongst photographers when i google it, that the camera sees more than our naked eye. although your moon looks exceptionally bright in that video!


from "Photography: Night Sky: A Field Guide for Shooting After Dark"

External Quote:
But the revelation of recent advances in digital photography is that the dim ribbon of silvery light we see with our naked eyes is actually a glorious, stupendous galaxy.
Yes, I think it's all about exposure. The video you posted looks quite normal, so it's probably a case of the camera picking up the light of the moon before your eyes do. You could possibly investigate with with a camera that has manual exposure.

Other possible explanation: The camera might be sensitive to infrared light, allowing it to see "though" the thinner clouds. Seems unlikely.