Glenn Beck's Conspiracy Theory About People Calling him a Conspiracy Theorist

Mick West

Staff member
Glenn is a conspiracy theorist. He is constantly describing and promoting conspiracy theories on his shows and web sites. This is not an attempt to belittle or ridicule him, it's a simple frank description of what he does. He theorizes about conspiracies. Usually rather speculative theories he cannot provide much more evidence for than tenuous lines on a blackboard.


Conspiracy theories have been a common topic in the media in recent months. This is due to a series of events that have been described by some (including in some instances, Beck himself) as conpiracies. Particularly as "false flag" conspiracies - events supposedly designed to manipulate public opinion to allow the powers-that-be to fulfill some agenda, like taking away our guns. These events were things like Aurora, Sandy Hook, Hurricane Sandy, government ammo purchasing, and the Boston Bombing. They got media attention because they claimed that the events were staged, and that the apparently injured people were "crisis actors", or that the accused shooter was just a patsy. The sheer lunacy of some of these theories penetrated the mainstream, and people like Anderson Cooper, and Rachel Madow, and even Glenn Beck himself took the time to debunk and criticize them.

So since conspiracy theories are in the news, it should not come as a surprise to Beck that when he suggests some new conspiracy theory then the media might pay a little attention. It's just a natural function of the media that they pay more attention to similar minor events after a large event. A good example was the huge blackbird die-off a couple of years ago. Suddenly every time someone found a couple of dead birds in their backyard it made the news. Conspiracy theories are just a popular topic right now.

So it's both telling and amusing to see Beck suggest yet another conspiracy theory to explain the minor splash of media attention to his coverage of the incident where Wolf Blitzer asked an atheist if she thanked the Lord.

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[Beck:] ... the media has their own agenda, the media goes for it, and if the media has a storyline, it just writes it in. And currently the storyline is "conspiracy theorist". Now why, why would that be the agenda item now? Why is it a concentrated effort, more than any other time in my career, why is it a concentrated effort now to label me a conspiracy theorist?

Well, I'll tell you why, it goes back to Cass Sunstein. It is exactly what he wrote. He said the government should call anyone who stands against them a conspiracy theorist. This isn't a conspiracy theory, this is what he wrote about. This was his way for the government, and he said "even if it turns out to be true", you have to label people a conspiracy theorist, because it isolates them. So that's exactly what's happing now, and I don't really care ..."
Beck is referring to the paper "Conspiracy Theories" by Sunstein and Vermeule:

What Glenn fails to understand is that this paper (well worth reading in full) is about dealing with conspiracy theories that are wrong. It's not about trying to hide the truth, it's about what is best to do when people start spreading nonsense. The primary strategy discussed there is not the ridicule that Beck suggests, but the ominous sounding "cognitive infiltration." That's Sunstein's attempt to address the problem that official denials are automatically disbelieved, and hence only strengthen a conspiracy theory, so the theories might better be debunked by third parties attempting to engage the believers. This of course has then led to the unfortunate belief that ALL debunkers are now in the employ of the government.

Of course Beck is getting widely mocked in the media for his conspiracy theory about people mocking him for his conspiracy theories. And unfortunately for the true believers this is just going to act as a feedback loop. The more he is mocked, the more it reinforces the belief in the thing he is being mocked for, and hence the mockery is sustained.

But really, Beck is just spinning evidence-free conspiracy theories. It's what he does.
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Thats utter bullcrap . They are using the label as conspiracy to discredit opposition . Rules For Radicals
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The rules [edit]

  1. "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on. Never let up."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive."
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Interesting . . . sounds like Spy vs Spy (Spy Counter Spy) from the old Mad Magazine of my youth . . . a intelligence, counter-intelligence, counter-counter-intelligence paradox . . . where does it end . . . LOL!!!!;)
Thats utter bullcrap . They are using the label as conspiracy to discredit opposition .

But Beck IS a conspiracy theorist.

He's a promoter and creator of theories that strongly involve high level conspiracies.

Have you ever considered that people are ridiculing him purely because they think he is ridiculous?

Why do you think I am ridiculing him? Do you think I'm in the employ of the government?
But Beck IS a conspiracy theorist.

He's a promoter and creator of theories that strongly involve high level conspiracies.

Have you ever considered that people are ridiculing him purely because they think he is ridiculous?

Why do you think I am ridiculing him? Do you think I'm in the employ of the government?

Your political ideology ? name his conspiracies and debunk them . start with the Muslim caliphate or Soros ? why not expose the lies from the Whitehouse and all the scandals ? Benghazi would be a good place to start
Your political ideology ? name his conspiracies and debunk them . start with the Muslim caliphate or Soros ? why not expose the lies from the Whitehouse and all the scandals ? Benghazi would be a good place to start

How is it political ideology? This has nothing to do with the fact that Glenn is conservative. It's the fact that some stuff he comes up with is just...well, to be blunt, stupid.

There are things to be upset about with the Obama Administration, and I'm sure Glenn has talked about those, intertwined with the socialist/communist Muslim BS he loves to toss around.
How is it political ideology? This has nothing to do with the fact that Glenn is conservative. It's the fact that some stuff he comes up with is just...well, to be blunt, stupid.

There are things to be upset about with the Obama Administration, and I'm sure Glenn has talked about those, intertwined with the socialist/communist Muslim BS he loves to toss around.
well give me an example ? Iv been watching him and listening to him for years why most of you get little edited bits of information from Media Matters or Rightwing Watch ect . Its all political . Where was Obama on the night of the Benghazi attack ? He asks question the lame stream media wont . He is a threat to this Administration and they want him out of the news business .
What Glenn Beck does that is different than Alex Jones or other Conspiracy Theorist is that he generally does not explicitly state the conspiracy that he purports. Instead he very cleverly lays out the narrative and lets his listeners fill in the blanks.

An example would be that Glenn Beck never said "The government covered up the Saudi connection to the Boston Bombings", Instead he spends days discussing various things that would allude to that, like claiming the Saudi National was let in the country as a VIP under a Special Advisory Option (which was found to be completely flase), and strongly suggests that the Saudi's connection to the Boston Bombing was covered up by the government based on things like a discrepant event file that Beck himself doesn't know how to interpret but proceeds to do so anyway. He even lied to his viewers about the S.A.O. and tells people that he was described as "armed and dangerous" but showed no evidence to back that up.
It really is a clever formula by letting his audience create the narrative themselves based on the distorted information that he reveals. It works so well that even skeptics will understand the narrative very well even though it was never explicitly stated. This method is a way of inoculating himself of the stigma attached with being a conspiracy theorist because *he never said that*.

That's Glenn Beck in a nutshell.
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well give me an example ? Iv been watching him and listening to him for years why most of you get little edited bits of information from Media Matters or Rightwing Watch ect . Its all political . Where was Obama on the night of the Benghazi attack ? He asks question the lame stream media wont . He is a threat to this Administration and they want him out of the news business .

THe lame stream media? Oh boy. You accuse Mick of using the RUles for Radicals, then you use that terminology? Beck is only a threat to himself. he's a kook. He has always been.
THe lame stream media? Oh boy. You accuse Mick of using the RUles for Radicals, then you use that terminology? Beck is only a threat to himself. he's a kook. He has always been.
His network is growing fast and furious . A Kook who is worth millions without a education .
Kook someone posing very hard as a surfer or skateboarder.
You didnt see that episode with the blackboard so I doubt you understand what he was explaining . Rules For Radicals seem like the Norm around here . or maybe its just me ? :)
THe lame stream media? Oh boy. You accuse Mick of using the RUles for Radicals, then you use that terminology? Beck is only a threat to himself. he's a kook. He has always been.
That term is used quite often even on CNN today @the beginning
Well, if you're asking for evidence of him spreading unfounded theories

On the Wolf Blitzer Atheist clip:

I think he was fed some information about the guest beforehand -- that's what producers do, and given some questions he should ask. etc. etc.
Some producer who was sympathetic to the atheist plite, or just doesn't like Christians or whatever it is, thought it was important to point out that in the middle of the heartland in America, where most people are God-fearing, there are atheists there too, doesn't have to be nefarious.

We are not fighting against flesh and bone, we are fighting the forces of spiritual darkness and it doesn't matter what people's intent are. But I will tell you that that was there for a reason

It doesn't take a hardcore skeptic to see the leaps and bounds he's making there. Now obviously it's pretty much impossible to categorically disprove anything, but perhaps we can ask ourselves which scenario is more likely. Did Wolf Blitzer and/or his producers question the woman beforehand and during that interview, find that the woman was an atheist causing one of the producers, who was possibly an atheist or just someone who "hates Christians", to write a script for Wolf in which he would make a statement that would hopefully persuade the woman to reveal she was an atheist on live TV, thus exposing the CNN viewers to the fact that not everyone in the Midwest believes in God (the producers apparently having very low intelligence expectations for their audience), causing some sort of boost to the atheist movement, all of which was set up by unseen forces of "spiritual darkness".

Or did Wolf Blitzer get caught up in the moment and make an off-the-cuff remark that caused a response that made for an awkward few moments?

Glenn Beck should not be surprised that he is the object of ridicule for making vast statements like these.
Well, if you're asking for evidence of him spreading unfounded theories

On the Wolf Blitzer Atheist clip:

It doesn't take a hardcore skeptic to see the leaps and bounds he's making there. Now obviously it's pretty much impossible to categorically disprove anything, but perhaps we can ask ourselves which scenario is more likely. Did Wolf Blitzer and/or his producers question the woman beforehand and during that interview, find that the woman was an atheist causing one of the producers, who was possibly an atheist or just someone who "hates Christians", to write a script for Wolf in which he would make a statement that would hopefully persuade the woman to reveal she was an atheist on live TV, thus exposing the CNN viewers to the fact that not everyone in the Midwest believes in God (the producers apparently having very low intelligence expectations for their audience), causing some sort of boost to the atheist movement, all of which was set up by unseen forces of "spiritual darkness".

Or did Wolf Blitzer get caught up in the moment and make an off-the-cuff remark that caused a response that made for an awkward few moments?

Glenn Beck should not be surprised that he is the object of ridicule for making vast statements like these.
Thats it ? prove it wasnt a set up question . Maybe you should listen to his Monday radio show and hear his explanation . What even creepier is the way the left stalks him just waiting for him to say some they can twist to their benefit . Heres a question . Where was Obama the night of the Benghazi attack ? They should be asking that question instead of focusing on a talk show host . Plus your statement is missing context because you got it from Right wing watch . I agree with him it did seem set up or staged . not her answer but his question but since youve never worked for CNN Id doubt youd know that .
Thats it ? prove it wasnt a set up question . Maybe you should listen to his Monday radio show and hear his explanation . What even creepier is the way the left stalks him just waiting for him to say some they can twist to their benefit . Heres a question . Where was Obama the night of the Benghazi attack ? They should be asking that question instead of focusing on a talk show host . Plus your statement is missing context because you got it from Right wing watch . I agree with him it did seem set up or staged . not her answer but his question but since youve never worked for CNN Id doubt youd know that .

Are you seriously asking him to prove a negative? That's an unfair burden by any measure.
Thats it ? prove it wasnt a set up question . Maybe you should listen to his Monday radio show and hear his explanation . What even creepier is the way the left stalks him just waiting for him to say some they can twist to their benefit . Heres a question . Where was Obama the night of the Benghazi attack ? They should be asking that question instead of focusing on a talk show host . Plus your statement is missing context because you got it from Right wing watch . I agree with him it did seem set up or staged . not her answer but his question but since youve never worked for CNN Id doubt youd know that .

You don't have to work at CNN to know what Wolf Blitzer's interviewing style and journalistic skill level is. You just have to watch it.

Joe, I know you take Beck seriously. But I'm afraid you are operating under a misconception if you think the rest of the American media, or government, or most people, also take him seriously. They view him as a clown. Just like they view Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and Rush Limbaugh as clowns. They "stalk" them because they are funny.
The only time I have ever listened to Rush is on a long drive and I was getting tired. Getting mad would wake me up--and darn it that day he was discussing cigars instead of politics.
You don't have to work at CNN to know what Wolf Blitzer's interviewing style and journalistic skill level is. You just have to watch it.

Joe, I know you take Beck seriously. But I'm afraid you are operating under a misconception if you think the rest of the American media, or government, or most people, also take him seriously. They view him as a clown. Just like they view Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and Rush Limbaugh as clowns. They "stalk" them because they are funny.
American media, or government are the clowns ? I also doubt that most people Agree with that according to rating of Rush BecK Ect All you have to do is compare their audience ? Alex Jones and Trump are clowns as well as Obama . Look at MSNBC and their ratings ? let not forget Al Sharptounge > We also know that Fox news and Comedy Central which is where most get their news from . Ill take the clown telling us the truth over the lies and media Whores who worship Obama IMO of course . I think your liberal bias is showing :) I will admit my bias always shows but I exactly don't fit in as well as others on this site . I still enjoy the debate ! :)
Funny as you still have yet to address Beck's lies that I exposed earlier.
What lie ? The Saudi ? Where is he today ? You have to prove him to be a liar before you call it a lie . I think the only liar was Big Sis Napolitano . Heres a better one what was Obama doing the night of the Benghazi attack ? Was he playing basketball with Reggie Love ? Why did he leave Americans to die ? was Las Vegas that important ? Where do you get your news and information ?
I did prove him a liar, and what I was referring to is when he lied about the S.A.O. on the event file that he produced.

He told his viewers that it was a "Special Advisory Option" when no such thing exists in regards to immigration. He also told his audience that the S.A.O. was a VIP status which is also completely false.

And again, the whereabouts of The Saudi is not a matter of the public.
What I was referring to is when he lied about the S.A.O. on the event file that he produced.

He told his viewers that it was a "Special Advisory Option" when no such thing exists in regards to immigration. He also told his audience that the S.A.O. was a VIP status which is also completely false.
So did he lie or get it wrong ? Where is the Saudi National today ? Where are 15000 other Saudi Nationals that are unaccounted for today ? Where did your facts come from Id like links . I remember during the Sandy Hook shooting how the Media said it was his brother that was the shooter . Does that make CNN a conspiracy site or did they get the facts wrong ??? I waited for more info on the Saudi to come out and when it didnt I moved on . I didnt lose any sleep over it either , I didnt cancel my Blaze TV as well .
Where is the Saudi National today ?

The whereabouts of The Saudi is not a matter of the public.

Where are 15000 other Saudi Nationals that are unaccounted for today ? Where did your facts come from Id like links .

And again, the whereabouts of every foreign national in the U.S. is not a matter of the public.
Where do you get your facts from?
Thats it ? prove it wasnt a set up question . Maybe you should listen to his Monday radio show and hear his explanation . What even creepier is the way the left stalks him just waiting for him to say some they can twist to their benefit . Heres a question . Where was Obama the night of the Benghazi attack ? They should be asking that question instead of focusing on a talk show host . Plus your statement is missing context because you got it from Right wing watch . I agree with him it did seem set up or staged . not her answer but his question but since youve never worked for CNN Id doubt youd know that .

As a gracious poster pointed out before me and as I stated in my post, I cannot disprove anything. I was simply asking to view the two scenarios and use logic to determine which was more likely. I don't exactly know what Benghazi has to do with my particular point.

I concede my statement might be missing context because it was taken from a website that is not favorable to him, but could you show me where the context shows that he was not implying the things I laid out, I'd love to see it.

I did watch his response to the charges of him being a conspiracy theorist and his defense seems to have been "I was simply suggesting a scenario that could have happened, the producer says that's not what happened and that's fine", but really what kind of a defense is that? Spouting out wild "suggestions" to his audience whilst having absolutely no evidence to back it up is exactly why people are labeling him a conspiracy theorist.
I did watch his response to the charges of him being a conspiracy theorist and his defense seems to have been "I was simply suggesting a scenario that could have happened, the producer says that's not what happened and that's fine", but really what kind of a defense is that?

I believe that's called the "JAQing off" defense.:) It's a very poor fallback position that some people have perfected to an art form.

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JAQing off is the act of spouting accusations while hiding behind the claim that one is "Just Asking Questions." The strategy is to keep asking leading questions in an attempt to influence listeners' views; the term is derived from the frequent claim by the questioner that they are "just asking questions," albeit in a manner much the same as political push polls.

The term was coined by "Marquis de Carabas" on the JREF forums, after they had dealt with one too many 9/11 truthers, with this later description:
As a gracious poster pointed out before me and as I stated in my post, I cannot disprove anything. I was simply asking to view the two scenarios and use logic to determine which was more likely. I don't exactly know what Benghazi has to do with my particular point.

I concede my statement might be missing context because it was taken from a website that is not favorable to him, but could you show me where the context shows that he was not implying the things I laid out, I'd love to see it.

I did watch his response to the charges of him being a conspiracy theorist and his defense seems to have been "I was simply suggesting a scenario that could have happened, the producer says that's not what happened and that's fine", but really what kind of a defense is that? Spouting out wild "suggestions" to his audience whilst having absolutely no evidence to back it up is exactly why people are labeling him a conspiracy theorist.
Is that a wild suggestion ? Really ?
If you actually researched the things Glenn Beck says, you would know.

Glenn Beck didn't just get it wrong, he told a big fat lie. The fact is that in reference to immigration, S.A.O. only means one thing. And there is no such thing as a "Special Advisory Option" so he clearly made that up. And he also claimed that the S.A.O. gives him special status which is also not true.

The whereabouts of The Saudi is not a matter of the public.

And again, the whereabouts of every foreign national in the U.S. is not a matter of the public.
Where do you get your facts from?
15000 Saudis here on student visas that are missing is not a matter of the public ? what the heel are they doing here Im sure they are here via the State Dept the same one that blame a video on the night of Benghazi . Tell that to the people who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 ? or maybe your feel like Hillary " What difference does it Make ? I believe a lie is something you do on purpose ? Again where do you get your news from ? Maybe your dont understand his show is a opinion show as his show on Fox and CNN were . Do you understand the difference ? where was Obama on the night of the Benghazi Attack ? do some research on that .
15000 Saudis here on student visas that are missing is not a matter of the public ? what the heel are they doing here Im sure they are here via the State Dept the same one that blame a video on the night of Benghazi.

They are not "missing" any more that anyone visiting the US is "missing". I don't know where you are right now, are you missing?

Where exactly does the 15,000 figure come from? What is it exactly referring to?
15000 Saudis here on student visas that are missing is not a matter of the public ? what the heel are they doing here Im sure they are here via the State Dept the same one that blame a video on the night of Benghazi . Tell that to the people who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 ? or maybe your feel like Hillary " What difference does it Make ? I believe a lie is something you do on purpose ? Again where do you get your news from ? Maybe your dont understand his show is a opinion show as his show on Fox and CNN were . Do you understand the difference ? where was Obama on the night of the Benghazi Attack ? do some research on that .

Just to put your mind at rest they won't give me a visa so you can sleep safe in your bed ;-)
They are not "missing" any more that anyone visiting the US is "missing". I don't know where you are right now, are you missing?

Where exactly does the 15,000 figure come from? What is it exactly referring to?
Ill try to find they say there are 75000 Saudis here on student visa 15000 are unaccounted for .