Tom Campbell?
This is an intro to Tom Campbell's Big Toe (Theory of Everything).
This is difficult to get into even a longish precis. What I'll sketch here is skeletal from the whole Big TOE, and leaves a lot to be taken on trust. But take a look at the video (50 mins will go quickly), and remember that it is only part one of nine, but with enough exegesis for a first-time watcher to begin to get it intellectually (though probably the initial emotional upheaval will prevent it all being taken in seriously at first blush).
So, in keeping with quantum mechanics -- which Tom's TOE postulates to be operating at all scales, not just at the scale of fundamental particles -- everything (sic) which we perceive in our normal, human-scale everyday world is actually nothing more material than a probability distribution, until some sentient being 'makes a measurement' of it, which means, for example, looking in the place where the probability wave is. This act of perception "collapses the wave function" in the jargon of QM, and causes a material manifestation of one of the range of probabilities.
But notice: until something sentient looks at (or otherwise senses; hears, smells, tastes, feels) the potential object for the first time, there's nothing there but a probability of the object. Literally: nothing but the potential, which is itself there because of the previous history of the material reality system, and its rule-set; its physics. So far, so orthodox quantum mechanical; except that quantum mechanics was not until now supposed to operate at the macro level, our scale of things.
Tom asserts repeatedly that we need to understand ourselves as, essentially, units of consciousness. If you view his presentations, you'll hear him repeat many times: "Remember, you are consciousness; that's your fundamental reality!"
He goes much further, with one of his main interpretive leaps of understanding, and asserts that all Physical Material Realities (PMRs) are actually rendered simulations. The rendering computer is the main, big consciousness, of which we are all autonomous but not fundamentally separate IUOC's (individuated units of consciousness), which Tom calls, with careful scientifically neutral language, the Larger Consciousness System (LCS).
The idea is an old one that's been around for a long time; that LCS, in order to grow its experience inputs, partially separates many small parts of itself off into quasi-independence, and allows these promontories or pseudopods of itself (like in amoebae) to exercise free-will.
In order to have an ostensible PMR in which to have the rich tapestry of experiences of many interacting free-will awareness units which are thus possible, the LCS feeds data-streams to each of its IUOCs, independently, like multiple players in a computer simulation game. These data-streams the IUOCs interpret as the allegedly-objective consensus world around us, in which we have our lifetimes' experiences; in fact multiple lifetimes, in Tom's schema; as in many traditional mystical systems.
But the supposed objective, solid material world is only a rendered simulation. And, to maintain economy of rendering, data-streams are only rendered to each individual consciousness as they are needed. Thus, when you look away from a particular object, the stream for that object stops. When you look back, it starts again. In both cases there is no object! Just the data-stream rendered to your IUOC; or not, according to whether you're 'making a measurement' by sensing it.
It's a fascinating theory. And entirely consonant with some of the latest radical but highly experimental-evidence-congruent new theoretical postulates currently working their way in from the periphery to the centre of theoretical physics.
But a key consequence of these ideas is that, until some sentience-unit, such as you, or me or your neuro-surgeon, looks inside our skulls, by one means or another, and precipitates not just the probability but the rendered simulation of a brain "there is no brain; just the probability..." And likewise with all the other bits of the PMR, including all our body parts.
Tom's Big TOE brings together all the aspects of the human attempt to understand its existence and the point of it all - physics, philosophy, religion, mysticism, paranormal, metaphysics - all are subsets of a bigger picture - where Einstein and Bohr were knocking at the door (as Tom explains in the beginning of his presentation, see video above) - Tom has pushed it open....
And the whole lovely Big TOE springs from just two fundamental axioms: Consciousness exists. And evolution happens. Which seems a fine and solid set to build on. Enjoy!
This is an intro to Tom Campbell's Big Toe (Theory of Everything).
This is difficult to get into even a longish precis. What I'll sketch here is skeletal from the whole Big TOE, and leaves a lot to be taken on trust. But take a look at the video (50 mins will go quickly), and remember that it is only part one of nine, but with enough exegesis for a first-time watcher to begin to get it intellectually (though probably the initial emotional upheaval will prevent it all being taken in seriously at first blush).
So, in keeping with quantum mechanics -- which Tom's TOE postulates to be operating at all scales, not just at the scale of fundamental particles -- everything (sic) which we perceive in our normal, human-scale everyday world is actually nothing more material than a probability distribution, until some sentient being 'makes a measurement' of it, which means, for example, looking in the place where the probability wave is. This act of perception "collapses the wave function" in the jargon of QM, and causes a material manifestation of one of the range of probabilities.
But notice: until something sentient looks at (or otherwise senses; hears, smells, tastes, feels) the potential object for the first time, there's nothing there but a probability of the object. Literally: nothing but the potential, which is itself there because of the previous history of the material reality system, and its rule-set; its physics. So far, so orthodox quantum mechanical; except that quantum mechanics was not until now supposed to operate at the macro level, our scale of things.
Tom asserts repeatedly that we need to understand ourselves as, essentially, units of consciousness. If you view his presentations, you'll hear him repeat many times: "Remember, you are consciousness; that's your fundamental reality!"
He goes much further, with one of his main interpretive leaps of understanding, and asserts that all Physical Material Realities (PMRs) are actually rendered simulations. The rendering computer is the main, big consciousness, of which we are all autonomous but not fundamentally separate IUOC's (individuated units of consciousness), which Tom calls, with careful scientifically neutral language, the Larger Consciousness System (LCS).
The idea is an old one that's been around for a long time; that LCS, in order to grow its experience inputs, partially separates many small parts of itself off into quasi-independence, and allows these promontories or pseudopods of itself (like in amoebae) to exercise free-will.
In order to have an ostensible PMR in which to have the rich tapestry of experiences of many interacting free-will awareness units which are thus possible, the LCS feeds data-streams to each of its IUOCs, independently, like multiple players in a computer simulation game. These data-streams the IUOCs interpret as the allegedly-objective consensus world around us, in which we have our lifetimes' experiences; in fact multiple lifetimes, in Tom's schema; as in many traditional mystical systems.
But the supposed objective, solid material world is only a rendered simulation. And, to maintain economy of rendering, data-streams are only rendered to each individual consciousness as they are needed. Thus, when you look away from a particular object, the stream for that object stops. When you look back, it starts again. In both cases there is no object! Just the data-stream rendered to your IUOC; or not, according to whether you're 'making a measurement' by sensing it.
It's a fascinating theory. And entirely consonant with some of the latest radical but highly experimental-evidence-congruent new theoretical postulates currently working their way in from the periphery to the centre of theoretical physics.
But a key consequence of these ideas is that, until some sentience-unit, such as you, or me or your neuro-surgeon, looks inside our skulls, by one means or another, and precipitates not just the probability but the rendered simulation of a brain "there is no brain; just the probability..." And likewise with all the other bits of the PMR, including all our body parts.
Tom's Big TOE brings together all the aspects of the human attempt to understand its existence and the point of it all - physics, philosophy, religion, mysticism, paranormal, metaphysics - all are subsets of a bigger picture - where Einstein and Bohr were knocking at the door (as Tom explains in the beginning of his presentation, see video above) - Tom has pushed it open....
And the whole lovely Big TOE springs from just two fundamental axioms: Consciousness exists. And evolution happens. Which seems a fine and solid set to build on. Enjoy!