Pete Tar
Senior Member
Blimey! Never saw that post. Site's very fractious again.
Despite that I don't agree with it, a decent effort to smoosh two things together. Almost conceivable.
Yes!But, P - that's not right - is electricity 'matter'? Is heat matter? Is music matter? No!
Electrons, atoms, spin, vibration, conduction, all properties of matter.
Positive and negative charges attract?Quantum is still 'matter' - because everything is either matter or not matter, the point is, P, it has no mass! So how can you build mass from no mass?
Not real informed on this subject though.
But what about the Big Bang, P? That's a pretty big one.
Not real up on my cosmology, but I know that mind-boggling amounts of time can give rise to mind-boggling amounts of diverse phenomena from a simple starting point. Also, chaos tends to self-organize into patterns.
Dunno, religion is just a human response to the universe, not an integral part of it - I can't imagine how our psychological response to the universe ends up being part of its structure.Subsets of a much bigger picture?