Clouds and The Rain Gods


New Member
Our unknown skies. All I will share with our group at this time will be from a past experience which I can not make heads or tails from. Perhaps you can help me. Year's ago in the middle 80s while working in a motel in Garden Grove, California as a manager, I heard thunder ⛈️ over our building that woke my ears up and make me pay attention unlike any thunder I've ever heard. Going outside I looked up and saw a white round glowing ball of energy. Now each time the thunder exploded this ball in our sky expanded and got brighter while vìbratìng. Soon I saw other balls of light begin to glow and vibrate in union with the rest of the others Now it didn't take ĺong before all these brìĝĥt whìte spheres were all vibrating and really gĺowìng. Now topping this off the first ball that started this light show then shot a perfectly straight electric line at another ball which copìèd the fìŕst orb. This electric ĺazer show continued ùntill all were glowing at once! Soon there were perhaps 7 to 9 of these units all sitting ìn the sky glowing a bright white color like ĺightning while making a sound like a cities electric line's but with no casing. Let me see if I can put this ìn proper perspective. A. )Thùnder B.) Round ball of vibrating white light that popped out of nowhere ) (thunder kick started this object is my take . C. ) The rest of the balls began coming into view and firing a straight line of electricity at another. The firing pattern never changed and went so fast after a fe.. minutes your eyes were unable to keep up with thìs... exchange of energy? My co-manager ran back inside the office but not before attempting to drag me back inside. He was unsuccessful. Writing this on my çèll is hard n sĺow . I will finish this the right way when I get the time .
All I will share with our group at this time will be from a past experience which I can not make heads or tails from.
Does that mean "that's all I know", or does it mean "that's all I'm going to tell you now"? Because if it's the former, it is only anecdotal evidence, and there's not a lot for us to investigate. If it's the latter, then you're not dealing openly with us, and I think most of us do not want to engage with someone who just wants to play guessing games with us. Please clarify.
I'd guess many members here accept that sometimes "ordinary" (e.g. not ill or intoxicated) people see/ believe that they see inexplicable things, including (rarely- but sometimes) highly-detailed structured things or alien beings. (Or ghosts, huge extinct creatures, revered religious figures.)

My co-manager ran back inside the office but not before attempting to drag me back inside.
Did your co-manager see exactly the same thing? This is rarer- but not unprecedented; one of the problems with multiple eyewitness accounts of unusual or important events is that the witnesses talk to each other afterward!
This is why police officers involved in contentious/ tragic incidents are often directed to write up their accounts separate from each other, to prevent conferring which tends to lead to all accounts being broadly in agreement (even if there's no deliberate intent to deceive).

Without other evidence (photographs, independent accounts from motel guests or passing drivers) your experience, though important to you, is very difficult to assess in any objective way.
Year's ago in the middle 80s while working in a motel in Garden Grove, California
Are there any other reports about this inccednt? Garden Grove is not exactly a rural area, it's smack in the middle of Orange County and just down the road from Disnyland:


Even in the '80s, this was a heavily populated area.
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