Well, I would suggest that the burden of proof is on you to demonstrate that quantum mechanics is anything other than the theory with its mathematically rigorously established foundation, as axiomatized via the postulates I cited or some other equivalent formulation.
While not claiming there is no burden on my side, your 'suggestion' that the burden rests exclusively on my side is logically unfounded. This seems to me due to your sincere but persistent
unawareness of two factors that underpin your position:
(1) Unawareness that your claim 'QM is defined by its formalism'
is a function of Bohrean positivism rather than the other way around, while the said underlying positivism is taken as a given for QM without a burden of proof (see factor #2 below). Bohrean positivism attempted, from the very historical beginnings of QM, to dogmatically restrict what quantum physics can and cannot be as a scientific pursuit. Instead, you seem to make the opposite and circular claim (also without proof): That Bohrean positivism (i.e.
a philosophical theory of science) -- which historically prescribed the scientific mission of QM to merely provide a mathematical formalism for measurements -- somehow
logically/mathematically follows said formalism.
philosophical theory of science can be
mathematically inferred from the formalism of QM (or from any other mathematical formalism for that matter). If you think it can, please demonstrate by using known deductive rules within known mathematical or logical axiomatic systems. However, what you
can say logically is that the formalism of QM is, by design, positivistic in that it does not attempt a description of reality
as is. Neither can you infer from the formalism itself, no matter how positivist by design, that all physicists who make use of it, and engage in its further development, are logically necessitated to espouse positivism as a philosophical theory. The formalism doesn't logically preclude even a direct realist interpretation for the wavefunction (despite the evident silliness of such projects in my view and it seems also in yours).
(2) Unawareness that the Bohrean positivism underlying your claim 'QM is defined by its formalism' (see factor #1 above) inheres
a positive philosophical claim (a kind of 'belief' in fact) that assigns an onus of proof on the claimant. That is, the belief that 'only individual events observable under well-defined experimental conditions are reliably knowable, while nothing beyond these observables is'. (I'm here using Bohr's language of "individual events observable under well-defined experimental conditions" verbatim.)
As to my burden, it can be addressed variously. For reasons of verbal economy, let me concisely tackle it by highlighting the inherent paradox in your positivist claim. Demonstrating the paradox of the positivist philosophical claim adds credence, by the logical inference rule of contraposition, to its logical alternatives, including the realist claim. The paradox reads quite simply as follows:
I reliably know only individual events observable under well-defined experimental conditions. Any aspect of reality beyond these individual events, including their real causes, is not reliably knowable. Yet the foregoing claim is not an individual event observable under well-defined experimental conditions.
(A pertinent footnote: Bohr was not as radical as a solipsist or a phenomenalist denying reality beyond observations. He just denied reliable knowledge of that reality.)
(Another pertinent footnote: This paradox applies to all variants of the positivist claim, irrespective of whether that which is reliably knowable is defined as 'observations', 'measurements', 'statements on observations', 'descriptions of measurements', 'the scientist's consciousness of the linguistic meanings of measurement reports', 'statements verifiable by observation', et cetera.)
Another version of the paradox, formulated in 'belief' language:
I have a scientifically unobservable belief that scientific observation is the only reliable means to acquire knowledge.
Logically, to make a positive claim on reliable knowledge being restricted to the domain of experimentally measured events, is to pronounce a blind metaphysical belief in a universe where any other possible domain is forever bound to be inaccessible to reliable knowledge. Experimentally, however, there is no possible way to know such a sweeping truth about all reality. It's purely speculative. Such a notion therefore resides firmly in the realm of philosophy, unapproachable by science.
Positivism is just another scientifically unfalsifiable and unverifiable philosophical theory. To think one is engaging in any thought process or rational behaviour -- whether scientific, professional or mundane --
without a single philosophical assumption (belief) is an exercise in self-deception. 'Positivists' as well as 'realists' amongst physicists often perpetrate this blissful ignorance.
The scientific pursuit is replete with philosophical assumptions as regards its purpose, scope, method, domain and discipline-specific postulations. The realism vs. positivism debate offers two mutually contradictory positions on the
purpose of science.
Any statement on the fundamental nature and value of science as a knowledge-pursuit is by logical necessity a higher-order statement above purely scientific statements, and hence non-scientific by default (or meta-scientific, to be precise). All such statements fall under an academic discipline better known as Philosophy of Science, regardless of whether or not the one making such a statement is aware he's engaging in a philosophical discourse, and whether the statement was casual or formal.
Historically, the positivist tradition in quantum mechanics
did not arise out of a thorough exploration and comparison of viable philosophical theories for the science of quantum physics, but rather from the intellectual influence exerted by certain positivist
philosophers on the likes of Bohr and Heisenberg.
Logical positivism was
a philosophical project undertaken by the Vienna Circle, a group of analytical philosophers in the early part of the 20th century, some of which are still regarded as philosophical 'heavy weights' that did pioneering work on the foundations of logic and mathematics. Amongst others, Rudolf Carnap and Kurt Gödel were members of the Circle while the likes of Quine, Hempel and Tarski were closely associated with it. The Circle had a significant impact on Danish intellectual climate before WWII. In the 1930s members of the Vienna Circle had established close relations with Danish scientists and philosophers. Especially Otto Neurath (a philosopher, a logical positivist, a Comtean and a main author of the Vienna Circle manifesto) influenced Niels Bohr somewhat as further detailed in
this article.
Having met twice in Copenhagen in 1934, Bohr and Neurath corresponded over the next couple of years during which Neurath's criticized Bohr for his initially
realist language. When Bohr faced Einstein's last challenge the following year, Bohr's language had changed somewhat, adopting a much more positivist tone.
Up to 1935 Bohr believed that physicists, through their measurement of an atomic object, disturbed the object in such a manner that they could not exactly determine its position and momentum at the same time. This way of talking made it sound as if the atomic object could be considered as a Kantian thing-in-itself. The atomic object had some values or properties, when nobody interacted with it, but it took on different values or properties during its observation when it was disturbed by the experimental equipment.
Neurath, however, contrary to Einstein, would find any talk of the disturbance of such things-in-themselves very problematic if not complete nonsensical.
While this may not be the case amongst a significant proportion of quantum physicists, in the scientific community there exists a general consensus (excluding a handful of anti-realist naysayers) that scientific truth is observer-independent but relative. Far from being perfect or absolutely accurate, the history of science demonstrates
an ever-improving approximation of observer-independent truth. The claim that
real-world referents of our approximate but ever-refining descriptions of 'black holes', 'entities with a mass', 'locations in space', 'locations in time','objects in motion', 'light', and 'gravity' exist with some correspondence to these descriptions even when they are not observed or described is far less radical than its positivist alternative. The more extraordinary positivist claim therefore calls for more extraordinary proof. Ptolemaic, Aristotelian, Copernican, Newtonian and Einsteinian science, each and all, improved the terms, the scope, and the resolution of our understanding and description of observer-independent physical reality even though some of the terms of the succeeding paradigms were incompatible with earlier terms, and even though some of the earlier assumptions and axioms have had to be entirely decommissioned.
Sometimes the paradigm shift is so radical that even fundamental axioms are redefined (e.g. Newtonian mass is conserved, Einsteinian is convertible with energy). And yet, the concept of mass has never been discarded as referring to a real thing, nor does the Einsteinian paradigm render Newtonian predictions invalid at lower velocities.
The philosophical assumption of (i) a mind-independent reality (realism, as opposed to solipsism or phenomenalism), and that (ii) for every observed phenomenon there must be a cause or causes that explain it (the Principle of Sufficient Reason, a.k.a. PoSR), are
sensible and
productive assumptions at the core of scientific pursuit, enabling predictive
explanation rather than mere prediction, and requiring little further 'defense' than these four properties against any alternative claim. Does this mean positivist science cannot be productive? Obviously not, and demonstrably not as per the formalism of QM. Especially as far as applied science is concerned. Do they need to be mutually exclusive scientific pursuits? I hope not, and 'live and let live', in the event their practitioners cannot find intellectual reconciliation.
The content of these axioms and the mathematical structure generated by them are agreed upon by virtually all practicing physicists. Not even the "interpreters" of quantum mechanics disagree that quantum mechanics (as actually used) is given by the axioms above.
They don't disagree that
the current foundations of quantum mechanics are provided by such axioms. They would disagree on whether that's
all that quantum mechanics is, and always must be. Let me offer here an olive branch:
If quantum mechanics is defined by its current formalism and by no scientific pursuit or theorization above and beyond that formalism (even if it builds on said formalism),
then under that definition we agree quantum mechanics is complete and its practitioners should just 'shut up and calculate'.
Does it make sense to ask if Newtonian mechanics "should" be relativistic?
Responded in the above.
That's conflating 'quantum mechanics' with 'reality'. Quantum mechanics, like Newtonian mechanics, is a theory/framework with a specific scope. There's nothing in principle saying that we can't find something more fundamental -- that thing just won't be called "quantum mechanics", that name is taken.
Responded in the above.
That's not what I said. I said positivism is a mathematical demand of the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics (in any formulation, whether "received" or otherwise).
Responded in the above.
That's the kind of structure I meant by "almost maliciously inelegant".
Depends on what such a structure may turn out to be if it exists.
If it's even remotely like the amplituhedra I'd say it's beautifully elegant and simple. And it wouldn't eliminate spacetime nor render it a mere illusion. It would merely offer a more fundamental, but also a more abstract, description out of which spacetime emerges.
I think in the context of this discussion it's more important to emphasize that the mathematical structures that have been proposed here, even if they do ultimately come from something fundamentally different (e.g. lacking any notion of spacetime), will still be part of some quantum mechanical theory, because that's the arena we're playing in. That's why I made sure to connect what he was doing to the axioms of quantum mechanics, and to point out that this is a development of the old and venerable S-matrix program.
While significant as a historical backdrop for Nima's project, the latter is not logically reducible to the S-matrix program. S-matrices employ linear algebra. The amplituhedra and binary surfacehedra employ algebraic geometry and number theory, providing a far richer and more profound mathematical language that remains as yet largely unexplored in physics, and not fully understood even in mathematics.
We would all be in a far better position to spell plausible doom to Nima's project if we'd have a far more profound understanding of the potential of algebraic geometry and number theory, some of the most advanced areas of modern mathematics, to provide at least a one notch more fundamental mathematical language for physics. Until then, the rest of us should really just 'shut up and calculate'.
In Nima's own words (37:30 onwards):
Algebraic geometry and number theory have never been part of physics before. The reason they haven't been discovered before is because we're insisting on describing physics in a way that made quantum mechanics and spacetime manifest in our face.
Source: https://youtu.be/OzSDZ_EPiXk
The persistent challenge to extend QM theory to multi-electron atoms suggests major limitations in its basic mathematical axioms. In QM, the commitment to calculus (especially linear differential calculus) seems a possible cause for these challenges. As it happens, it's precisely the search for a more fundamental and sophisticated math for physics that seems relevant and which Nima's project is concerned with.
However, for an educated discussion on the prospects of Nima's project, we'd have to gain a far deeper understanding of certain structures in quiver categories underlying the seemingly "magical" (in Nima's words) manner in which binary geometric surfacehedra satisfy certain string-theoretical equations, handing us parametrizations of these equations as certain polynomials associated with n-dimensional space and n-variables. I on my part will readily admit not being sufficiently well-versed in quiver categories and algebraic geometry to engage in such an educated discussion.
That's not a "realist project".
As is apparent from the above interview, not only is Nima a realist but in fact a romantic realist.
When asked about his greatest current passion in physics, Nima replies:
(34:40): "You want to know what spacetime really is."
(35:50): "The problem is incremental in the sense that there's truth sitting there. The wonderful thing about truth is that it's a great attractor. All you have to do is to get somewhere in its vicinity. . . . Having nature as your guide is a tremendous thing even if you're a slow worker."
(37:30): "I've felt this that the few things I've done in my career that I think are worth even something small have very much had this feeling to them that you were not inventing things. That there are things that are out there, and that we are sort of wandering around and that we have to be sensitive to their presence."
Asking "what are the building blocks out of which spacetime emerges" could, for example, have the answer "[something stringy]". Nima is a believer in string theory, as the QFT savvy might suspect from his interest in N=4 SYM, and he even believes he can
prove it. Is string theory a quantum mechanical model? You bet: it's what you get from the axioms of quantum mechanics if you build a theory whose elementary degrees of freedom are extended objects, not just points (to mean they have infinite internal degrees of freedom).
Since we're on the subject, I've put a link below for a fascinating very recent lecture (summer 2021) by Nima on the broader application of what he calls 'surfacehedra'. He outlines his current explorations into the applicability of surfacehedra to string theory.
Surfacehedra (dual geometry for particles, binary geometry for strings) is no longer just about scattering amplitudes, but also "stringy amplitudes", a way of thinking about string theory
without conformal field theory, worldsheets and elliptical functions.
Binary surfacehedra are different from dual surfacehedra in that the latter polytopes capture all the compatibility information associated with the curves on the surface, whereas the binary sufracehedra are completely locked (the constants are not floppy like with dual polytopes).
In Nima's characteristically enthusiastic words:
"These are highly nonlinear equations and its crazy they are consistent."
He mentions in his lecture he's currently also exploring the potential to extract "gravity" amplitudes from this binary geometry.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JFoS0DfNK0
If Nima's baby steps to the beach are even seemingly taking him forward, let him take them and let's support him. Even if he ultimately only manages to fall in the ditch and die. For even that is a scientific result.