Trump in recent media question and answer session looks very worried. I think it is slowly dawning on him that he is soon going to be inheriting this drone hysteria and it will cause him and his administration a major headache? It isn't going to look good for him when these sightings of SUV/school-bus sized drones continue and especially the pressure from Republican politicians and Mayors in the area.
For example Erik Peterson, Republican New Jersey Assemblyman. He is already claiming that the government is lying to him and other elected officials in the area.
He claims to have seen the drones.
I have actually seen the drones. You know it's a drone because it moves forwards, it stops and hovers, moves to the sides. Stop and hovers. Moves backwards. I've never seen a plane do that and you know it isn't a helicopter because you are close enough and you can't hear the sounds that you hear from a helicopter.
What we are seeing here is a very different thing. I live out in a rural part of New Jersey. The folks that live out here spend a lot of time outside. They watch the planes fly over, the stars the satellites as there is no light pollution out here.
Then all of a sudden these very large, they are not hobby drones - some guys drinking beer in their backyards flying a drone. These are very sophisticated large drones coming over their back yards. They notice them and they are very smart people because to make sure that it wasn't a plane they are going onto Flightradar24 which show all the planes in the vicinity and they are making sure that when they talk about this they are talking about something that they saw was a very large, very sophisticated drone over their home and then they hear report of these drones being over Trump national (Bedminster) or Picatinny Arsenal.
With that mindset what is he and other elected officials in the area going to be like when they are still seeing the drones night after night when Trump is in the White House?
Quite clear that both he and his townsfolk are misidentifying aircraft as these "large sophisticated drones". Obviously they are not aware that not all aircraft appear on Flightradar24. Peterson is also clearly not aware that the Temporary Flight Restriction over Trump Bedminster residence is very small and only up to 1,000 feet. The same with Picatinny Arsenal that has a Temporary Flight Restriction going up to 2,000 feet. Aircraft can still fly over these TFR bubbles and in close proximity. Such flights can be misidentified as drones and lead to all sorts of confusion.
Trump looks very worried in my opinion. Soon he is going to be in charge of "the government"
Trump's immediate reaction is to blame the government. As I said before I think he is slowly coming to the reality that this drone flap isn't going to go away and he is going to inherit it. I don't think that he is going to like it when the NJ politicians and populace are still demanding answers as to why these SUV/school-sized drones are still flying over every night? I feel sorry for the military advisors/Pentagon spokepeople and whoever heads the FAA under a Trump administration. How many is he going to fire before he realizes that the vast majority of sightings are perfectly routine aviation?
What actions will Trump take under the pressure? If he doesn't start getting the right answers from the military/FAA, etc will he start emergency shut downs of airspace as the sighting of SUV/School-bus size drones continue?