Debunking Humor...

In the "How have descriptions of UAPs changed over the years?" thread over in Chitchat,
there was some discussion of the 1947 Kenneth Arnold sighting.

It's widely accepted that the term "flying saucer" originated from a journalist mis-quoting Arnold (Arnold said the objects moved like saucers skipping over water, or words to that effect).

Duke raised the (I think very real) possibility that the use of "flying saucer" influenced the reports, or interpretation, of subsequent sightings (I've edited this quote a bit)
...the term "flying saucer"...defined what was routinely reported by witnesses for at least a couple decades. If the reporter who coined the term had used different terminology, would the description of what was being sighted/reported and even occasionally photographed have been different? I think the answer is yes, but there's no way to prove it.

Arnold said that he first thought that he was seeing a flock of geese. He ruled this out, citing his altitude and the object's apparent speed.
Frankly, I think Arnold may well have seen geese (my 11 year-old self would be furious that I've said that!)
If Arnold had stuck with his first impression- rather than the stuff about saucers- maybe popular culture would have taken a different path...

The Government of the United Kingdom wishes it to be known that the British people have no intention of leaving our friends and allies in the United States of America to face the balloon menace alone.

It can be revealed that, over many years, the 13th/42nd Lancers (Cavalry, Hot Air) have trained for just such an eventuality.


"If Johnny Foreigner thinks he can float his dastardly spheres above our heads without so much as a by-your-leave, he's jolly well got another think coming!" said the unit's CO shortly after his daring escape from hospita hostile captors.

13th/42nd Lancers Quick March: 99 Luftballons (Nena)
Slow March: Up, Up and Away (Jimmy Webb)

Regimental badge:
What are our flying pigs doing in the UK when they ought to be at home in Cincinnati?
Madam! I'll have you know that Percy is a British flying pig, and while he has great respect for the late Mayor Jerry Springer,
he assumes that any Cincinnati flying porcines must be descendants of a litter allegedly smuggled over there by a young lady of Scottish background some years ago.
Bigelow told Harry: 'please Reid! Leslie is Kean to publish her Fravorite joke':

"Chris showed his Mellons. David Grusched them."

Mick looked West in shame.
External Quote:
GRUSCH: based on the very specific properties that I was briefed on, you know, isotopic ratios that would have to be engineered for it to be at those levels, but also just extremely strange, heavy, atomic metal, you know, high up in the periodic table, of arrangements that we don't understand



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