There are a variety of photos circulating on the internet that show some pipes lowered out of the back of a cargo plane, spraying a white substance, for example:
These photos are of the Malaysian Air Force conducting cloud seeding. They date back as far as 2005, but the same photos get re-used whenever the Malaysian press writes about cloud seeding.
What is being debunked here is the idea that these photos show something suspicious, unusual, harmful, or secret (like "chemtrails", or secret geoengineering projects). Cloud seeding has been done perfectly openly since the 1950s in many countries around the world. The Malaysian cloud seeding (done since 1979) is just another example of this. And it's a particularly innocuous example, as they are simply spraying salt water onto existing clouds (all cloud seeding is done on existing clouds) in order to make them rain in a particular place to help fight forest fires.
Here's the 2005 article:
And a more recent story explains how they think it works (although they seem to be a little confused, as this is a "warm cloud" method, and no ice is involved).
This story shows the tank of salt water being loaded:
Multiple tanks are used:
This 2005 story shows the mixing of the Sodium Chloride (regular table salt) with water:
And here's the tank in place:
Here's another article with explanation:
The cloud seeding is carried out by the Malaysian Meteorological Department since 1973
The infographics above are somewhat vague and misleading about what is going. There are actually two main forms of cloud seeding techniques, "warm" and "cold" seeding. The cold seeding is more common in the US, and involves spraying Silver Iodide, which is an ice nuclei, and makes the supercooled water in the clouds form ice - this will then precipitate out as snow, hail, or rain (if it melts on the way down)
"Warm" seeding is done at temperatures above freezing, and uses a "hygroscopic" (water attracting/absorbing) material to encourage the formation of larger droplets of water that will then then precipitate out (rain). This is explained by US cloud seeding company Weather Modification Inc:
These photos are of the Malaysian Air Force conducting cloud seeding. They date back as far as 2005, but the same photos get re-used whenever the Malaysian press writes about cloud seeding.
What is being debunked here is the idea that these photos show something suspicious, unusual, harmful, or secret (like "chemtrails", or secret geoengineering projects). Cloud seeding has been done perfectly openly since the 1950s in many countries around the world. The Malaysian cloud seeding (done since 1979) is just another example of this. And it's a particularly innocuous example, as they are simply spraying salt water onto existing clouds (all cloud seeding is done on existing clouds) in order to make them rain in a particular place to help fight forest fires.
Here's the 2005 article:
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Cloud seeding over Sumatra until all fires are extinguished
Tuesday August 23, 2005
Cloud seeding to induce rain will be the main "weapon" for a multi-national force put into action to wipe out the remnants of fires in Sumatra.
The first sortie over parts of Sumatra by the Malaysian and Singaporean air forces began yesterday with each team concentrating on several areas.
Four Hercules C-130 planes, one each from Malaysia and Singapore, and two from Indonesia, will be carrying out cloud seeding over affected areas until the fires are extinguished.
And a more recent story explains how they think it works (although they seem to be a little confused, as this is a "warm cloud" method, and no ice is involved).
This story shows the tank of salt water being loaded:
Multiple tanks are used:
This 2005 story shows the mixing of the Sodium Chloride (regular table salt) with water:
And here's the tank in place:
Here's another article with explanation:
External Quote:
In wet seeding, about 150kg of salt is mixed with 1,000 litres of water. The containers of salt solution are carried aboard an RMAF C130 aircraft. Four containers could be carried at one time.
When the plane reaches an altitude of 1,200m to 2,100m [6,900 feet], the solution is sprayed onto the clouds.
The cloud seeding is carried out by the Malaysian Meteorological Department since 1973
And again, this is nothing new. Cloud seeding dates back to the 1950s. Here's a 1951 (publically published) paper that discusses cloud seeding with table salt (sodium chloride):External Quote:
Weather Modification Division of the Malaysian Meteorological Department was established in 1973. This division was responsible to carried out cloud seeding operation when it needed. In year 1977, cloud seeding operation has been carried out over MADA (Muda Agriculture Development Authority) catchments area. This operation is to enhance the rainfall over Pedu and Muda dams to ensure that there would be sufficient water supply for double cropping in MADA area.
In 1979, MMD had carried out cloud seeding operation over the Temengor catchments after received a request from National Electricity Limited Company (formerly National Electricity Board). The objective of the operation was to induce and enhance rain to maintain the reservoir water storage of Temengor Dam above the operating level for hydroelectric power generation.
Similar cloud seeding operations were also carried out over the catchments of other dams, such as Durian Tunggal in Malacca; Langat, Klang Gate, Semenyih and Sungai Tinggi dams in Klang Valley to augment water resources to meet the needs of industrial and domestic water consumption during long dry spells. In 1997, when the country experienced severe haze during the El Nino episode, the Malaysian Meteorological Service was requested to carry out cloud seeding operations as an attempt to create rain to help to reduce the effect of haze and forest fire on the socio-economic activities of the country.
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The infographics above are somewhat vague and misleading about what is going. There are actually two main forms of cloud seeding techniques, "warm" and "cold" seeding. The cold seeding is more common in the US, and involves spraying Silver Iodide, which is an ice nuclei, and makes the supercooled water in the clouds form ice - this will then precipitate out as snow, hail, or rain (if it melts on the way down)
"Warm" seeding is done at temperatures above freezing, and uses a "hygroscopic" (water attracting/absorbing) material to encourage the formation of larger droplets of water that will then then precipitate out (rain). This is explained by US cloud seeding company Weather Modification Inc:
External Quote:Warm cloud seeding stimulates precipitation production in clouds that are not cold enough to produce ice. Hygroscopicmaterials are introduced to encourage the formation of larger cloud droplets, which leads to the development of rain through the collision and coalescence process. Cold cloud seeding works by stimulating ice formation in clouds cold enough to develop it. This accelerates the growth of precipitation-sized particles
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