Hi, just passing through and found this thread interesting. Thought I would toss in my two cents.
First of all addressing concerns of Christians. Go back and study Revelations. The rapture happens before the tribulation. The Church is the restraining force to evil and must first be removed. If this is fact, real Christians will not have to worry about it because they won't be here. The ones left behind will have an opportunity to choose now, but they will have to go through the tribulation. Christ's second coming happens 3-1/2 years into the tribulation when he returns with those saints from the rapture. So, if you are confident about your salvation--don't worry about the tribulation.
Regarding RFID. These chips have already been implanted in people covertly---i.e. without their knowledge or consent. Have you had a flu shot in the last few years? Were you microchipped at that time? How do you know? According to the International Council Against the Abuse of Covert Technologies, this has already happened to a lot of people internationally. The person who started this organization is a retired fireman who himself was covertly microchipped. People who have been microchipped with or without their consent have been politicians, military, people who have been to the dentist, people who have had surgery like for knee replacements, and children and others who have had vaccines, most especially the flu shot. The post earlier regarding the RFID chip the size of a grain of rice and covered in glass is old technology. The new RFID can be nano-sized, like as small as the width of a human hair and smaller. Yes, they can be tracked by satellite. The so-called "Elite" have been microchipped in case of abduction. Yes, they do cause cancer. At one time, this technology was to be used experimentally on ex-cons so they could not only be tracked, but zapped as well if they got out of line. There was such an outcry that this was never carried out. For more information, please go to icaact.org. However, be warned, you may find this information disturbing--though true. They do provide information to fight this. Also, research Dr.Barrie Trower.
If you are seriously concerned about being chipped because of insurance, just don't get health insurance. Plan to be healthy instead of worrying about what will happen to you if you get sick. I recommend reading the newsletters at Dr. Joseph Mercola's site, and other doctors like conventional/alternative medical care Dr. Steven Sinatra, Dr. Julian Whitaker, or even Dr. Michael Cutler. These doctors will teach you how to be well. Aging is not the doom and gloom of illness. Most of the illnesses experienced and attributed to aging are really years of neglect and abuse. I have worked in the medical field for three decades. The healthcare industry is just that; an industry. It's mostly predatory and parasitic. Assume responsibility for your own well-being--not trusting it to someone else.
If you enjoy so-called conspiracy theories, here is a good one for you.
OR, research "Colonel Edward Mandell House" and social security. It will shock you how Woodrow Wilson sold us into slavery to the federal reserve bankers and the history of social security. You are already a slave.