That's a good point ^ that it probably wouldn't fall in concentrated amounts, I also thought people saying 'well you never used to see the trails' as evidence - air travel now has 1million people in the air at any given moment....but that in it's self has a increased likely-hood of being too hide things in such a large volume.
one question - how many of you de-bunk because you believe that a lot of what you de-bunk could be possible, or do you do it because the majority of it you think is not possible?
It doesn't make sense to say that air travel would have increased to hide things in a large volume. Air travel has increased because more and more people want to travel and can do so. Nobody forces them to travel, they make a choice to do that themselves.
Whenever someone makes an honest claim, their best friend is a debunker. The debunker looks at the claim using facts which are known, documented, and confirmable, then applies logic and critical thinking to evaluate the claim. If there are errors, the claimant benefits by learning what part was bunk and can re-evaluate the claim and improve it, or dispute the evaluation and debunk what the debunker had to say using other facts and logic. The process is an honest way to get to the truth. The main impediments to the process are a failure to communicate. If sustained public communication of the process is continued, bunk is eliminated and truth is revealed. False claims won't stand up under public scrutiny for very long if the process is sustained.
You might notice that much of this forum contains debunking of claims, yet those being debunked do not participate.
That is a very bad situation, because they could actually make their claims stronger, and we would be proven so wrong, that there would not be no claims left to debunk. When we try to sustain communication with the main claimants, they refuse to participate. For some reason or another, they fail to improve their claims, and usually this leads to even more false conclusions based on claims which were already debunked.
Usually, this is a result of fundamental dishonesty on the part of the claimant. I know that I have personally had personal communication with most of the leaders of the chemtrails conscious activist movement by email and telephone. I have asked them for a chance to engage in both written and verbal public debates. We do speak to each other. They know that they are in error, because I told them where, how, and why, and they visit here on a daily basis to see what we have to say, yet they are not responsive in any way as you can see.
They are the losers, and the folks who follow what they claim are even greater losers. Eventually, you will venture out into the public arena and have to face the exact same questions which have been posed here. This will happen, all of you who try have already experienced that. It cannot be avoided if you want to publicize your cause.
There is no reason to be angry at debunkers because your leaders have "set you up" by avoiding the process, and that has been a detriment to you. It is up to you to correct this situation, since they will not. You have the opportunity to apply our methods yourselves. Ask them about what you read here, apply the facts and logic we have, and see how they respond. If their response is not adequate, you can assume, as we have, that they are not really interested in the truth. You might also consider asking them to respond here directly, to expedite the process. If they are truly honest, they will do so.
To directly answer your above question, Sean, I debunk because I love the process of learning that it entails, it satifies my curiosity and I truly want to find out the truth of the matter, no matter where it leads. While I do take a position, if both sides engage, everyone will be satisfied and the public, who will eventually decide anyways, will be the winner.