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Some sources have claimed that a Dutch politician or government official has admitted that geoenginering is taking place. For example on Yournewswire: Dutch Government Admit Chemtrails exist, or on Geoengineering Watch: Netherlands Department Of The Environment Officer Is Confronted About Climate Engineering.
The source is a recorded telephone conversation between an anonymous chemtrail activist and Debbie Brenkman, environment and energy policy officer of the parliamentary group of the Dutch Socialist Party:
According to the English translation, she says (2:43):
Later in the video, however, she is asked what she thinks about the observation that on some days the sky is full of trails that spread and merge into a thin veil. Then she answers (10:19):
Although she did not clarify what she meant when she said she did not deny geoengineering is taking place, she obviously doesn't think that the trails often visible in the sky are associated with geoengineering in any way, and in fact she thinks they are contrails.
We can only guess what she meant by geoengineering taking place. But geoengineering has many forms including cool roofs (pale-colored roofs; there are several cool roof projects in several countries), or reforestation for carbon dioxide removal, which have actually been going on, but these are insignificant and harmless. She may also have referred to the research (theoretical and lab research) into possible geoengineering solutions. It is also possible that she is not sufficiently informed about the subject; she is not an expert but a politician.
But she essentially rejected the idea that "chemtrails" exist, so the title of the Yournewswire article is false.
The source is a recorded telephone conversation between an anonymous chemtrail activist and Debbie Brenkman, environment and energy policy officer of the parliamentary group of the Dutch Socialist Party:
According to the English translation, she says (2:43):
Then she goes on to say that they assume geoengineering only occurs on a limited scale, and does not have a major impact on health and the environment.External Quote:Yes, but I will not deny that geoengineering is taking place, that is clearly known.
Later in the video, however, she is asked what she thinks about the observation that on some days the sky is full of trails that spread and merge into a thin veil. Then she answers (10:19):
Then she goes on to state that she can only consider published scientific papers, and not some individuals' observation.External Quote:I'm not convinced that the reason is something else than condensation.
Although she did not clarify what she meant when she said she did not deny geoengineering is taking place, she obviously doesn't think that the trails often visible in the sky are associated with geoengineering in any way, and in fact she thinks they are contrails.
We can only guess what she meant by geoengineering taking place. But geoengineering has many forms including cool roofs (pale-colored roofs; there are several cool roof projects in several countries), or reforestation for carbon dioxide removal, which have actually been going on, but these are insignificant and harmless. She may also have referred to the research (theoretical and lab research) into possible geoengineering solutions. It is also possible that she is not sufficiently informed about the subject; she is not an expert but a politician.
But she essentially rejected the idea that "chemtrails" exist, so the title of the Yournewswire article is false.
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