Debunked: Bundy Ranch Dispute as BLM exploiting Fracking Rights

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Seems the feds have been harassing Bundy and the other ranchers for years

Did you even read the article?

External Quote:
April 1995: Thursday evening, a small bomb went off in the U.S. Forest Service office in Carson City, Nev."I'm concerned about the safety of my employees," says Jim Nelson, Forest Service district manager for Nevada. "They can't go to church in these communities without having someone say something. Their kids are harassed in school. Stores and restaurants are not serving them."

March 18, 1996: Two more pipebombs had exploded in Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management offices in the past two years.

Post #33 "They are just after the food!"

Post #48 "its about removing all cattle no just the money!"

Post #60 "its big government against the individual!"

Post #132 "It is a War on Cattle!"

Post #163 "its the land used for mitigation land!"

Post #178 "Its about water rights!"

First it was something about food, then it was about land, now water, tomorrow you'll be claiming it's about mineral rights, obummercare, and the erosion of American sovereignty by pinko UN usurpers.

Meanwhile Bundy goes on national television and says the same thing he's been repeating for the last 20 years; It's about him not recognizing the authority of the federal government.
Did you even read the article?

External Quote:
April 1995: Thursday evening, a small bomb went off in the U.S. Forest Service office in Carson City, Nev."I'm concerned about the safety of my employees," says Jim Nelson, Forest Service district manager for Nevada. "They can't go to church in these communities without having someone say something. Their kids are harassed in school. Stores and restaurants are not serving them."

March 18, 1996: Two more pipebombs had exploded in Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management offices in the past two years.
yea I read it . I said its been going on for years and was less violent this time around . Sorry but when a government decides that a tortoise (as a excuse ) is more important then someones way to support themselves and their families . Id expect it to be violent . They cant win legally against the federal government because the legal fees would bankrupt them . The courts like the 9th district are run by liberals so he didnt have a chance .
Post #33 "They are just after the food!"

Post #48 "its about removing all cattle no just the money!"

Post #60 "its big government against the individual!"

Post #132 "It is a War on Cattle!"

Post #163 "its the land used for mitigation land!"

Post #178 "Its about water rights!"

First it was something about food, then it was about land, now water, tomorrow you'll be claiming it's about mineral rights, obummercare, and the erosion of American sovereignty by pinko UN usurpers.

Meanwhile Bundy goes on national television and says the same thing he's been repeating for the last 20 years; It's about him not recognizing the authority of the federal government.
Yes and I still think its all of the above . You forgot wacko environmentalism as well . Yet you think its just about grazing fees ???
yea I read it . I said its been going on for years and was less violent this time around . Sorry but when a government decides that a tortoise (as a excuse ) is more important then someones way to support themselves and their families . Id expect it to be violent . They cant win legally against the federal government because the legal fees would bankrupt them . The courts like the 9th district are run by liberals so he didnt have a chance .

So if they can't win in court it's okay to use violence and try to kill people?
Yes and I still think its all of the above . You forgot wacko environmentalism as well . Yet you think its just about grazing fees ???

Easy on the insults Joe. I'm environmentalist I'm not a wacko. We don't call you a wacko for your extreme positions
Sorry but I just can't respect either one of them. Would you find it more acceptable if I compared them to Russian Times or Fox News. They are all more concerned with shaping opinion than factual accuracy.

I think you meant this reply for WW.
Sorry but when a government decides that a tortoise (as a excuse ) is more important then someones way to support themselves and their families . Id expect it to be violent
you know when it comes to threatened or endangered species NOBODY has a chance. not the ranchers, not the solar power companies.
the tortoise area isn't very large. Plus its the Nevada State Reptile! He's just in the wrong place. it happens. Getting people stun gunned and shot is not cool.


Bundy can move (to a more business friendly location), the tortoises can not. Still, if he had obeyed the conservation laws I doubt this would be happening at all.
Easy on the insults Joe. I'm environmentalist I'm not a wacko. We don't call you a wacko for your extreme positions
I was talking the extreme , Not you , I didnt know you were . Iv been called worse :)
you know when it comes to threatened or endangered species NOBODY has a chance. not the ranchers, not the solar power companies.
the tortoise area isn't very large. Plus its the Nevada State Reptile! He's just in the wrong place. it happens. Getting people stun gunned and shot is not cool.

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Bundy can move (to a more business friendly location), the tortoises can not. Still, if he had obeyed the conservation laws I doubt this would be happening at all.
Those laws were created after the fact and theyve been taking more and more land . yet the BLM killed many themselves ? That endanger species act is a scam for land confiscation .
yet the BLM killed many themselves ?

No they did not ?

External Quote:
The private agency that manages a Nevada facility dedicated to conservation of the threatened desert tortoise has denied an Associated Press report that hundreds of the animals that are housed there may be euthanized in coming months as a result of reduced financial support from the federal government.

Simmons explained that some tortoises - for example, those who are suffering from such severe medical problems that they cannot be rehabilitated or released back into the wild - may need to be euthanized.

Those laws were created after the fact and theyve been taking more and more land . yet the BLM killed many themselves ? That endanger species act is a scam for land confiscation .
I already posted links of the threatened tortoise laws, so im not doing htat again. as far as 'killing tortoises"...

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As the location just south of Las Vegas begins to ramp down, it is euthanizing tortoises deemed too unhealthy to return to the wild. Healthy tortoises won't be killed. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service desert tortoise recovery coordinator Roy Averill-Murray estimated last week that about 50 percent to 60 percent of the 1,400 tortoises that live at the refuge were sick. Such tortoises cannot be released into the wild because they could infect their healthy wild brethren
No they did not?

External Quote:
The private agency that manages a Nevada facility dedicated to conservation of the threatened desert tortoise has denied an Associated Press report that hundreds of the animals that are housed there may be euthanized in coming months as a result of reduced financial support from the federal government.

Simmons explained that some tortoises - for example, those who are suffering from such severe medical problems that they cannot be rehabilitated or released back into the wild - may need to be euthanized.
I could care less about some desert tortoise . Id rather ride a dune buggy all over the desert .
I appreciate the intellectual prowess of many 'MetaBunk' members....those with the ability to "see through" the 'BUNK', merely
by a combination of rational thinking, and knowing how to cite appropriate sources to support the claims made.
It's those attitudes towards desert wildlife and the desert in general that annoy me. Please stay out of this state if you don't want to respect it or its laws.

Bundy owes the government those fees, plain and simple. That he didn't like where the fees went isn't his prerogative. I can't decide where my tax dollars go. Federally I can't cut a check to the EPA nor the military, because that's where I would like my taxes to go. Locally I can't give my sales tax directly to the police or the school district, nor my DMV fees to a specific road project. The idea of directly paying your taxes to the agency you want to sounds pretty childish and self centered. I'm sure if people were allowed to do as such the military would have an even more bloated budget.

And if he wanted more change, why wasn't he agitating his cause among the people? Why didn't he start an initiative? Citizens in Nevada have the power to propose legislation that would be up for the voters to decide if they get enough signatures for it. Citizens of Nevada can elect representatives to argue their cause both locally and federally. Basically this guy sounds cantankerous and utterly uninterested in others' liberties. He only wants things for himself at the expense of all of us, while thumbing his nose at the law.
Citizens in Nevada have the power to propose legislation that would be up for the voters to decide if they get enough signatures for it. Citizens of Nevada can elect representatives to argue their cause both locally and federally.

Exactly. And, while they're at it, might want to take some time to print up the Nevada State Constitution, and reading it to the "militia" members...

(OR maybe by taping a copy to the barrel of one of their rifles??)
I could care less about some desert tortoise . Id rather ride a dune buggy all over the desert .
The area in dispute has restrictions on ORVs.

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Off-highway vehicles are one of many ways to enjoy the Southern Nevada landscape.
Due to public health and environmental concerns, off-highway vehicle closures are in place for certain BLM managed public lands. The BLM closures include:

  • Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
  • Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area
  • All Wilderness Areas
  • Las Vegas Valley within the following boundaries:
    • North – Apex on I-15 or Lee Canyon on US 95
    • South – Sloan Exit on I-15 or mile marker 14.5 on State Route 604
    • East – National Park Service's Lake Mead National Recreation Area
    • West – U.S. Forest Service's Spring Mountains National Recreation Area
  • Big Dune – dune beetle habitat, as posted
  • Fenced restoration sites and livestock exclosures
Vehicle use is limited to designated roads in Coyote Springs, Eldorado Valley, Gold Butte, Mormon Mesa, Piute Valley, Rainbow Gardens/ Sunrise and Frenchman Mountains, and the Virgin River. Roads are closed unless posted open in these areas. Cross country motorized travel is prohibited. (Click here to get maps.)

Off-highway vehicles may use existing roads, trails and dry washes outside of the closure areas and areas with designated roads.

It's those attitudes towards desert wildlife and the desert in general that annoy me. Please stay out of this state if you don't want to respect it or its laws.

Bundy owes the government those fees, plain and simple. That he didn't like where the fees went isn't his prerogative. I can't decide where my tax dollars go. Federally I can't cut a check to the EPA nor the military, because that's where I would like my taxes to go. Locally I can't give my sales tax directly to the police or the school district, nor my DMV fees to a specific road project. The idea of directly paying your taxes to the agency you want to sounds pretty childish and self centered. I'm sure if people were allowed to do as such the military would have an even more bloated budget.

And if he wanted more change, why wasn't he agitating his cause among the people? Why didn't he start an initiative? Citizens in Nevada have the power to propose legislation that would be up for the voters to decide if they get enough signatures for it. Citizens of Nevada can elect representatives to argue their cause both locally and federally. Basically this guy sounds cantankerous and utterly uninterested in others' liberties. He only wants things for himself at the expense of all of us, while thumbing his nose at the law.
So when a bunch of Liberals from New York and California move to Nevada and bring their ideology with hem screw the ranchers save the tortoise ? Iv been to Nevada before, you can keep it plus you have no state the FEDs own 82% of Nevada . Im sure Bundys lived there way before all these stupid laws were passed .
Sir, we don't always agree on like 90% of stuff, BUT... All of what you said there.. All.

I appreciate that Jeff.. I do. Thats one of the benefits of this site, we get to agree to disagree and be civil about it at the same time.

Joe, you DO bring up good points now and then too, but there are topics.. like this one.. where I get the feeling personal bias over takes the ability to look at things objectively. Believe me, I understand the frustration.. there was a time I wanted to wear a badge.. but I dont want to be on the front line when the powder keg explodes from BS like this nonsense with Bundy. This "win" the Bundites keep going on and on about is the beginning of some very serious "people are gonna get hurt" bullshit down the line.. which will just FURTHER empower those that you and these guys are fighting against in the FIRST place.

Think about it.. a gang of milita made the big bad US government back down.. they won. Ok cool.. the "underdog" got one over on the big bad wolf. What happens the next time? or the time after that? What's going to be "the shot heard round the world?" Hmm? How many people, who just want to live their lives, are going to be drug into an all out war, again, because a mob got together to "stick it to the man?" It wont be the Feds that cause another Waco, or Ruby Ridge.. itll be these guys waving their "Dont Tread on Me" flags, screaming about their second amendment rights etcetcetc that are going to cause it to happen.

The people that are trying to fight the power are going to end up causing the very thing they want to avoid, and they're too damned blind to see it.

Joe do you REALLy think the Feds didnt learn from Waco and Ruby Ridge? Do you HONESTLY believe that they didnt back down on the 12th and release the cattle to prevent that VERY thing from happening again? Take a look at the infowars video again.. watch it carefully.. you'll see one of the cops talking to one of the leaders fo the group, and then a bunch of morons start hoopin n hollaring and beating on the fencing.. they LITERALLY stopped filming at that point.. and the first thought through my head was... fuck.. me.. these idiots are going to fire a shot at the cops and SOMEBODY'S gonna end up dead. The cops backed down and did what needed to be done to ensure the peace.. which is what they're sworn to do. Your heart's in the right place, I grant you that 100% all the way, but you're going about this all wrong. Ease off the throttle a bit there bud, you're gonna melt your cowlings if you stay in afterburner much longer.
Why because I put Man over animal ? Plus the fact the endangered species act is a scam ?


You suggested "running over" animals, in an SUV. VERY different concept.

So when a bunch of Liberals from New York and California move to Nevada...

So now....are you asserting that Cliven Bundy is part of a "bunch of Liberals from New York and California"??


Might be worth a "look-see".....'CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEVADA[/url
Then Somalia would be perfect. There's a lot of desert and no government!
I appreciate that Jeff.. I do. Thats one of the benefits of this site, we get to agree to disagree and be civil about it at the same time.

Joe, you DO bring up good points now and then too, but there are topics.. like this one.. where I get the feeling personal bias over takes the ability to look at things objectively. Believe me, I understand the frustration.. there was a time I wanted to wear a badge.. but I dont want to be on the front line when the powder keg explodes from BS like this nonsense with Bundy. This "win" the Bundites keep going on and on about is the beginning of some very serious "people are gonna get hurt" bullshit down the line.. which will just FURTHER empower those that you and these guys are fighting against in the FIRST place.

Think about it.. a gang of milita made the big bad US government back down.. they won. Ok cool.. the "underdog" got one over on the big bad wolf. What happens the next time? or the time after that? What's going to be "the shot heard round the world?" Hmm? How many people, who just want to live their lives, are going to be drug into an all out war, again, because a mob got together to "stick it to the man?" It wont be the Feds that cause another Waco, or Ruby Ridge.. itll be these guys waving their "Dont Tread on Me" flags, screaming about their second amendment rights etcetcetc that are going to cause it to happen.

The people that are trying to fight the power are going to end up causing the very thing they want to avoid, and they're too damned blind to see it.

Joe do you REALLy think the Feds didnt learn from Waco and Ruby Ridge? Do you HONESTLY believe that they didnt back down on the 12th and release the cattle to prevent that VERY thing from happening again? Take a look at the infowars video again.. watch it carefully.. you'll see one of the cops talking to one of the leaders fo the group, and then a bunch of morons start hoopin n hollaring and beating on the fencing.. they LITERALLY stopped filming at that point.. and the first thought through my head was... fuck.. me.. these idiots are going to fire a shot at the cops and SOMEBODY'S gonna end up dead. The cops backed down and did what needed to be done to ensure the peace.. which is what they're sworn to do. Your heart's in the right place, I grant you that 100% all the way, but you're going about this all wrong. Ease off the throttle a bit there bud, you're gonna melt your cowlings if you stay in afterburner much longer.
Well I didnt agree with the Branch Davidians way of life but thought the Government was all wrong .I don't believe the government has learned anything from Waco . Remember the Hutatree Militia ? They wanted a confrontation then and lucky nothing happened . That could have turned pretty bad . Im sorry but I believe and this is just a example of the division in our country we are heading down the road of disaster . It only a matter of time .

You suggested "running over" animals, in an SUV. VERY different concept.

So now....are you asserting that Cliven Bundy is part of a "bunch of Liberals from New York and California"??


Might be worth a "look-see".....
No Id swerve around them ( PS a dune buggy is a converted Volkswagen not a SUV ) :) . I dont surf over dolphins or sharks either , No Im saying like in Florida where I live the New Yorkers leave New York and try to change Florida into what they left . I am a X NYer and X Californian BTW But I dont want to change Florida
Well I didnt agree with the Branch Davidians way of life but thought the Government was all wrong .I don't believe the government has learned anything from Waco . Remember the Hutatree Militia ? They wanted a confrontation then and lucky nothing happened . That could have turned pretty bad . Im sorry but I believe and this is just a example of the division in our country we are heading down the road of disaster . It only a matter of time .

I agree with ya Joe, but I still dont think its going to be the Feds that cause the next big rowe.. One of these militia types are going to get ballsy over another deal similar to this one, and think that because they "won" with Bundy that they're invincible.. a cop or a Fed is going to be killed this next time and then there's going to be a war... if you think the division is bad now, just wait. Common sense has GOT to take precedence and there are better ways to get your point across than raising a rifle over your head and shouting at a cop "out of my cold dead hands."

Ive never been in trouble with the law once in my life, but I scared the shit out of a cop a few weeks back just because I reached into the inside pocket of my leather jacket.. that trooper's eyes got to the size of saucers, and had I not had the presence of mind to say "Im reaching for my wallet, its ok" then proceeded to pull the jacket back to assure her that I wasnt armed, things could have gone bad in a hurry.. I dont blame her for her reaction.. she doesnt know me from Adam, she's in a patrol car on her own, in the middle of nowhere and a guy twice her size and that probably outweighed her by at LEAST 120lbs is reaching inside his jacket.

But you have guys who intentionally provoke cops on a daily basis JUST to prove that they know their rights.. its stupid, and thats exactly what we had here with Bundy and his group.. it was stupid and its only going to get MORE stupid. Stupid is as stupid does.. and somebody ALWAYS gets hurt.
I agree with ya Joe, but I still dont think its going to be the Feds that cause the next big rowe.. One of these militia types are going to get ballsy over another deal similar to this one, and think that because they "won" with Bundy that they're invincible.. a cop or a Fed is going to be killed this next time and then there's going to be a war... if you think the division is bad now, just wait. Common sense has GOT to take precedence and there are better ways to get your point across than raising a rifle over your head and shouting at a cop "out of my cold dead hands."

Ive never been in trouble with the law once in my life, but I scared the shit out of a cop a few weeks back just because I reached into the inside pocket of my leather jacket.. that trooper's eyes got to the size of saucers, and had I not had the presence of mind to say "Im reaching for my wallet, its ok" then proceeded to pull the jacket back to assure her that I wasnt armed, things could have gone bad in a hurry.. I dont blame her for her reaction.. she doesnt know me from Adam, she's in a patrol car on her own, in the middle of nowhere and a guy twice her size and that probably outweighed her by at LEAST 120lbs is reaching inside his jacket.

But you have guys who intentionally provoke cops on a daily basis JUST to prove that they know their rights.. its stupid, and thats exactly what we had here with Bundy and his group.. it was stupid and its only going to get MORE stupid. Stupid is as stupid does.. and somebody ALWAYS gets hurt.
I agree 100% with you .
"20 years in the wake of a brutal 2011 drought".....

Yet, I find this....correct me please:

External Quote:
Beef Industry Statistics
  • 2013 Cattle inventory: 89.3 million (down 2% from 2012) (USDA NASS)
  • Economic impact: $44 billion in farm gate receipts (USDA NASS)
  • Number of beef cow operations: 729,000
  • Number of cattle & calf operations: 915,000
    • 29.3 million beef cows (down 3%)
    • 34.3 million head calf crop (2012)
    • 90 percent of cow herds have less than 100 cows (avg. 44 head)
  • 2013 U.S. total beef exports: 2.5 billion pounds
    • Top export markets: Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and Hong Kong
  • More than 50 percent of the total value of U.S. sales of cattle and calves comes from the top 5 states: (Jan. 1, 2013 USDA Cattle Inventory Report)
    1. Texas
    2. Nebraska
    3. Kansas
    4. California
    5. Oklahoma
  • Cost of production: from 1990-2003, feedyard cost of gain was $261/head; in the past four years, feedyard cost of gain is $494/head
- See more at:
"STATISTICS".....a very interesting way to deceive.
you honestly think Bundy has a viable business model with his current set up?
No I dont . That was the plan .
External Quote:

The simmering truce between the Bundys and the Bureau of Land Management comes after high-profile raids last year by armed federal agents on small-time gold miners in tiny Chicken, Alaska, and guitar makers at the Gibson Guitar facilities in Tennessee.
That doesn't include more subtle threats, such as recent efforts by the Obama administration to raise grazing fees or pressure permit holders to transfer their water rights as a condition of renewal, said Ryan Yates, director of congressional relations for the American Farm Bureau.

Read more:
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HMM water rights ?
decline in cattle

People are eating less red meat mainly for health reasons. So there's a decline in red meat consumption, followed by a decline in production. Supply and demand.





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New research from Mintel reveals some 39% of beef and other red meat consumers ate less in 2013 than they did in 2012.

Furthermore, a quarter (25%) of pork consumers claimed to have eaten less pork in 2013 than they did in 2012. In contrast, only 10% of beef and other red meat eaters are eating more, and only 13% of pork consumers are eating more.

The good news is that people are eating more poultry. Bundy could raise free range chickens on his own land.
decline in cattle

Actually, no. That shows a decline in the number of cattle operations. Consolidation plays a role in that.

But the number of cattle in this country has been on the decline and is at its lowest since 1951.


But that has more to do with consumer tastes then the Feds running ranchers off their land.


Be that raising beef cows for food it one of the most inefficient methods/ resource intensive means of food production its no wonder that cattle operations on the margins of viability - such as in a desert or small herds etc- would see a decline. Especially given the rise of feedlot production and consolidation of huge legacy operations.

Be that as it may- I know fair number of folks in places like Montana and California who make a decent living raising cattle.
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