Based on the google maps navigation screenshot provided in this tweet that shows where the car was along its journey:
I think this may be the approximate vantage point from where the photo was taken based on the distant mountain on the right, the ferns in the nearby grass and the metal roof of the building building lower down the hill which becomes visible one streetview step further!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
Streetview imagery is from 2015 so much could have changed over the years. Surely there are other spots where this photo may have been taken but it might be a good approximate start if investigating the location is helpful.
I think this may be the approximate vantage point from where the photo was taken based on the distant mountain on the right, the ferns in the nearby grass and the metal roof of the building building lower down the hill which becomes visible one streetview step further!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
Streetview imagery is from 2015 so much could have changed over the years. Surely there are other spots where this photo may have been taken but it might be a good approximate start if investigating the location is helpful.
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