German magazine Der Spiegel revealed at October 19 that German Secret service BND has evidence that separatists downed MH17 using a BUK stolen from Ukraine army. The evidence was presented to a limited group of German parliament members at October 8.
As far as I know:
-the separatists claimed on Twitter they stole a BUK from Ukraine. There was an Ukraine army base just North of the Donestsk airport with BUKs stationed. A photo of a BUK was added to that Tweet
-the separatists posted a video showing a discussion of people talking about a BUK and having it repaired
-the separatists bragged about downing an aircraft at July 27. When they found out it was MH17 the post on vKontakte was deleted
-a telephone conversation between two separatists was captured by Ukraine secret service.
-there are photos showing a BUK on a red trailer with a white Volvo truck. The truck and trailer were stolen in Donetsk according the owner of the truck.
-this same trailer was seen multiple times carrying other vehicles. Recently seeing carrying a tank.
-a BUK was photographed next to the headquarters of the separatists in Snizhne.
- Ukraine rebel commander Alexander Khodakovsky of the Vostok battalion, acknowledges fighters had BUK missile (Reuters). The next day he denied he spoke about BUK in the interview and had audio tapes to prove it (Russia Today). However, Reuters published the audio tapes. See and hear it here.
Ukraine@war blog published a blog debunking the possibility that a BUK was captured from Ukraine Army
Then there is the story published at Bellingcat about a Russian BUK. A photo taken at Donetsk of a BUK has matches (same dent, same place for white paint) with a BUK previously seen in Russia on its way to the Ukraine border.
The evidence presented by BND has not been not made public. So how likely is this statement of BND?External Quote:
Gerhard Schindler, president of the BND, told a secret parliamentary committee on security affairs earlier this month that separatists had used a Russian Buk missile defense system from a Ukrainian base to fire a rocket that exploded directly next to the Malyasia Air plane, Der Spiegel reported.
"It was pro-Russian separatists," the magazine quoted him as saying.
The BND concluded the rebels were to blame after a detailed analysis based on satellite and other photos,
Read more:
As far as I know:
-the separatists claimed on Twitter they stole a BUK from Ukraine. There was an Ukraine army base just North of the Donestsk airport with BUKs stationed. A photo of a BUK was added to that Tweet
-the separatists posted a video showing a discussion of people talking about a BUK and having it repaired
-the separatists bragged about downing an aircraft at July 27. When they found out it was MH17 the post on vKontakte was deleted
-a telephone conversation between two separatists was captured by Ukraine secret service.
-there are photos showing a BUK on a red trailer with a white Volvo truck. The truck and trailer were stolen in Donetsk according the owner of the truck.
-this same trailer was seen multiple times carrying other vehicles. Recently seeing carrying a tank.
-a BUK was photographed next to the headquarters of the separatists in Snizhne.
- Ukraine rebel commander Alexander Khodakovsky of the Vostok battalion, acknowledges fighters had BUK missile (Reuters). The next day he denied he spoke about BUK in the interview and had audio tapes to prove it (Russia Today). However, Reuters published the audio tapes. See and hear it here.
Ukraine@war blog published a blog debunking the possibility that a BUK was captured from Ukraine Army
Then there is the story published at Bellingcat about a Russian BUK. A photo taken at Donetsk of a BUK has matches (same dent, same place for white paint) with a BUK previously seen in Russia on its way to the Ukraine border.
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