Again, without calling me a truther or whatever term of the day is in fashion, I have made a simple request to any pilot who thinks its possible, GO PROVE IT. How much easier then that does it get. [...]
It is easier to crash than land, thus you have already proved it, unless your first flight in the 737 you were unable to land properly, on speed, on course, proper attitude, wings level?
I flew KC-135s; on my first flight in the KC, I landed exactly on course, on speed, proper attitude, wings level. Thus I have done better than pilots who had more time than I did. First time in a heavy jet, perfect landing. First time in the jet next to my wife, the T-38, on course, on speed, and I could impact the runway numbers first flight.
First flight in a C-150, harder to fly than a 757/767, I was on centerline, on speed.
I have no idea why poor pilots who actually passed FAA checkrides can't crash into the largest office buildings in the world, first time, at a rate of 75 percent, when I, a simple kid from PA raised in Atlanta can do it every single time, I could have crashed or landed on the runway, very close to the centerline, even with 25 knot crosswinds, one time out of limits, but within my limits since I am here, and the plane survived, the KC.
My kids could fly a 767/757 into the WTC towers, without training, but then they can walk, talk, chew gum and text at the same time, faster than I can type.
I took kids with no flight training into heavy jet simulators and they landed first time on center-line.
Flight 77's FDR shows Hani was a poor pilot, he had no real airspeed control, no stable bank angle, and arrived in DC too high; he had to do what we all might have to do (not me, my KC-135 could get nearly 15,000 feet per minute down in an emergency decent, but I do have an ATP, and I took over 15 equal ATP checks in the USAF) a 360 to get down; or are you a pilot who says he should do what we never do, dump the nose and try to hit the Pentagon as some steep decent, more than 6 to 10 degrees down.
Hani almost missed, and was in a pio, up to 2.3gs.
Did you study the FDR for 77, or 93? Did you check the Radar data?
I flew in the USAF, T-37, T-38, KC-135, and I finished flying prop planes for the USAF, C-172, etc as liaison officer to the CAP; flying prop planes is harder than jets; I have taken the equal to an ATP check in single engine prop planes, and took my ATP in a light twin; they were harder checks than the KC, and the 757/767 fly better than the KC.
I think the terrorists wasted time learning to fly, an American kid could fly as good as the terrorists without training; I understand why they got training. They also rented large jet simulators, which would be more than enough practice for hitting large targets you can see from 100 miles away. I could do 911 with a 767 with no VOR, just a compass, things even the terrorists were suppose to learn to fly. But the terrorist cheated, they got manuals for the 767/757, and they may of used the VOR, and guess what any student pilot can do with less than 40 hours; home to the VOR, see needle, turn to needle, fly to needle. I can't believe a pilot can't understand how easy it is to fly and hit the largest office buildings on earth - ego? I know one of the best student pilots I flew with, he quit because he thought flying was like driving a bus, and he was right - don't let our Type-A personality for flying get in the way of the fact anyone can fly as good as we can, and the terrorists pilots were over qualified to fly poorly and crash.
Anyone could do what the terrorists did; don't tell anyone flying is easy, jets are easier.
From 77's FDR, turn/bank from the airline pilot, vs, Hani, the terrorist pilot; Hani sucked, but he was bad enough to hit a 900 foot wide office building. Did you study the FDR for 77 and 93 before you made up your mind and think it was impossible, what we did right the first time ever, even poor pilots can hit the runway, might not pass the check, or finish the landing, but they can line up, even if they wash out.