This is all fine and great, all have their own theories, what you are forgetting is, we are talking about guys who could barely fly a c 152 at 70 kts, If I am to believe that guys who have never flown a 767 can kill two men in the flight deck, pull them out of their seats hop in, disconnect auto pilot and auto throttle, turn off the transponder, and somehow figure out where they are in the sky, even if they could figure out on the centre console how to tune up a VOR to get a fix, or program a fix into the FMS do a direct too, and get the decent profiles perfect on the first attempt and thread 3 needles 2 trade centres and the pentagon at 500 mph plus, close to sea level...... I challenge any of you to rent a 767 simulator and re create it with video evidence of the entire sim session without any breaks in the video from altitude all the way down till impact on the first attempt without looking at where the sim operator has positioned you. This includes no help from the sim operator on where anything is located, and post your video here and on you tube .............
You do that you will make me a believer until then stop saying what is possible because what happened on the day is 99 percent impossible........
Big airliners like these have inertia with all the weight behind them. Make a control input and wait for the aircraft to respond, what happens is over controlling and anyone who has flown an airliner knows what I am talking about. Now we are doing 400 kts or more in a decent with sweeping turns......High speed warning going off, stick shaker, EGPWS screaming passengers in the back of the aircraft due to the rate of decent
Anyone who has ever flown an airliner knows when you have a green F/O in the seat, what is the captain worried about? the decent profile, even with lnav and vnav engaged, most new pilots even after finishing all the simulator, base training, line training of 25 sectors or more, screw up the decent, slowing down, configuring ect ect ect...... These guys didn't have to configure the aircraft to slow down, but they did have to get the profile absolutely perfect without the help of the efis to tell you if you are above the glide path in the decent....... No VNAV NO LNAV no way to measure how far away from target you are except eye balling it
Get your hands in your pockets pay for a 1 hour sim slot and do it ON THE FIRST ATTEMPT......... Prove your case for all the truther's to see that it is possible........