Some people mention how hard it must have been for these inexperienced pilots to hop into big airliners and fly them so precisely into these targets and do some of the maneuvers observed. The hijackers only had experience in small one engine propeller planes, therefore it would be nearly impossible for them to fly these big 767-200ERs and 757-200s so well. As for myself, I only fly single engine planes (Beechcraft Bonanza to be specific) and I thought I would have a go flying big planes into these targets.
-World Trade Center South Tower (South Tower because people fuss about Marwan Al-Shehhi's ability to pull out of a steep dive and then being able to turn sharply into the tower)
-US Capitol (Some people have made the argument that replicating flight paths is unfair, and that you couldn't pick a really low to the ground target and coordinate a original flight path/attack from the air.)
-The White House (As people have said Flight 93s target wouldn't have been the white house as that's a very hard building to hit, so I thought I'd give it a go to see how hard it really was to hit.)
This is my Flight 175 into the south tower recreation. The real aircraft hit between floors 77-85, my aircraft hit 77-84, the real aircraft was doing 513 knots, I was doing 512 knots.
Pretty good, and so was my approach over the Hudson
It was not hard to get out of the dive, and it was very easy to bank into the tower.
Pentagon time.
Two things are important here,the first is the turn, and the second is being so low to clip light poles.
Light pole clipping achieved.
Ok now the the flight 93 potential scenarios. First up is the Capitol. Very easy to do. Just dove to a position where I had a straight flight path.
Easy to do flight. Nothing special.
White House. This one is still not hard, but also not easy. It's a hard target to locate and then to start your attack run. It can be difficult. But once you've gotten it, it's pretty easy to just fly into.
Those looping turns really do work.
So that's that. 4 completely different flight paths, all very easy to execute, especially with flight controls. (Accurate controls as Boeing aircraft use yokes and not sidesticks, so my yoke for flight simulators is accurate to what was on the aircraft that crashed that day.)
This Simulator is X-Plane 11, I use a Logitech G Saitek Yoke and Throttle Quadrant if you want to try and replicate these yourselves.
-World Trade Center South Tower (South Tower because people fuss about Marwan Al-Shehhi's ability to pull out of a steep dive and then being able to turn sharply into the tower)
-US Capitol (Some people have made the argument that replicating flight paths is unfair, and that you couldn't pick a really low to the ground target and coordinate a original flight path/attack from the air.)
-The White House (As people have said Flight 93s target wouldn't have been the white house as that's a very hard building to hit, so I thought I'd give it a go to see how hard it really was to hit.)
This is my Flight 175 into the south tower recreation. The real aircraft hit between floors 77-85, my aircraft hit 77-84, the real aircraft was doing 513 knots, I was doing 512 knots.
Pentagon time.
Two things are important here,the first is the turn, and the second is being so low to clip light poles.
Light pole clipping achieved.
Easy to do flight. Nothing special.
White House. This one is still not hard, but also not easy. It's a hard target to locate and then to start your attack run. It can be difficult. But once you've gotten it, it's pretty easy to just fly into.
So that's that. 4 completely different flight paths, all very easy to execute, especially with flight controls. (Accurate controls as Boeing aircraft use yokes and not sidesticks, so my yoke for flight simulators is accurate to what was on the aircraft that crashed that day.)
This Simulator is X-Plane 11, I use a Logitech G Saitek Yoke and Throttle Quadrant if you want to try and replicate these yourselves.