I was reading through the various discussions here of alleged "overunity" devices and I was reminded of the work being done on something very much akin to these "free-energy machines", but by an actual accredited scientist working through published papers and patents.
Professor Paul Thibado...
Early this morning my friend me sent this on Messenger
Now, my friend has always been into conspiracies, but they always have been reletavly harmless, but this is something new. Just out of the blue on anti-vaxx mode
And just couple minutes ago he sent me another message regarding that mask...
Source: https://youtu.be/uO4W7IbdwsI
What are the flaws in some common truther arguments? Did the collapse of the Twin Towers truly resemble a controlled demolition? What's the process like when a person becomes and quits being a conspiracy theorist? These are some of the key questions I discuss...
A few days ago, the term “resilient cities” popped up in a Washington Post story about yet another government official going public with his conspiracy beliefs. A little research into the term reveals a 2013 initiative that doesn’t have even a passing resemblance to a conspiracy.
A Cult is a social group with non-mainstream beliefs or practices, often religious or social, that manipulates, controls or exploits its members. A cult is often headed by a charismatic leader.
A Conspiracy Theory is a set of non-mainstream beliefs held by individuals or very loosely associated...
The Daily Sheeple recently portrayed Zika mitigation efforts in Florida as a “martial law exercise,” citing speculation combined with an old and already debunked 2012 Executive Order.
In reality, Florida state health officials, working in concert with the CDC and Miami Dade County have been...
Conspiracy theorists like to use veterans as a way to illustrate citizens suffering from evil, arbitrary government. I suppose they like the stark contrast between people who have made enormous sacrifices for a system that abuses them and their rights.
A recent article appearing in Activist...
Activist Post and a number of websites have been recently sounded the warning about United Nations vehicles spotted in the United States.
U.N. Vehicles, Mysterious Troop Movement Spotted In VA, NC, W.VA, Ohio
In the midst of reports circulating around an uptick in U.S. military movement inside...
From geoengineeringwatch.org in time for Memorial Day.
Betrayed – 100 Years Of US Troops As Lab Rats
Willful blindness to the criminal actions of your country is not patriotism, it is tyranny. Any that are living under the delusion that our government is in any way concerned about them, their...
The FBI Has Quietly Started Spying On U.S. School Children To Quash Dissent At An Early Age
This claim came from Activist Post a few weeks ago.
The article...
Sometimes clouds appear to be behind the sun or the moon in photos and videos, like the example above (source). This confuses people, as the sun is 93 million miles away, so it's impossible for clouds to be behind it. Some people take this as evidence that reality is an illusion, or the Earth is...
This theory is an older one I saw via a youtube clip I came across accidently. It's a classic History channel conspiracy program discussing HAARP and chemtrails. One of it's primary proposed theories is that "ELF" or Extremely Low Frequency waves can cause earthquakes and this is what Ionosphere...