I don't know MV-lehti, I left Finland before that sprang into existence. The name basically mean "WTF??!! News" - which will be important. (That punctuation is in their logo, so I have included it.)
The (finnish) wikipedia page on it is fairly critical, calling it a fake news site:
External Quote:
MV-mediaa on arvosteltu muualta kopioitujen, tarkistamattomien ja keksittyjen uutisten levittämisestä, salaliittoteorioita tukevien juttujen julkaisemisesta sekä ihmisten yksityisyyden loukkaamisesta. Sivustoa pidetään myös rasistisena ja vihaa lietsovana, ja se on näiden takia myös poliisitutkinnan kohteena.
From which I can extract keywords like tarkistamattomien~unverified, keksittyjen~fabricated, salaliittoteorioita~conspiracy-theories.
I followed one of its references supporting such claims and reached a finnish state media article on fake news generally, wherein MV-Lehti was given many paragraphs of criticism, all strongly calling its reputation into question, but none of which were particularly forthcoming in specific evidence. However, this quote from the founder does sum up the direction he's coming from:
yle.fi: Hän mainitsi myös, että MV sai alkunsa "täydestä huumorista, nimihän sen jo kertoo".
my translation ~ He also mentioned that MV started as "entirely humour, the name already says that".
Here, "he" is the founder, and looking at (a googoo translate of) his wiki page linked to from the MV-lehti one, he seemed like a *very* questionable character, but apparently he's dead now, so irrelevant to these particular claims.
YLE also mention:
External Quote:
MV-sivusto on jo niin näkyvä suomalaisessa Facebookissa, että Perussuomalainen puolue joutui virallisella Facebook-tilillään ottamaan siihen kantaa. Ylläpitäjä ilmoitti viime viikolla, että MV-sivustolle vievät linkit poistetaan puolueen Facebook-sivulta.
Which I think implies that even the "True Finns" (OK, they changed their name since coining that one, but I think the original name is more revealing), a "right-wing populist political party" (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finns_Party) ~"is removing links to MV-Lehti from the party's Facebook page". If even they are distancing themselves from him, it must have a pretty toxic reputation.
So, yeah, I wouldn't take anything on MV-lehti at face value. As you imply, it's entirely possible that the case mentioned is a real one, but if their counter-argument against vaxxing is an isolated anecdote rather than statistics, it really oughtn't be persuasive at all.
Beware, my Finnish ain't that good. Do. Your. Own. Research.
(and correct me where I err, please)
Linkies missing from the above text:
the wiki page on them:
the YLE article: