Worms/morgellons/nanobots in medical masks


Senior Member.
Recently I've encountered links to what seem to be CTs regarding morgellons/nanobots/worms in disposable face masks, and it would be nice to be able to respond with something more concrete than the adhom of "he's a known loon!" (addressed to both the poster of the links, and the presenter of the video). I watched a bunch of the videos, and in almost all of them, all I see is a dark fibre only partly within the weave of the mask itself. Most don't move at all, and almost of the ones that do, "responding to the heat and moisture" (a paraphrase, but the jist of claims repeatedly made), seem to be just being blown, nothing weird or worthy of mention at all. Just a couple have elicited a "ooh, that's curious" response, but those movements have almost always been reversed precisely, like a rigid object elastically responding to a temporary load - sometimes eliciting claims like "unnatural movement, more like a nanobot than something living" (again, a paraphrase). Some have called them "synthetic worms", I'm not sure what that even means.

Alas I don't remember which claims came from which vids, or even which vids I saw now, but the poster of the links is persisting, so I've resurrected the idea of debunking him. Here are the some of the ones I remember seeing:
In English:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UOixDzQi90
<- Max Igan, I think he should be well-known round these parts
In German:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9x428LigZ8

In some presumably eastern-european tongue:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YlKwWIo57o

I'm surprised this hasn't popped up on others' radars yet, it seems to be the CT meme of the week where I hang out. Sorry about the sloppiness of the presentation of the claims, as I said this is a hasty resurrection of a many-days-old idea.

I've not yet seen anyone take a higher-power microscope to one of these things to show what they really are. Even if the answer is face-palmingly dumb, I still think it would be useful to have conclusions here on MB, as metabunk is pretty google-friendly.
i dont want to watch 3 videos in foreign languages, but i dont see any worms in your bottom 2 pics. and the top pic looks like a hair or dark fiber that got mixed in with manufacturing as i'm sure these publicly available masks arent manufactured in clean rooms. ("clean rooms" being a thing.. like where they make photomasks so dust particles dont mess up the circuit boards).
Yup, as so often is the case, the thing that looks like something bizarre to someone else looks like something completely mundane to me - it's just stray fibres. CT-ers gotta CT and make something of it.
what's funny is they all have beards... wonder how many fibers and creepy crawlies are in those things!!
Beards are pretty much 100% fibers!

Some of the pictures and vids I've seen shared on 4channel's /x/ board are pretty clearly beard/nose heairs, which are not surprising given asks are worn oover beards (if any) and noses (hopefully). Others are of the "OMG fibers! I found them in a mask made out of fibers from a factory that makes things out of fibers!" variety. None that I have seen have even attempted to explain a train of thought from "there's a fiber on my mask (or, originally, swab)" to "it's nano-tech mind-control brain worms!"
While sewing masks for a couple of local charities today, I noticed a fiber on one of them (horrors!) and decided to try and recreate the "wiggling fiber on a mask" videos I've seen. These are larger fibers than appear in some conspiracy theorist vids I've seen, and my camera cannot zoom in macro, but it's the best I could do to replicate the videos without buying a new camera. I want to go back and try to get a longer blackfiber from the mask elastic as I think I could get pretty close with that to the videos I have seen -- if I have any success I'll share that as well.