As there has always been. The question being if the amounts are unusual. How much would you expect? How much was found?I won't. I will close with this, well thought out argument to see if I can clarify My frustration. I do not want to say it is or isn't happening. I don't frankly know. What I do know is that there is aluminum and barium of varying concentrations in the atmosphere.
The trees might be suffering, but it's not because of excessive UV. Dane's measurements are provably wrong, as he measures levels of UV that:What I do know is that trees all over My own town are suffering from excessive UVA and UVB rays,
There truly is. It's known as airborne dust. And that is 7-8% aluminum for starters, as aluminum is the most prolific metal that is on the surface of the earth. Barium is twenty-ninth down the list, but will also be found in a fractional percentage, unless you sample the air, as some of your friends did, slap bang in the center of a barium mining area.What I do know is that there is aluminum and barium of varying concentrations in the atmosphere.
There have been no "excessive UVA and UVB rays" apparent in typical and ubiquitous measurements made the world over. Only in the "data" you have selected.What I do know is that trees all over My own town are suffering from excessive UVA and UVB rays
We have seen the standards of the amateur evidence-gathering that you quote, and from my experience it would get the perpetrators bottom place in a fifth-grade science class. Return when you can do better. I'm sorry I can't be more friendly about this, but my "prime directive" is immediate communication. The sooner, the better.I am listening to the data, which shows increased PH levels of soil and unusual amounts of aluminum. This is the data which I won't provide or get into again as there is plenty on Dane's site and plenty was offered to You in Your debate. My position is that this data points to and strongly suggests geoengineering based on logic from data I have seen. Negating DATA because it may have been windy or because You don't trust the instruments the scientist is using - that sounds like denial. And I am not convinced that any data, regardless how valid would be accepted by You. That's all. Thank You.
Your own quote defines cloud seeding as one form of geoengineering (weather modification), which You say is not happening.
I suppose I should at least clarify this. No, not Dane Wigington. He has scientific data that I trust because he always quotes his sources and works with other geoengineers and 'real' scientists in the field. I would call him a scientist for those reasons, but I have no idea if he himself has any 'degree', if that's what You mean. But check out his work in detail, it is all well quoted and credited to those who help him gather data. He does an awful lot of work and gets a considerable amount of support from various professional communities.It appears that you believe Dane to be a "scientist"
Is this true?
I suppose I should at least clarify this. No, not Dane Wigington. He has scientific data that I trust because he always quotes his sources and works with other geoengineers and 'real' scientists in the field. I would call him a scientist for those reasons, but I have no idea if he himself has any 'degree', if that's what You mean. But check out his work in detail, it is all well quoted and credited to those who help him gather data. He does an awful lot of work and gets a considerable amount of support from various professional communities.
he should have consulted some of those scientists perhaps, before claiming the ice scraped from his freezer is the same as a snow ball. ; /I suppose I should at least clarify this. No, not Dane Wigington. He has scientific data that I trust because he always quotes his sources and works with other geoengineers and 'real' scientists in the field. I would call him a scientist for those reasons, but I have no idea if he himself has any 'degree', if that's what You mean. But check out his work in detail, it is all well quoted and credited to those who help him gather data. He does an awful lot of work and gets a considerable amount of support from various professional communities.
Been there, didn't buy the t-shirt. The government filing fees for a patent is $500. This guy estimates fees for legal services at %5,000 to $15,000 plus. However, he is a lawyer in the business of convincing inventors that they need a lawyer. I'm sure there are some inventors who just pay the filing fee and do everything themselves, including the drawings.
.... I don't care what You call it. Putting shit in engine exhaust of planes is what We are talking about. That is happening, We know it.
What You just quoted "fail to differential between cloud seeding and OTHER methods of weather modification."
Bonehead, weather modification is EXACTLY what We are talking about. ANOTHER FORM OF... Your own quote defines cloud seeding as one form of geoengineering (weather modification), which You say is not happening.
Putting shit in engine exhaust of planes is what We are talking about. That is happening, We know it. Mick said in the interview they are additives, like in Your car.
I won't. I will close with this, well thought out argument to see if I can clarify My frustration. I do not want to say it is or isn't happening. I don't frankly know. What I do know is that there is aluminum and barium of varying concentrations in the atmosphere. What I do know is that trees all over My own town are suffering from excessive UVA and UVB rays, I can send pictures in the spring if You want to see the diseased trees. I am listening to the data, which shows increased PH levels of soil and unusual amounts of aluminum. This is the data which I won't provide or get into again as there is plenty on Dane's site and plenty was offered to You in Your debate. My position is that this data points to and strongly suggests geoengineering based on logic from data I have seen. Negating DATA because it may have been windy or because You don't trust the instruments the scientist is using - that sounds like denial. And I am not convinced that any data, regardless how valid would be accepted by You. That's all. Thank You.
Sorry? Mick said what? What "additives" did Mick supposedly talk about?
John got the idea that because we don't known exactly what is in some additives, then it's proof we don't know what is in contrails, or something along those lines. I think he got the idea from Jim Lee. It's just a silly semantic argument. The fuel additives are too diluted to produce anything.External Quote:John: ... talk about Spec Aid 8Q462 and JP-8+100, can you tell us what those are for?
Mick: I don't know
John: Well, you guys may not be familiar with these terms, but I think that our viewers should listen and, look these terms up. It's called Spec-Air 8Q462 and JP-8+100, which is a jet additive. And there's also carbon black, which is carbon black dust. You want to comment on that Mick?
Mick: Well, carbon black isn't really an additive, it's....
John: It's an anti-coking device, I understand, but...
Mick: ... it's a byproduct...
John: ... what does it usually do?
Mick: These thing are just like very very small additives that are put in jet fuel, and they basically contain, you know, just some chemicals that do things like: they stop things getting clogged up, and stop static from building up...
John ...[inaudible] talking about coking in the engine ....
Mick: ... yeah, in the jet engine, they are basically, they are fuel additives like you add to your car sometimes. There is nothing unusual about them, they are usually like very complex hydrocarbons, with a few chemicals in them, but they are just
Dude, just look up. Seriously. It's not up for debate
What I do know is that trees all over My own town are suffering from excessive UVA and UVB rays...
What I do know is that there is aluminum and barium of varying concentrations in the atmosphere.
...this data points to and strongly suggests geoengineering based on logic from data I have seen.
No leaves. It's winter. In spring and summer, the leaves blister and turn black, many of them die and the beavers carry them away in the winter. If I get a camera soon, I will take a walk near the river by My house and I can show You how many trees have disappeared over the last two years as a result of disease (beavers don't cut live trees, only dead or dying - they limit tree diseases this way).Real truth is there a reason that you can't post pictures of your observed diseased trees now rather than in the spring?
Perhaps there is too much snow pack?
No leaves. It's winter. In spring and summer, the leaves blister and turn black, many of them die and the beavers carry them away in the winter. If I get a camera soon, I will take a walk near the river by My house and I can show You how many trees have disappeared over the last two years as a result of disease (beavers don't cut live trees, only dead or dying - they limit tree diseases this way).
No leaves. It's winter. In spring and summer, the leaves blister and turn black, many of them die and the beavers carry them away in the winter. If I get a camera soon, I will take a walk near the river by My house and I can show You how many trees have disappeared over the last two years as a result of disease (beavers don't cut live trees, only dead or dying - they limit tree diseases this way).
First, My position is that the spraying is not necessarily related to jet fuel. Obviously (to Me), additives for fuel would be different from additives needed for environmental control and the chemical processes You describe. I'm suggesting these are separate nozzles from the actual jet stream, not part of it. And the 'look up' comment is something I know is not a scientific argument, that seems pretty obvious. What I'm saying, is that planes don't fly any higher than they did when I was a child and they never left contrails then, they would disappear only a few meters behind the plane, not stretch out and expand across the entire sky. I had never seen a phenomenon like that until My twenties. I trust My eyes and My intuition to lead Me to the right facts. As I've mentioned to the moderator, My position is not necessarily to suggest this is happening, but to keep everyone asking questions so that We can have full disclosure on these topics. We need transparency from Our government on this issue and many others. I don't feel We can trust that information because history demonstrates that governments do all kinds of horrific things without public knowledge. We don't see nuclear arms being shipped and deployed all over the country, either. Hasn't stopped America from detonating some 200 in the last 100 years. Just because We don't see them getting shipped around the country doesn't mean they are not there (in answer to why don't We see these things get loaded into planes). They are inside the planes, it's been photographed. Only question is if they are tanks of chemicals or water for test flying as this site suggests in another post. They are there, whether You see them loaded or not and that is a fact. What is in them is still up for debate and contention.And what science, exactly, leads to this assertion? "Excessive UVA and UVB rays" would affect Humans, too...sunburns, right? And also...the "chem"trail believers usually cry out words like "Global dimming" as what they think this "aerial spraying" (that is not occurring) is meant to "accomplish". Wouldn't such an effort (if it were true) lead to less UVA & UVB? I once saw a cute joke, poking fun at some scientific illiteracy: "Tan = UV - SPF"
The aluminium has been explained as naturally occurring bauxite that is present in the Earth's crust, and thus in some wind-borne dust. Any barium is most likely to be introduced into the environment from ground-based sources of pollution.
You need to carefully vet any sources that make these claims. Furthermore, simply pointing and saying "Look up" is fruitless...think it critically and rationally:
In order for there to be an airborne, concerted effort of "spraying" something, then there has to be "something" manufactured, produced, and then shipped to the airports, where the loading of this "something" can take place. Only on the ground can this be accomplished, yes? So, keeping all of this in mind:
Why are there no photos of these "factories" were the "something" is produced? No photos of the "something" being shipped, nor loaded onto the airplanes. (Since there are probably more cellphone cameras now than there are people in the world...well, in the industrialized world, anyway...surely there would be tons of such photos, by now?)
And just to, foreign materials like "aluminium" and "barium" (both metals) cannot just be "added" willy-nilly into jet fuel. For starters, research the melting points of both elements. Then, the temperatures of combustion inside a jet turbine engine (over 1,800 degrees C, by the way).
Additionally, foreign matter in aviation fuel would wreak is a major safety aspect, and monitored heavily, and frequently. There are several filters in fuel systems, from the Tanks to the Fuel Control Units, and those would quickly become clogged. But, back to combustion: At those extreme temperatures, foreign matter would precipitate out, and accumulate very quickly on the internal components of the "hot sections" (the turbine blades and stator vanes), and thus would destroy the engines.
Are you aware, for example, of the extreme dangers to airplanes near volcanic eruptions? The volcanic dust clouds, when ingested, will begin to melt and then coat the internal parts (as mentioned above), and power losses then occur very quickly.
Here is a video that has a pretty good explanation and animation to show how the modern High-Bypass Turbofan engine works, and shows the internal components...just in case you were unaware. I have found this to be the case on multiple occasions -- the layperson has very little knowledge of the actual processes and mechanisms:
First, My position is that the spraying is not necessarily related to jet fuel. Obviously (to Me), additives for fuel would be different from additives needed for environmental control and the chemical processes You describe. I'm suggesting these are separate nozzles from the actual jet stream, not part of it. .
This is from an environmental architect who was working on her thesis. She did a study on these leaves for her undergraduate degree and shared her findings with Me. She was a neighbour of mine, now off on an internship to restore sustainable vegetation to urban areas that support bee populations.
And what did she say?
This is from an environmental architect who is working on her thesis. She did a study on these leaves for her undergraduate degree and shared her findings with Me. She was a neighbour of mine, now off on an internship to restore sustainable vegetation to urban areas that support bee populations.And why do you think this is due to UV? Why not, say, the Emerald Ash Borer?
Again, I believe there are. This is what Dane was talking about with reference to three plumes or additional plumes aside from what appears to be propelling the plane. You have seen photos of this and dispute it as condensation on the wings or something. Again, a fine argument, but it negates everything I have seen from planes in the last twenty years compared with those previous. My own human experience. These condensation phenomenon You write off so quickly simply did not exist when I was a child. Trails from planes did not look the way they do now and clouds did not form from them. Cloud seeding IS a form of geoengineering and You did admit that this weather modification has been happening for some time. You simply claim it occurs without any chemical stimulation, that this is a natural process? Or did I misunderstand Your argument there?So why are there no photos of this?
This is from an environmental architect who is working on her thesis. She did a study on these leaves for her undergraduate degree and shared her findings with Me. She was a neighbour of mine, now off on an internship to restore sustainable vegetation to urban areas that support bee populations.
Again, I believe there are. This is what Dane was talking about with reference to three plumes or additional plumes aside from what appears to be propelling the plane. You have seen photos of this and dispute it as condensation on the wings or something. Again, a fine argument, but it negates everything I have seen from planes in the last twenty years compared with those previous. My own human experience. These condensation phenomenon You write off so quickly simply did not exist when I was a child. Trails from planes did not look the way they do now and clouds did not form from them. Cloud seeding IS a form of geoengineering and You did admit that this weather modification has been happening for some time. You simply claim it occurs without any chemical stimulation, that this is a natural process? Or did I misunderstand Your argument there?
These condensation phenomenon You write off so quickly simply did not exist when I was a child.
... I'm suggesting these are separate nozzles from the actual jet stream, not part of it.
And the 'look up' comment is something I know is not a scientific argument, that seems pretty obvious. What I'm saying, is that planes don't fly any higher than they did when I was a child and they never left contrails then, they would disappear only a few meters behind the plane, not stretch out and expand across the entire sky.
They are inside the planes, it's been photographed. Only question is if they are tanks of chemicals or water for test flying as this site suggests in another post. They are there, whether You see them loaded or not and that is a fact. What is in them is still up for debate and contention.
She said that vegetation in general is under extreme, unprecedented stress. In trees, these effects can be seen more in some than others. Maples are hard hit as are oak trees. Plants like tomatoes and peppers have washed out leaves (whitening) caused by sun bleaching, or scorching. This does not prove geoengineering one way or the other, but it did show that UVA and UVB rays are substantially higher than what We are told (or more damaging than previously known). The media does know and promote this. Every year I hear at least once from radio or tv that UV indexes are getting higher, 'be sure to wear Your sunscreen' (which I don't).![]()
What I'm saying, is that planes don't fly any higher than they did when I was a child and they never left contrails then, they would disappear only a few meters behind the plane, not stretch out and expand across the entire sky. I had never seen a phenomenon like that until My twenties. I trust My eyes and My intuition to lead Me to the right facts.
I did misquote the amount at 2.2 billion (bad memory), it was 1.8.
She said that vegetation in general is under extreme, unprecedented stress. In trees, these effects can be seen more in some than others. Maples are hard hit as are oak trees. Plants like tomatoes and peppers have washed out leaves (whitening) caused by sun bleaching, or scorching. This does not prove geoengineering one way or the other, but it did show that UVA and UVB rays are substantially higher than what We are told (or more damaging than previously known). The media does know and promote this. Every year I hear at least once from radio or tv that UV indexes are getting higher, 'be sure to wear Your sunscreen' (which I don't
This is from an environmental architect who is working on her thesis. She did a study on these leaves for her undergraduate degree and shared her findings with Me. She was a neighbour of mine, now off on an internship to restore sustainable vegetation to urban areas that support bee populations.And why do you think this is due to UV? Why not, say, the Emerald Ash Borer?
Again, I believe there are. This is what Dane was talking about with reference to three plumes or additional plumes aside from what appears to be propelling the plane. You have seen photos of this and dispute it as condensation on the wings or something. Again, a fine argument, but it negates everything I have seen from planes in the last twenty years compared with those previous. My own human experience. These condensation phenomenon You write off so quickly simply did not exist when I was a child. Trails from planes did not look the way they do now and clouds did not form from them. Cloud seeding IS a form of geoengineering and You did admit that this weather modification has been happening for some time. You simply claim it occurs without any chemical stimulation, that this is a natural process? Or did I misunderstand Your argument there?So why are there no photos of this?
She said that vegetation in general is under extreme, unprecedented stress. In trees, these effects can be seen more in some than others. Maples are hard hit as are oak trees. Plants like tomatoes and peppers have washed out leaves (whitening) caused by sun bleaching, or scorching. This does not prove geoengineering one way or the other, but it did show that UVA and UVB rays are substantially higher than what We are told (or more damaging than previously known). The media does know and promote this. Every year I hear at least once from radio or tv that UV indexes are getting higher, 'be sure to wear Your sunscreen' (which I don'tNothing in the link provided other than Ash borer information and very little of that.
Okay, if You say so. I live in Canada, I'm 40. Planes would cross the sky and the contrail would disappear. I'm not suggesting that it wasn't happening then, only that it wasn't happening at this magnitude. Perhaps Canada hadn't started yet or I was just lucky enough that no planes showing those kind of patterns every passed across My childhood skies. Why is that some do and some don't? Why is it that (I live near an airport that has flights coming and going all the time) two planes can be flying in the same sky, one leaving no trail at all, the other leaving a plume that spreads, expands and eventually almost blocks out the sun entirely. Never happened when I was young. First time I ever saw this was in Vancouver sometime in the 90's. But IYes it did. There are photos.
Wow. 'Selective memory'. Good one. So the main argument is to tell people that when evidence fails (to produce conviction one way or the other as it has here) that We should not trust Our own reason, logic and observations? You will NEVER convince Me that I've made this shit up or that I simply 'don't remember' and it's always been there. Most futile argument put forth so far and frankly, evidence to support My claim. An article concerned with truth would never ask You to discount the accounts of others observing the same phenomenon. That kind of rhetoric is fodder for conspiracy theorists, just so You know.I will say again, this is an assertion that lacks any merit. And also, it would be a simple matter to get photos of any such "separate nozzles". Of course, anyone who knows anything about aviation also understands that nothing that is on an airplane is not known about by every pilot who flies it, and every mechanic who works on it.
Furthermore, there is the problem (for "chem"trail believers) of the storage of this "whatever-it-is" that is claimed to be "sprayed". AND equipment and plumbing, etc, etc.
This is a commonly mentioned meme, and it is only partly accurate...first, there is a level of "confirmation bias" and "selective memory" at work. Secondly, there are also significant difference in the type, duration and volume of contrails that are being produced nowadays, and this is (important to understand): Directly related to the engine designs.
The video I posted just above helps to explain: In your (and my) childhoods, the engine design was a Low-Bypass Turbojet engine...the majority of its thrust was from the exhaust force. These were very noisy, and burned very can see it in old movies, from the early 1960s, the black soot in the exhaust. The modern High-Bypass TurboFAN design is much more fuel efficient, quieter, and just a better design for extracting more energy out of a given quantity of fuel. The differences in the exhaust, and the reason for more pronounced contrails resulting from these designs can be looked up online.
Think of this: The High-Bypass Turbofan produces about 85% of its thrust from the huge fan out front....much like a propeller that is powered by the big radial gasoline engines of years ago. And those engines could produce very similar contrails...they look almost the same, in any number of videos you can find online. From World War 2 for example. The large column of cooler ambient air that is shoved aft by the Fan (propeller) functions to modify the hot, centered exhaust gases...this moderates the temperature, and thus produces more prominent contrails, and under wider temperature/relative humidity ranges.
Your analogy to nuclear weapons? just isn't relevant.
No. Just, no. The water ballast tanks used for flight certification testing are a completely closed system, and they are only used for flight certification testing. Surprising that anyone would still attempt to use that as an 'argument", it has been thoroughly debunked and explained countless times.
It's interesting to note, though, that when those claims were first being made, it was by the con-artists who are in the "chem"trail hysteria "business", in order to keep it going. They resort to any number of lies and manipulations, in order to promote this scam, for their own personal benefit.
are you trying to brainwash us with repetition?but it did show that UVA and UVB rays are substantially higher than what We are told (or more damaging than previously known). The media does know and promote this. Every year I hear at least once from radio or tv that UV indexes are getting higher, 'be sure to wear Your sunscreen' (which I don't
Wow. 'Selective memory'. Good one. So the main argument is to tell people that when evidence fails (to produce conviction one way or the other as it has here) that We should not trust Our own reason, logic and observations? You will NEVER convince Me that I've made this shit up or that I simply 'don't remember' and it's always been there. .
apologies, didn't know it was happening, not intentional. Not sure why, My posts are taking time to go through, perhaps they are posting more than once.Real Truth could you delete all your doubled posts?
It makes the thread hard to follow.
It appears so and it happens in many other sites I have been on.apologies, didn't know it was happening, not intentional. Not sure why, My posts are taking time to go through, perhaps they are posting more than once.
Okay, if You say so. I live in Canada, I'm 40. Planes would cross the sky and the contrail would disappear. I'm not suggesting that it wasn't happening then, only that it wasn't happening at this magnitude. Perhaps Canada hadn't started yet or I was just lucky enough that no planes showing those kind of patterns every passed across My childhood skies. Why is that some do and some don't? Why is it that (I live near an airport that has flights coming and going all the time) two planes can be flying in the same sky, one leaving no trail at all, the other leaving a plume that spreads, expands and eventually almost blocks out the sun entirely. Never happened when I was young. First time I ever saw this was in Vancouver sometime in the 90's. But I don't doubt it was going on, just not as wide spread.
You will NEVER convince Me that I've made this shit up or that I simply 'don't remember' and it's always been there. Most futile argument put forth so far and frankly, evidence to support My claim.
No, same city. I moved away for a couple of years, but no more than that.Real Truth am I understanding that you have moved since you were younger?
I see that you are fairly close to an airport now but has that always been the case?
The area where I grew up had a fairly large air traffic flow and when I returned I was astounded at the increase from the late 90s when I left that area.