Howdy Folks,
Ive already made a couple posts here and there, so Im sure you guys kind of have an idea of what Im like but I'll try to lay a few things down here as well:
I suppose the best place to start would be that I'm pretty level headed.. Ive been in and around online forums etc since the ancient days of dial up BBS, and given that.. I dont get baited or hooked easily.
I have a very deep love for science, and an even deeper curiosity for just about everything there is to have any kind of curiosity about. I consider myself to be pretty open minded and have absolutely no issue admitting that Im wrong.. I'm wrong quite a bit, but thats how I learn. I'm the kind of guy that sees failure as a learning experience.. just as a child falls repeatedly until it learns how to counter balance and stand on its own.
I love wildlife, namely Wolves and Bears.. Ive traveled around the world and speak bits of a dozen languages.. none fluently unfortunately lol.
I spent nearly a decade as a US Marine Field Radio Operator, after my time in service I spent time doing personal and private security, IT security, lived in Toronto, Ontario for nearly 9 years, and currently work in the Tier I and Tier II fields for a small broad band support company in North Georgia (the state, not the country).
Not sure what else to really talk about to be honest, but if you guys ever have any questions or curiosities, feel free to give a poke in the old IM box.. I'm also more than happy to verify my time in service if there are any questions in that regard.. I know there's a lot of stolen valor going around these days.
Be Well, Be Safe, enjoy the holidays and thank you for allowing me to participate in the discussions.