So the technical aspects of this are so far over-my-head it's not worth me even trying but i'm very keen to get an understanding and am hoping some of the clever folk on here can help me with that!
According to the below (yet to be peer reviewed) paper, one of Bob's claims regarding the Gravity-B Wave Frequency of 7.46 (Hz) has been shown to be correct?
This seems a bit mad to me so I'm hoping it can be explained and am looking forward to a discussion around it. The conclusion does go on to say that these findings infer "the entire Lazar story is genuine" which is a mighty ol claim to make - if these findings do end up being proven correct then that's potentially a discussion for another day but for now, can anyone shed any light / knowledge on this paper? And explain to a layman like myself what it means?
Paper: The Lore of Robert Lazar
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374945740_The_Lore_of_Robert_Lazar
I used the search function just in case this had been brought up in a different thread but couldn't locate anything. Sorry if it has an i've missed something and if so, please link me!
According to the below (yet to be peer reviewed) paper, one of Bob's claims regarding the Gravity-B Wave Frequency of 7.46 (Hz) has been shown to be correct?
This seems a bit mad to me so I'm hoping it can be explained and am looking forward to a discussion around it. The conclusion does go on to say that these findings infer "the entire Lazar story is genuine" which is a mighty ol claim to make - if these findings do end up being proven correct then that's potentially a discussion for another day but for now, can anyone shed any light / knowledge on this paper? And explain to a layman like myself what it means?

Paper: The Lore of Robert Lazar
External Quote:In this article, we have validated Robert Lazar's implied 1989 Gravity-B Wave Frequency Claim of 7.46 (Hz)utilising Quantised Fourier Harmonics (QFH); such that it does not require the existence of Element-115 (Moscovium),Area-51, S-4, Extraterrestrial Intelligence or US Government Conspiracy. We have demonstrated that Robert Lazarpredicted a Quantum Vacuum (QV) property of the Earth at its surface, which is presently unknown to the StandardModel of Particle-Physics (SMoP2) & the Standard Model of Cosmology (SMoC). Robert Lazar has successfullypredicted the existence of new Quantum Physics (QP), seventeen (17) years in advance of the 2006 method developedby Storti & Desiato [5], which facilitates the confirmation of Lazar's claim. The significance of this being that the onlytestable scientific claim made by Robert Lazar has been validated, inferring that the entire Lazar story is genuine. Theconsequences of this are that all non-scientific assertions presented by Lazar credibility assassins, may be discarded enmasse. To conclude that the Lazar story is a hoax, based upon so-called 'missing documentation' or any other metric,has been summarily overturned by the existence of the scientific evidence we have presented.
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374945740_The_Lore_of_Robert_Lazar
I used the search function just in case this had been brought up in a different thread but couldn't locate anything. Sorry if it has an i've missed something and if so, please link me!