I copied the photo of whole tower and pasted it on the frame from the video and got the same result as in model photo of yours. While scaling I tried to get whole tower visible and match it's lines but I failed. At least 10% percent is hidden behind the horizon according to my work. I won't post this photo of my work here since it is very, very rough and I lack video/photo editing skills. However, tall tower along with the power lines undeniably shows that the Earth is round.
Hi, I have a simple model of the big tower (3ds)
Due to refraction it does not match perfectly with Soundly's observations, but it is enough.
And we do not know exact height of the observer.
The big tower in google maps
The height of the big tower is 64.3 meters.,-90.3108496,3a,75y,192.45h,102.75t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1soozC27XRBHiNdi_s3FybEA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i38
Also, I decided not to post anymore on FE subject trying to prove or help others to prove what is proven for centuries. There is sooo much proofs, especially in celestial mechanics, that the FE model is only a wishful thinking and any reasonable person can debunk it in a minute or two.