Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

The panorama scan has warped the contrail to look even more dramatic than it already was- (a straight line going horizon to horizon and almost directly overhead) a lovely tightly textured altocumulus sheet in low afternoon light and contrail to distrail...
Florence Indiana

View attachment 35032

I can see some Cirrocumulus & Cirrocumulus undulatus above the Altocumulus undulatus clouds as well. Beautiful pic. :D
This morning 6ish am SQ297 Singapore airlines came over the top Singapore to Christchurch NZ

Melbourne only gets infrequent trails as few jets pass over at height required it drew some attention from local casual observers claiming meteor ufo on fire,, appeared to be falling etc.. i did my to best explain the trails origin and the optical phenomenon..

oh it may have been EK448 Emirate to Auckland but that had passed 30 minutes prior and the trails had faded dispersed like SQ297 did within 20 minutes



Nice RH at 250 Hpa

This "towards the ground" or "straight up" is one I keep encountering on cloud and weather pages on Facebook and it seems there's just no getting through to people once they've made their minds up. No matter how many people patiently explain it to them

pleasingly i think i was able to show this was a plane the at 1st unsure thread author more or less accepted that it was

same trail just a differing perspective without a rising sun & distance horizon its not appearing to go up or downwards

Aged contrails over London this morning. I'm not sure why sometimes contrails turn into these "bobbly" clouds (cirrocumulus?) rather than the more usual wispy cirrus.

this was a nice shot for low res phone camera just now a P51 Mustang flys out from AP near me and it swoops the airport beautiful V12 growl to the rise up into trail of ANZ191 flight Auckand to Adelaide

oh well back to the gardening i go



Holiday to Darwin City Australia.

Began well with us on way to airport witnessing a day time meteorite was brief 2 plus seconds off amazing red yellow green mirror like I saw this appearing shook my head thinking it was a refection on car window.. Heading west on Bungower road mornington it was dropping straight down fast in the west sky colors it had no smoky tail or a sonic boom and we had no ability to tell where how high how far away.. Sadly :( we goofed & lost the dash cam footage by not getting the chip out soon enuff.. researching others observations analysis put it 250 clicks away from us.

Over head Darwin had a few trails,,, i was on holiday & had limited access to check RH and air traffic so this was 645am Darwin time looking east


on way home over Katherine we followed another trail for a while

thumbnail_IMG_20190211_184336 (3).jpg
Here are a couple of shots I grabbed on my tablet becasuse it struck me how well they matched the kind of "revelation moments" view I have seen chemtrail believers report. I often see some contrails over my home, but this was an unusual and striking collection.

The weather today is noticeably warmer and clearer than usual. I will leave further comments on the reason for such a fine display to others with more technical knowledge.

Over Faversham, Kent, looking east at 13:37 pm GMT today

Here are a couple of shots I grabbed on my tablet becasuse it struck me how well they matched the kind of "revelation moments" view I have seen chemtrail believers report. I often see some contrails over my home, but this was an unusual and striking collection.

The photo of contrails I used for my book was such a moment. I had just come out of a restaurant (in Cameron Park, California, Sept 17, 2017) after breakfast and saw this unusually good collection of contrails in the eastern sky. The rest of the sky was fairly clear, and it's quite rare to see this many. I think some kind of recollection bias leads people to think days like this are more common than they actually are.
Holiday to Darwin City Australia.

Began well with us on way to airport witnessing a day time meteorite was brief 2 plus seconds off amazing red yellow green mirror like I saw this appearing shook my head thinking it was a refection on car window.. Heading west on Bungower road mornington it was dropping straight down fast in the west sky colors it had no smoky tail or a sonic boom and we had no ability to tell where how high how far away.. Sadly :( we goofed & lost the dash cam footage by not getting the chip out soon enuff.. researching others observations analysis put it 250 clicks away from us.

View attachment 36060

just an update on the meteor the boffins have been at work and calculated the meteor (Bolide) trajectory and landing place in or around Willaura Victoria. Bramon a handy mob to keep an eye on for space junk rocks and sky observations

Video & Analysis – Daytime Bolide Over Australia
External Quote:
By Marcelo Zurita In Bólidos e Fireballs
The BRAMON's team of analysts has calculated the trajectory of yet another great meteor. This time the fireball was seen on the afternoon of February 8 in southern Australia and was recorded by two dashcams in cities of Melbourne and Drysdale.

Near Grampians National Park, there was also an sonic-boom, which indicates that there was a fragmentation near the ground.

i do like that my original landing site calculation by observation and computer skills i have learnt here

was within 5 clicks of the 250 click away outcome i think thats in a MOA ( minute of angle )

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Good planespotting weather today (and the warmest February day on record in the UK, with the temperature breaking 20C for the first time ever in a winter month!).

One short contrail, one long:


In fact looking further to the left there was a third plane with an even shorter trail. All following a similar path, from the USA to Germany, but at three different altitudes:





Despite the different lengths, none of the trails was persistent for more than a couple of minutes, thanks to some fairly dry air.

This trail cast quite a dramatic shadow as it drifted in front of the sun yesterday afternoon. Also a faint sundog which I didn't notice at the time (just above the chimney in the first pic, close to the lens flare dot).

Especially awesome expanded contrails yesterday I just had to share. In one region of the sky, any contrail was expanding like this. Is this kind of streaking formation from a cloud (or contrail) called "fall streaks"?


This is the continuation of the contrail above...


This contrail fragment below, right next to the ones above, I shot as an example than contrails in a region of the sky (but not the whole visible sky) were being inducted into the same expansion mechanics, producing long angel-hair-like streaks...

more time down Wonthaggi way today and many trails above due to location under the main land Tassy and New Zealand air route with RH at 35-40 thousand feet just the right cold and wet

there was a bit of off and on trails,,, i suspect this due to engines off after climbing out to FL or power on to trim approach speed and height mixed with patchy RH and upper level turbulence




Wonthaggi is a seaside town located 132 kilometres south east of Melbourne via the South Gippsland and Bass Highways
This was about 10 months ago....... good sunrise lighting......looking across SF bay, into lower Oakland.


and another........from my phone...but In Los Angeles....... about the same period/ time.......

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Rare to see trails today from mainland OZ Melbourne to Hobart Tasmania.. Im curious if any passengers aboard or just freight as my state is locked downed for covid control and if you travel its 14 days quarantine at your $ cost.



Saw this on the morning walk. Was leaving a big trail when I first noticed it. Turned out to be 2 planes, nose to tail. The video shows it better.
I assume this is some sort of military formation? Or possibly 2 commercial flights separated vertically on the exact same route as shown in posts above.
Nothing showed up on FlightAware at the time I was watching it, something that's happened before with military craft. Although in looking back at the screen shot I did see a plane in the lower left (it's circled) that could have been one of them, if, the app was updating very slowly. In most cases, if it's over me, that's what the app shows.

Saw this on the morning walk. Was leaving a big trail when I first noticed it. Turned out to be 2 planes, nose to tail. The video shows it better.
I assume this is some sort of military formation? Or possibly 2 commercial flights separated vertically on the exact same route as shown in posts above.
Nothing showed up on FlightAware at the time I was watching it, something that's happened before with military craft. Although in looking back at the screen shot I did see a plane in the lower left (it's circled) that could have been one of them, if, the app was updating very slowly. In most cases, if it's over me, that's what the app shows.View attachment 43485View attachment 43486
View attachment 43487
Two USAF KC-10A tankers were heading in your direction at the time. Found them on FR24 playback. The contrails are consistent with the aircraft being trijets.
Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 23.27.00.png
Two USAF KC-10A tankers were heading in your direction at the time. Found them on FR24 playback. The contrails are consistent with the aircraft being trijets.
View attachment 43488
Thanks Trainspotter. Feeling dumb now that I didn't click on the plane I circled in the screenshot at the time. And my video didn't seem to upload very well. It was very impressive in real time.
Well I don't actually have a photo - it wouldn't show anything particularly interesting - but this seems like the best place to note that I just saw my first ever contrail in Baja California Sur, where I've been visiting and living on and off for the past 22 years.

It was pretty surprising. We even have some chemtrail believers who live here because they believe they're living in a chemtrail-free zone.

Previously I've believed the reason we didn't have them was mostly because we don't have much 'passing' air traffic. There's plenty of planes landing and taking off but not many flying over us en route to elsewhere.

Anyways, this one was VOI843 flying from Colima to Tijuana at about 38,000 feet.

So cool we can get mind-controlled now too! :D
Well I don't actually have a photo - it wouldn't show anything particularly interesting - but this seems like the best place to note that I just saw my first ever contrail in Baja California Sur, where I've been visiting and living on and off for the past 22 years.

It was pretty surprising. We even have some chemtrail believers who live here because they believe they're living in a chemtrail-free zone.

Previously I've believed the reason we didn't have them was mostly because we don't have much 'passing' air traffic. There's plenty of planes landing and taking off but not many flying over us en route to elsewhere.

Anyways, this one was VOI843 flying from Colima to Tijuana at about 38,000 feet.

So cool we can get mind-controlled now too! :D
Start checking the ground and water for aluminum Rory, that's what they spray around here. At least that's what SkyWatch says.
747's East bound. Few months to recent.
Sorry for the quality, it was hit and miss.
Note zig zag contrail?
Hand held 300mm Sigma on a canon 450D
(Attached full images if thats ok?)


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747's East bound. Few months to recent.
Sorry for the quality, it was hit and miss.
Note zig zag contrail?
Hand held 300mm Sigma on a canon 450D
(Attached full images if thats ok?)
The Zig zag I think you are referring to is due to "crow instability", a form of wake turbulence where the two wingtip vortices move towards each other and interact. This vid shows them forming from straight contrails
Richard Scorer's 1972 Book "Clouds of the World" features them and an Hypothesis for their formation and that of pendules.