Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

From this past weekend:

I asked VT and they said it was definitely a nuclear strike on Lake Michigan.

This was just an impressive band of cloud with a great variety of different forms, and wave patterns both parallel and perpendicular to the flow regime. Also (I think) a canal cloud (basically a linear hole punch).
There were some nice supernumerary bands that needed the saturation cranked to 11 to see due to my phone camera.
Not as a spectacular rainbow as yours, but with clearer supernumerary bands. A narrow strip of rain passed yesterday between me and a reflection of the setting sun in a distant building:


Also, there are a segment of the second rainbow and diffuse reflection from the rain strip.
That reminds me, I saw this rainbow the other day (October 1). The supernumerary bands (which I hadn't heard of before I looked them up at the time!) were very prominent to the naked eye, although less so to an iPhone camera, even with the contrast and saturation cranked up.


There is a series of lakes less than a mile the other side of those rooftops, and I did wonder if reflection of those might be partly responsible.
This morning, about 8:00 a tangent arc, over Bakersfield, CA.


and a segment of a supralateral arc, it was to the right of the sun, twice as far away as the tangent arc, it was faint and got washed out in the wider angle views, but it was there.

Some fallstreaks this morning.

These were better defined a bit earlier on but I couldn't get a photo.

And a more distant one over London from the train:

That sky signals a coming change in the weather, after a clear and frosty start there is a weather front fast approaching from the west:

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Today is the 'supermoon", a coincidence of full moon and lunar perigee. This morning BBC told its viewers that today "the moon makes its closest approach since 1948".

I have taken a picture of the 'supermoon' tonight and compared it with my previous pictures of full moon taken at full optical zoom with the same camera settings:

It does look notably bigger than the 'strawberry moon' picture that I took on June 20, 2016 and posted here previously:


However, there is no apparent size difference between todays picture and a picture of another 'supermoon' that I took on September 27, 2015:

According to the Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator
the Lunar perigee distance does vary and indeed is at its shortest tonight - 356 511 km.
On the night of September 27-28, 2016 when I took the last picture it was just a bit longer - 356 876 km.
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Fairly well defined upper tangent arc right now, along with some "incredibly rare(TM)" sun dogs. Tomorrow's high is forecast to be 32F higher than Saturday's, and the contrails and cirrus show it.
I saw some clouds around a week ago that were amazing. They spanned the whole sky and looked like big, wide contrails, evenly spaced and parallel. They may have been contrails for all I know, but I've never seen contrails like them before and I've admired contrails for some time now. I have video (which I'll upload eventually) that shows more of the sky, including some other interesting forms.
Taken in Nevada City, California on November 18th at about 4:15 PST. Straight out of my phone, no edits.DSC_1632.JPG DSC_1634.JPG
A stitched panorama from yesterday. Many nice ripple clouds. Despite the fans of HAARP, a display like this only happens a few days out of the year here in Northern California.

Some fallstreaks this morning.

These were better defined a bit earlier on but I couldn't get a photo.
View attachment 22485

And a more distant one over London from the train:
View attachment 22486

That sky signals a coming change in the weather, after a clear and frosty start there is a weather front fast approaching from the west:

View attachment 22488

I just had a look on NASA WorldView, and those fallstreaks show up really well. I'm not sure how the time of this shot relates to the time I took the photos, but I don't think it's far off (the cloud looks similar to the small satellite image I posted at the time, and in fact you can just about see a couple of the holes even in the thumbnail). The red X marks the spot, approximately.


And @Mick West , here are some of your ripples (a bit further west from you)

no real clouds in this picture but a fine haze of ice crystals in the air. This was taken yesterday about 10am MT in SW Montana with a temp of about 5f (-15c). I fully expected a sun dog or 3 and finally saw one later in the day but was without a camera/phone.
Playing with the iPhone at the beach. Nothing particularly noteworthy with these clouds...just sorta the calm before the storms as the forecast is calling for prodigious amount of rain and snow to grace California starting tomorrow for the next 10days or so...lets hope so.

Altocumulus undulatus today over Newcastle


Looks like it was that kind of a day. What looks like an impressive canal cloud over Yorkshire too

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sunrise over Tyabb this morning looking east over French Island , hmm it seemed more impressive the camera robbed some feel of the lumpy clouds

Clear skies today!


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