Orb caught on webcam but what is it ?

That show happened a bit earlier, I think. The earliest video of it was uploaded to YouTube before the object was captured.


The sky seems brighter than in the videos, too.
That show happened a bit earlier, I think. The earliest video of it was uploaded to YouTube before the object was captured.

View attachment 52748

The sky seems brighter than in the videos, too
It was indeed as jarlmai also mentions to indicate there was some reason to fly a drone in that area earlier for sure.
Also the upload time is in UTC which I think would translate ot 23.18 local time; still earlier as the orb was seen.
With these possible drone cases, I do keep an eye on Youtube in case the video of that area from that date/time gets uploaded. But it's a bit of a long shot and with it being in Dutch my search terms might not bring the right result.
It was indeed as jarlmai also mentions to indicate there was some reason to fly a drone in that area earlier for sure.
Also the upload time is in UTC which I think would translate ot 23.18 local time; still earlier as the orb was seen.
Yes, it's 2318 local time. The fireworks show was about 45 minutes earlier according to the schedule, the fair itself was open until midnight - https://web.archive.org/web/2022071...ntenstad/kermis-festival-vlissingen-2022.html
A balloon/lantern can still not be ruled out as it would fly with the prevailing wind. There was the state fair in Vlissingen, as mentioned above, and nearby Belgium also had its national holiday on July 21, which - like other countries - means fireworks and other displays.

METAR (source) of EBOS, which is 30 miles south, indicates a northeasterly wind at 8 knots, likely caused by a high-pressure area moving eastward between Iceland and Norway that was starting to affect the weather in the western parts of the Netherlands and Belgium.
EBOS 212150Z 04008KT 9999 FEW022 17/12 Q1023 NOSIG
Hi everyone, im trying to figure out what a glowing floating orb could be which has been captured on 2 seperate webcams in Vlissingen The Netherlands.
Its getting some media attention from news sites and is sparking some debate what it could be.
The dutch Astronomer Rijk-Jan Koppejan says its not an UFO nor a Chinese Lantern but possible a helicopter or plane maybe a drone.
Im trying to figure out if it is some balloon or Chinese Lantern. Its seems to fly pretty low in my opinion to be a plane. A drone isnt allowed to fly at night but that doesnt mean someone is still doing it.
Still im curious what more ideas people get when looking at this footage.

Date and time 21nd 2022 at 23:41
Location Vlissingen Netherlands


Source: https://youtu.be/lSojAakmCdI

Source: https://twitter.com/heelhollandkijk/status/1550443221683240962?t=dJfAzOLWCvWI3x51bQ8HXg&s=19

Link to news site ( Dutch )

Maybe some of you can explain me more what it could be. Could it be a reflection?

The Dutch ufomeldpunt.nl ( site where people can report a sighting they cant explain ) also received some reports about it and are trying to figure it out. If more info is needed i am in direct contact with them so they can contact the witnesses.

Your help is much appreciated!

A plane with landing lights on

Great video. Compression artifacts are significant on night vision IR webcams. Even the bugs leaves a trail :-)


Light is permanent on:
Landing lights are not only useful for taxi, takeoffs, and landings, but also provide a means by which airplanes can be seen by other pilots. To enhance the "see and avoid" concept, the FAA encourages pilots to turn on their landing lights when operating within 10 miles of an airport and below 10,000 feet.
Source of information is here:

Direction of vlissingenwebcam.nl :
Web cam looking south-east in the direction of Antwerp Airport.

Direction of webcams-vlissingen.nl :
Web cam looking east in the direction of Antwerp Airport.

Antwerp airport landing strip is pointing directly at Vlissinge.

The plane would have the light on when it is under 10.000 feet (3.000 meters) and within 10 miles of an airport. The airport is 60 km away (37 miles), so if the plane is under the 10.000 feet level, the lights would most likely be on.

Accent speed could be 250 knots/hour (460 km/h). So if the plane is some kms away, it looks about right. Calculations can confirm this, based on time vs angle of view vs anticipated speed = distance to plane. It could also be approaching the airport in a turn, to align with traffic and the direction of the landing strip (north-west to south-east).

Video notes:
When you play with the speed, the path seems not entirely even. It looks like the plane is turning a little to the left away from the camera. Coming up from the left side of the image and doing 2 left hand turns. Passing the area in a left turn.

Best guess:
It's a plane leaving or landing at Antwerp Airport flying below 10.000 feet with landing lights on.

Does anyone have flightradar24 to check it out a second time?

… the last part of the Twitter video. Looks like a lens reflection but I can't identify the source, so its a guess.
Best guess:
It's a plane leaving or landing at Antwerp Airport flying below 10.000 feet with landing lights on.
Antwerp airport closes at 23:00; this video was taken 40 minutes later. From the Belgian AIP:

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 8.06.23 PM.png

To get to 23:00, use the time in brackets which is the applicable time during DST, and add 2 hours to account for the UTC difference. Again, from the Belgian AIP:

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 8.09.27 PM.png

Does anyone have flightradar24 to check it out a second time?
I checked, but did not find any matching air traffic on FR24.
A plane with landing lights on

Great video. Compression artifacts are significant on night vision IR webcams. Even the bugs leaves a trail :)


Light is permanent on:
Landing lights are not only useful for taxi, takeoffs, and landings, but also provide a means by which airplanes can be seen by other pilots. To enhance the "see and avoid" concept, the FAA encourages pilots to turn on their landing lights when operating within 10 miles of an airport and below 10,000 feet.
Source of information is here:

Direction of vlissingenwebcam.nl :
Web cam looking south-east in the direction of Antwerp Airport.

Direction of webcams-vlissingen.nl :
Web cam looking east in the direction of Antwerp Airport.

Antwerp airport landing strip is pointing directly at Vlissinge.

The plane would have the light on when it is under 10.000 feet (3.000 meters) and within 10 miles of an airport. The airport is 60 km away (37 miles), so if the plane is under the 10.000 feet level, the lights would most likely be on.

Accent speed could be 250 knots/hour (460 km/h). So if the plane is some kms away, it looks about right. Calculations can confirm this, based on time vs angle of view vs anticipated speed = distance to plane. It could also be approaching the airport in a turn, to align with traffic and the direction of the landing strip (north-west to south-east).

Video notes:
When you play with the speed, the path seems not entirely even. It looks like the plane is turning a little to the left away from the camera. Coming up from the left side of the image and doing 2 left hand turns. Passing the area in a left turn.

Best guess:
It's a plane leaving or landing at Antwerp Airport flying below 10.000 feet with landing lights on.

Does anyone have flightradar24 to check it out a second time?

… the last part of the Twitter video. Looks like a lens reflection but I can't identify the source, so its a guess.
Commercial planes show up on ADSB, there's nothing that is match for the time frame that I found.

You can check it out yourself on

It was indeed as jarlmai also mentions to indicate there was some reason to fly a drone in that area earlier for sure.
Also the upload time is in UTC which I think would translate ot 23.18 local time; still earlier as the orb was seen.
That show happened a bit earlier, I think. The earliest video of it was uploaded to YouTube before the object was captured.

View attachment 52748

The sky seems brighter than in the videos, too.
The Orb appears at 21:33:44 UTC, corrected for webcam time is +6:56 min off and local is UTC+2.
No, I don't think it's a plane anymore.

Watch screen recording from tonight (August 26) of 8:51 minutes live webcam + live air traffic. Find Vlissingen. Webcam is looking in south east direction.

Source: https://youtu.be/bjKKzlSyJcw

Looks more like a drone flying over the beach area or even over the streets. The flight path is "drone" like, and I will try to trace it out.
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Compare the "ufo" with the lights on the boat:
It looks much more like a drone now. It's difficult to know how bright the light really is. Almost any light is the same completely white disk. This is how IR contrast works.

Has anyone asked local photographers if a drone was out that night? Sorry if I missed it in the posts.

Source: https://youtu.be/8UNEr2BhWxs
We kind of already did, but it is nice to have someone else repeat the steps.

I was not convinced that no plane was there at all, and as you can see there a many planes visible all the time. Faint and far away. 40-60 km in some cases. So now we know how planes look at the exact same webcam. Let's call it high level of confidence.