I follow Chris Letho and joined in a live discussion on a UAP channel he was invited on to last night. He presented a video from a guy from Nottingham who videoed the object in 2006. It was a really good film, he logged the time and date and also managed to get some good film of it with a decent camera. The link to Chris' talk through of the video is here -
Source: https://youtu.be/oYo4utpa5ac
I did a quick timetravel in google SkyMap and also used a solar system position calculator to show the position of the planets relative to earth. I'm fairly sure the object is Venus, even though it's midday. The position of Venus relative to Earth would make it very bright at that time and very possibly visible during the day. I also worked out the position of Venus and other planets at that exact date, time and location. Venus was at an elevation above the horizon of 48.6 degress which I think makes it a likley candidate for the object.
Would anyone else like to check my figures and see if they're accurate?
You can watch the live show, and my comments about this and other UFO events here -
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4zqOid_1pU&t=301s
Many thanks,
Source: https://youtu.be/oYo4utpa5ac
I did a quick timetravel in google SkyMap and also used a solar system position calculator to show the position of the planets relative to earth. I'm fairly sure the object is Venus, even though it's midday. The position of Venus relative to Earth would make it very bright at that time and very possibly visible during the day. I also worked out the position of Venus and other planets at that exact date, time and location. Venus was at an elevation above the horizon of 48.6 degress which I think makes it a likley candidate for the object.
Would anyone else like to check my figures and see if they're accurate?
You can watch the live show, and my comments about this and other UFO events here -
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4zqOid_1pU&t=301s
Many thanks,
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