Jake Barber tells Ross Coulthart about non-human technology - The "Egg"

To be precise, Barber does not say in the YouTube interview that he transported an egg-shaped aircraft. Only Coulthart does, but not clearly, because he only says "craft" in the direct context of Barber's description. I'm not a native speaker - can't "craft" mean something like "artifact"?
I'm referring to the section at about 10:39:
Craft is one of those 'UFO words' we often talk about, a bit like 'orb.' It's a word that does mean a vehicle like a boat or a plane, but it's not really used that much generally in English (generally the 3rd meaning in most dictionaries after the ore common uses for artwork and skills/trade)

But somehow it's just more associated with UFOs I think to avoid using "spaceship" directly but to imply spaceship for the audience.

Unless Ross really means the egg was made out of papier mache in school by Xorg age 4 from Sirius.
More photos, allegedly of the same type of alien eggs, were posted on 4chan. 4chan is anonymous and there was no evidence provided other than stories about OP being super secret Naval Intelligence and the usual LARP stuff. Of course some of the people are saying OP is just a CIA operative planting fake images to discredit Barber, others are saying they see Heretic script carved on the egg so aliens ruled ancient Egypt.

I normally wouldn't even mention them here as there is no provenance, no evidence to verify the claims, and the OP literally says they are LARPing, but they are being posted all over reddit as being real and further evidence to corroborate Barber's story, and people are posting analysis videos about how they are definitely real, so I figured it would be worth at least documenting here.

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39652509 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1836-42/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39652509)


https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683084 (archived https://archive.is/FXIRj)




https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683660 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1831-37/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39683660)




Sample reddit posts:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1i6si2a/whats_with_the_egg_in_the_cave_4chan/

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1i70u4a/second_videoupscale_analysis_of_egg_pictures/
Craft is one of those 'UFO words' we often talk about, a bit like 'orb.' It's a word that does mean a vehicle like a boat or a plane, but it's not really used that much generally in English (generally the 3rd meaning in most dictionaries after the ore common uses for artwork and skills/trade)

But somehow it's just more associated with UFOs I think to avoid using "spaceship" directly but to imply spaceship for the audience.

"Spacecraft" apparently dominates "spaceship" in usage according to NGrams, so it might just be a re-shortening of that:

Spacecraft obviously follows the same pattern as "aircraft" and "hovercraft", just prepend the medium or mechanism to "craft". I have a wordlist that contains other examples, but I can't say I've seen any of them in the wild, so they can probably be safely ignored.
More photos, allegedly of the same type of alien eggs, were posted on 4chan. 4chan is anonymous and there was no evidence provided other than stories about OP being super secret Naval Intelligence and the usual LARP stuff. Of course some of the people are saying OP is just a CIA operative planting fake images to discredit Barber, others are saying they see Heretic script carved on the egg so aliens ruled ancient Egypt.
Wow, that's a deep look down a whole rabbit cave system, so to speak. What do users who spend a lot of time on such forums have to say? Again, we immediately come across typical thought structures such as the Jewish world conspiracy, which gives you clues as to what this is all about. These claims can be dismissed with the usual simple formal criteria such as lack of sources and evidence, but there is something intriguing about them. So how do we deal with them? You can, for example, double-check these images and follow the trail of Google Earth locations. But it's a bottomless pit.
More photos, allegedly of the same type of alien eggs, were posted on 4chan. 4chan is anonymous and there was no evidence provided other than stories about OP being super secret Naval Intelligence and the usual LARP stuff. Of course some of the people are saying OP is just a CIA operative planting fake images to discredit Barber, others are saying they see Heretic script carved on the egg so aliens ruled ancient Egypt.

I normally wouldn't even mention them here as there is no provenance, no evidence to verify the claims, and the OP literally says they are LARPing, but they are being posted all over reddit as being real and further evidence to corroborate Barber's story, and people are posting analysis videos about how they are definitely real, so I figured it would be worth at least documenting here.

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39652509 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1836-42/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39652509)

View attachment 76332

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683084 (archived https://archive.is/FXIRj)

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View attachment 76328

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https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683660 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1831-37/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39683660)

View attachment 76331
View attachment 76326
View attachment 76327

Sample reddit posts:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1i6si2a/whats_with_the_egg_in_the_cave_4chan/

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1i70u4a/second_videoupscale_analysis_of_egg_pictures/

All i see is UV stretching on the stalactites
shape - Copy.gif

The first time I saw it, I thought it was a white balloon that was losing air. The above gif is consistent with that. This would also explain why it looks squishier than an egg, even a boiled and shelled one.
No, that isn't the same shape as the egg in the video which is a normal egg shape. That radome is very pointed at one end.
On reflection, I agree, but will note that there is some variation in shape among different systems. I have not found one that is "eggy" enough in poking around the Internet, however.
View attachment 76337
The first time I saw it, I thought it was a white balloon that was losing air. The above gif is consistent with that. This would also explain why it looks squishier than an egg, even a boiled and shelled one.

Also note that the helicopter is descending (getting closer to the object) as shown by some of the lines going slack, and that might account for a small difference in size, but *not* differences in shape.

It's in my TODO list to measure the size, orientation and shape of the egg in each frame but it's a lot of work. My gut feeling is that, if we say the helicopter descending accounts for some of the apparent size change, then the overall length of the tether couldn't be 150 feet.
Wow, that's a deep look down a whole rabbit cave system, so to speak. What do users who spend a lot of time on such forums have to say? Again, we immediately come across typical thought structures such as the Jewish world conspiracy, which gives you clues as to what this is all about.

My sense of 4chan is that some substantial portion of the posters are not at all sincere, but are roll-playing. At one point the site was largely a pack of Internet jokesters and a lot of what was posted across the site was remarkably clever, if often crude and irreverent. Over time, that has degraded, with an influx of people reveling in the anonymity of the site to write things that would cause them problems if written with their names attached. There was less need to be clever if being shocking achieved the same effect, but of course over time you have to go farther to be shocking as stuff becomes normalized.

There is also a general sense on the site that some number of disinfo agents are posting there, either from the CIA or similar (referred to as "glowies") or from Russia (posts are often dismissed by calling the author "Ivan") or from some sort of Jewish/Illuminati/etc cabal, often dismissed by calling the author of a post some antisemitic slur.

All of this has moved the board culture into an ugly direction, and the cleverness that used to infuse the site is now largely gone. And much of what happens on the site is playing with/into this board culture, whether sincerely or ironically is hard to tell. There was a saying that was popular there for awhile:

to acknowledge that who you present yourself as on an anonymous forum need not have much to do with who you actually are...

That's all to set up saying that while much of what is posted there may be sincere, much is performative and the board believes that much of it is actively disinformative. So the level of crazy there may appear higher than it actually is. One may hope.

Source: I was there for the Moot/Xenon cam fight, I saw that f*****g cat one more time, I survived the Caturday Nap, and all this with NOBODY ever suspecting that I am, in fact, a dog.
Hay bales are too small but the plastic shrink wrap is interesting...

There are likely many industrial parts that could have been egg shaped and wrapped for transport. From 150ft (assuming not a small scale hoax) the wrapped surface would look smooth like we see in the video. Some random possible examples
View attachment 76324

I'm including a couple more eggcellent designs for fun
View attachment 76323

That's a good point. There could be any sort of object inside custom egg-shaped padding covered with a wrap, and a wrap would help protect your cargo from the elements, as well as prying eyes, leaving no clue as to what's inside...
View attachment 76337
The first time I saw it, I thought it was a white balloon that was losing air. The above gif is consistent with that. This would also explain why it looks squishier than an egg, even a boiled and shelled one.
It might just not be perfectly round on that axis and it just rolls onto a wider side. As in, if you were looking down on the 'tip' of the egg you'd see an oval rather than a circle. I hope that makes sense
IMO, respectfully the 4Chan stuff is off topic for this discussion ('video of giant Kinder Egg from space' ;) ) and should be moved to a separate thread

I'll disagree a bit for now. As noted, we have no know provenance for these photos at the moment, however, they do exhibit the same "night vision" look of the video:


IF these were created very recently in response to the video, then yes, they're pretty meaningless. But IF these existed before the release of the video, it may indicate a meme of some sort in some as yet unknown corner of UFOlogy that is into "night vision egg" scenes. or even a sigular creator that likes this look. Much like the Calvine UFO photo seems to follow a popular pattern in faked photos at the time that included UFOs and military aircraft framed by trees.

IF, big IF, that were the case, it could be that the video is part of this or may have even been created by whoever created these photos. As silly as they are.
Is there something/someone suggesting the images existed before the release of the NewsNation video?

Cause I can easily imagine the progression from fake images of glowing egg ufos to creating a fake video
Unfortunately it doesn't make any sense as to why they would transport the inflated mould nor the concrete part that's poured around it. The guy makes some creative stuff regardless
To me, it doesn't really need to make sense why. I've seen others express incredulity over the idea that if it was a balloon, that Barber's team would not have deflated it in order to move it. We can't know every reason anyone would want something done in a particular way. Or what random ways someone might do something. Was Barber explicitly instructed to move the object as-is? (I think an untrained team deflating and folding up a 20ft diameter balloon on a rock/cactus/etc covered ground carries risk). Was the sling already wrapped and secured on the object when they got there?

Maybe I'm missing something from the interview, but Barber says the closest he got was 150ft because that's how long the cable on the helicopter is. Can someone explain how they would have attached the object to the helicopter? Like the missing steps here:
1. Helicopter is flown to the object, and hovers 150-200ft above the object.
2. ???
3. Object is now secured in a sling and the sling is attached securely to a 150-200ft long cable dangling from the helicopter.

In my mind (unless maybe some system of electromagnets or robotic sling attachments is used) someone had to be on the ground at the pickup site to wrap the sling around the object and attach the sling to the helicopter's line. This person (multiple people?) would be much closer than 150ft, and would be able to estimate how heavy the object was, and whether it was a rigid surface or was soft like an frameless inflated balloon. They'd also maybe have a better sense of what color it was, and would also be much more (compared to someone piloting a moving helicopter 150ft away) able to say whether the object was truly smooth like a polished pearl surface, or whether it had small seams/ridges/wrinkles like this egg-shaped balloon:

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 1.15.46 PM.png

Does the issue of how heavy this 20ft large egg never come up in the interview? I don't recall it being mentioned. The color, shape, size, surface smoothness, and its spiritual and gender aura all does, but not how much it weighs. Would the helicopter pilot know this from some instrument telling them the change in total mass of the helicopter (including cargo), or maybe a sensor on the cargo line? Even without an instrument measurement surely the pilot would have a rough sense of the change in mass from how the craft handled and felt when it lifted the cargo. Like they'd know whether the egg weighed as much as a large SUV (which Barber describes the size as) or whether it seemed like it was a hollow plastic shell.
To me, it doesn't really need to make sense why. I've seen others express incredulity over the idea that if it was a balloon, that Barber's team would not have deflated it in order to move it. We can't know every reason anyone would want something done in a particular way. Or what random ways someone might do something. Was Barber explicitly instructed to move the object as-is? (I think an untrained team deflating and folding up a 20ft diameter balloon on a rock/cactus/etc covered ground carries risk). Was the sling already wrapped and secured on the object when they got there?

Maybe I'm missing something from the interview, but Barber says the closest he got was 150ft because that's how long the cable on the helicopter is. Can someone explain how they would have attached the object to the helicopter? Like the missing steps here:
1. Helicopter is flown to the object, and hovers 150-200ft above the object.
2. ???
3. Object is now secured in a sling and the sling is attached securely to a 150-200ft long cable dangling from the helicopter.

In my mind (unless maybe some system of electromagnets or robotic sling attachments is used) someone had to be on the ground at the pickup site to wrap the sling around the object and attach the sling to the helicopter's line. This person (multiple people?) would be much closer than 150ft, and would be able to estimate how heavy the object was, and whether it was a rigid surface or was soft like an frameless inflated balloon. They'd also maybe have a better sense of what color it was, and would also be much more (compared to someone piloting a moving helicopter 150ft away) able to say whether the object was truly smooth like a polished pearl surface, or whether it had small seams/ridges/wrinkles like this egg-shaped balloon:

View attachment 76347

Does the issue of how heavy this 20ft large egg never come up in the interview? I don't recall it being mentioned. The color, shape, size, surface smoothness, and its spiritual and gender aura all does, but not how much it weighs. Would the helicopter pilot know this from some instrument telling them the change in total mass of the helicopter (including cargo), or maybe a sensor on the cargo line? Even without an instrument measurement surely the pilot would have a rough sense of the change in mass from how the craft handled and felt when it lifted the cargo. Like they'd know whether the egg weighed as much as a large SUV (which Barber describes the size as) or whether it seemed like it was a hollow plastic shell.

Part of the confusion is that Barber talks about a lot of stuff, including seeing an egg-shaped craft at the end of a 150- to 200-foot line while serving as a helicopter pilot, but the NewsNation folks say the egg footage was "independently obtained video recorded during one of those UAP retrieval operations."

They didn't show it to Barber or ask him about it, apparently. It's just inserted in the show without any real context.
the NewsNation folks say the egg footage was "independently obtained video recorded during one of those UAP retrieval operations."

They didn't show it to Barber or ask him about it, apparently. It's just inserted in the show without any real context.
To me that ups the possibility of a hoax by several notches, as it raises the number of hands the video might have passed through.
Part of the confusion is that Barber talks about a lot of stuff, including seeing an egg-shaped craft at the end of a 150- to 200-foot line while serving as a helicopter pilot, but the NewsNation folks say the egg footage was "independently obtained video recorded during one of those UAP retrieval operations."

They didn't show it to Barber or ask him about it, apparently. It's just inserted in the show without any real context.
I don't have a full transcript yet but I do think it is true that Barber never says that the video is from his encounter, and neither does Coulthart. Coulthart's phrasing actually makes it seem like it is not from Barber's encounter. Like when Coulthart is introducing the egg video he does not refer to Barber at all even though this segment is literally following the part where Barber says he personally was on a team that retrieved an egg shaped object.

13:05 in the youtube video, immediately after Barber finishes the recap of his encounter:
Coulthart: "Yes it sounds like the stuff of madness. Tall tales, delusions. And anyway, where was the proof for any of this?
<clip break to Ross standing in a field with spooky music>
Coulthart: "Newsnation has independently obtained previously unseen video obtained from a secret UAP craft retrieval program. This extraordinary footage clearly shows an egg-shaped object dangling in a sling below the belly of a helicopter."
Not "Barber's helicopter". Not "Barber's team" or "Barber's program".

At 14:58, when it cuts back to the studio with Coulthart and Barber:
Barber: "There's two objects that I'm here to talk about. One was the egg. The other is what we called an 8-gon."
Not "that egg" or "the egg in the video that you showed to me and the audience". This stands out because later in the interview they do discuss footage directly, and Barber refers to specific footage clips. They even have it on a laptop screen so they can point to it. But not for the egg footage. It is almost like Coulthart didn't show the egg clip to Barber, or they took care to not associate Barber with it.

Here's an earlier section I transcribed and found interesting (at 11:05 in the youtube video):
Coulthart: "How close did you get?"
Barber: "Well, I was a helicopter pilot, and I operate with 150 to 200ft long line. So I got within 150ft of this object."
I'm nearly certain that Barber replies to Coulthart's question with "I was a helicopter pilot". And "I operate with". Not "I was the helicopter pilot" and "I was operating with" or "I used" or "I was using", which is how I would answer if I was flying the helicopter. His phrasing is speaking as a generality, using a generic present tense, not referring specifically to that case. So honestly at this point I'm not even certain Barber was the one flying the helicopter during his alleged encounter. Maybe I'm being overly pedantic and this is just how he decided to word it.
The part that is most surprising to me is that nobody here has come up with any alternative full-scale items that are egg-shaped and smooth. While I don't think it's necessary in principle to come up with the exact item in order to debunk an "NHI egg-shaped craft with no visible means of propulsion" video, the non-egg-shaped items on offer don't help with a debunk except to drive us closer to a conclusion that it's an NHI egg-shaped craft with no visible means of propulsion or an egg.
There is nothing at all in the video to support the conclusion that the object in the sling
• is unidentified
• has non-human origin
• has ever moved under its own power
• represents any kind of machinery at all
• was part of a secret operation

There's no provenience and no provenance. The video is not evidence.

I find myself not understanding the light sources in the scene, the different types of shadows including those cast by the sling, or why the "dark side of the egg" is so much brighter than the shadow it cast.

Why is this again footage of a quality reminiscent of a 1990s thrice overdubbed VHS tape? because anything high-quality would be actually recognizable?

Props to the helo sounds, they beat the cheap ominous music background that seems to be the staple of these videos. (Though "Yakety Sax" seems more appropriate here.)

It's a remarkable video.
More so because it's entirely unclear what it actually shows.
Which is the exact opposite of the quality that evidence ought to have.

P.S. The term "spacecraft" encompasses unmanned vehicles, while I would assume a "spaceship" to be crewed.
I'm nearly certain that Barber replies to Coulthart's question with "I was a helicopter pilot". And "I operate with". Not "I was the helicopter pilot" and "I was operating with" or "I used" or "I was using", which is how I would answer if I was flying the helicopter. His phrasing is speaking as a generality, using a generic present tense, not referring specifically to that case. So honestly at this point I'm not even certain Barber was the one flying the helicopter during his alleged encounter. Maybe I'm being overly pedantic and this is just how he decided to word it.

Agreed. There is lots of vague answers and allusions to things, but not many concrete details. In the case of the egg recovery, it could just be the way he's talking. "I was a helicopter pilot" so it infers that's what he was doing during the egg encounter, but's still vague.

As for the "acorn" recovery when he saw God, I noted back in post #178, that he seems to be saying he is the pilot and the only person in the helicopter when he has his encounter:

External Quote:
And I got the load hooked up and I began flying away and once it was just me and that object in between the pick and the drop site was about 20 miles in between. I felt like something was inside of me. I felt like I was possessed by the most. Beautiful spirit I had ever been possessed by and. Was it loving? It was loving. But there was a sense of sadness at the same time. And, had you ever had an experience like this before? No, no, it was a very feminine energy, I'll tell you that. It felt like felt like the Spirit of God

I thought that seemed odd. No loadmaster, no spotter and I believe, though I should be corrected if wrong, the larger helicopters that a contractor might be using like the UH60/S70 or a CH47 are considered "crewed" meaning they require 2 pilots? Him flying along for 20 miles all alone at night just seemed odd.

While at other times he mentions transporting a container that makes him AND his crew ill. So, there is a crew of some kind as one would think:

External Quote:

We were transporting a large, sealed container. Jake says nobody on his team was told what was in that container. And we transported what we called mystery boxes all the time. I have no idea. It could have been empty. It probably wasn't empty, but we don't know what was inside the boxes. And what were you told if somebody tried to seize that box? What were your orders? We we maintained the authority to use lethal force if anyone tried to seize those boxes. So whatever that box was, it was extremely valuable.

External Quote:

That's great. That's correct. And, after this particular mission, me and everyone on my team got extremely sick. Like, physically ill in the hospital. Within, you know, weeks after this, I lost every hair on my body. And I also lost the skin on my arms. So the skin's actually falling off your body? Yeah. Like, not just falling on, like it. It was lopping off within a couple of days, like a severe sunburn. I ended up developing, a severe heart murmur that I never had before. Last year, I introduced Jake to Stanford immunology professor Gary Nolan
More photos, allegedly of the same type of alien eggs, were posted on 4chan. 4chan is anonymous and there was no evidence provided other than stories about OP being super secret Naval Intelligence and the usual LARP stuff. Of course some of the people are saying OP is just a CIA operative planting fake images to discredit Barber, others are saying they see Heretic script carved on the egg so aliens ruled ancient Egypt.

I normally wouldn't even mention them here as there is no provenance, no evidence to verify the claims, and the OP literally says they are LARPing, but they are being posted all over reddit as being real and further evidence to corroborate Barber's story, and people are posting analysis videos about how they are definitely real, so I figured it would be worth at least documenting here.

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39652509 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1836-42/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39652509)

View attachment 76332

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683084 (archived https://archive.is/FXIRj)

View attachment 76329
View attachment 76328

View attachment 76330

https://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/39683660 (archived https://megalodon.jp/2025-0122-1831-37/https://boards.4chan.org:443/x/thread/39683660)

View attachment 76331
View attachment 76326
View attachment 76327

Sample reddit posts:

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1i6si2a/whats_with_the_egg_in_the_cave_4chan/

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1i70u4a/second_videoupscale_analysis_of_egg_pictures/

Some of those images look to me like they were taken from computer games. Granted, I've been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 lately, but still . . .
So barber said he was the pilot and combat controller, a quick gpt on what combat controllers use reveals the HH-60G Pave Hawk, if correct it has a hydraulic cable winch on the side 200ft long and looks to have a camera looking down next to the cable, see photo. also inside is a fast roping winch, presumably for his team he mentions maybe. The metal cable from the winch looks super thin though in comparison to the egg video


video walkaround of the chopper
Source: https://youtu.be/1b1LMFihSWs?si=yJYuwVp30rKL2XQ3

Night Vision Capabilities of the HH-60G Pave Hawk:

1. Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR):

  • The helicopter is equipped with a FLIR system, which provides thermal imaging to detect heat signatures.
  • This allows the crew to identify targets, terrain, and personnel in total darkness or poor weather conditions.

2. Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility:

  • The cockpit is fully NVG-compatible, meaning all lighting inside the cockpit (such as instrument panels and displays) is dimmed or filtered to prevent interference with night vision goggles.
  • Pilots and crew typically use AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles, which amplify available light and allow for precise manoeuvring during night missions.

3. Infrared Lighting:

  • The Pave Hawk is equipped with covert infrared lights, which are invisible to the naked eye but visible through NVGs. These lights are used for landing, takeoff, and illuminating the area around the helicopter during night operations.

4. Advanced Navigation Systems:

  • The helicopter has a combination of GPS, inertial navigation systems (INS), and radar to assist with flying in dark or challenging conditions.
  • The systems work alongside FLIR and NVGs to provide situational awareness.

5. Low-Visibility Operations:

  • The HH-60G is designed for operations in poor visibility, including dust, fog, and moonless nights. Its terrain-following radar helps the crew fly safely at low altitudes in these conditions.
So barber said he was the pilot and combat controller, a quick gpt on what combat controllers use reveals the HH-60G Pave Hawk, if correct it has a hydraulic cable winch on the side 200ft long and looks to have a camera looking down next to the cable, see photo. also inside is a fast roping winch, presumably for his team he mentions maybe. The metal cable from the winch looks super thin though in comparison to the egg video

View attachment 76349

video walkaround of the chopper
Source: https://youtu.be/1b1LMFihSWs?si=yJYuwVp30rKL2XQ3

Night Vision Capabilities of the HH-60G Pave Hawk:

1. Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR):

  • The helicopter is equipped with a FLIR system, which provides thermal imaging to detect heat signatures.
  • This allows the crew to identify targets, terrain, and personnel in total darkness or poor weather conditions.

2. Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility:

  • The cockpit is fully NVG-compatible, meaning all lighting inside the cockpit (such as instrument panels and displays) is dimmed or filtered to prevent interference with night vision goggles.
  • Pilots and crew typically use AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles, which amplify available light and allow for precise manoeuvring during night missions.

3. Infrared Lighting:

  • The Pave Hawk is equipped with covert infrared lights, which are invisible to the naked eye but visible through NVGs. These lights are used for landing, takeoff, and illuminating the area around the helicopter during night operations.

4. Advanced Navigation Systems:

  • The helicopter has a combination of GPS, inertial navigation systems (INS), and radar to assist with flying in dark or challenging conditions.
  • The systems work alongside FLIR and NVGs to provide situational awareness.

5. Low-Visibility Operations:

  • The HH-60G is designed for operations in poor visibility, including dust, fog, and moonless nights. Its terrain-following radar helps the crew fly safely at low altitudes in these conditions.

You're referring to the rescue hoist, primarily used by PJs for personnel recovery. It's lifting capabilities are rather limited, basically that of two fullly kitted-out men engaged in CSAR with a bit of margin. I think it was rated for 500 pounds. This hoist is generally not used for cargo, that's done from a hard point on the bottom of the helo.
You're referring to the rescue hoist, primarily used by PJs for personnel recovery. It's lifting capabilities are rather limited, basically that of two fullly kitted-out men engaged in CSAR with a bit of margin. I think it was rated for 500 pounds. This hoist is generally not used for cargo, that's done from a hard point on the bottom of the helo.
External Quote:
HH-60G rescue equipment includes a hoist capable of lifting a 600-pound load (270 kilograms) from a hover height of 200 feet (60.7 meters), and a personnel locating system that is compatible with the PRC-112 survival radio and provides range and bearing information to a survivor's location.
reveals the HH-60G Pave Hawk

That is a highly modified UH-60 Black Hawk. Remember, according to Barber's story, he's doing all this UFO stuff AFTER leaving the Air Force. He was retrieving UFOs for a contractor NOT the US military. As such, he's probably flying the contractors' aircraft. So, we would have to see if any civilian contractors operate the PAVE Hawk, which seems unlikely.

According to Wikipedia the PAVE Hawk is operated by South Korea and the US Air Force:

External Quote:

These seem to be military only variants of the UH-60/S70, and Barber was not flying for the military when he recovered eggs and UFOs.
I've seen eggs that are not 'perfectly egg shaped'. Please specify an exact perfect shape an egg 'ought' to be.

I'm referring only to what we see in the video: that egg is a typical chicken egg shape - slightly blunter at one end. Eggs aren't perfect geometric shapes of course, given their method of manufacture, but the one we see in the video looks exactly like a chicken egg. So any possible manmade objects that aren't that shape aren't candidates for what's in the video.

If this video is not from Barber, then of course what *he* was transporting may have been any of these other things that he mistook for an "egg-shaped" UFO.

Source: https://youtu.be/EayV6oxd714?t=299

In this video you don't seem to see much movement from the vegetation.

that video is an excellent match. same cord texture, basically same camera view.
have you guys looked at this..assuming you did as i just googled "sling load sphere". its inflatable and might be moved around by helicopter.


When you need an internet signal at home to access the world wide web you call a local provider and they bring cable or a satellite, when the 280th Combat Communications Squadron sets up an internet signal they bring a GATR (Ground Antenna Transmit and Receive).

GATR is a tan colored, inflatable, 7-foot sphere-like satellite that sits on the ground at a slight angle and is currently being used at Martin Middle School in Martin, Tenn., July 15 in support of the "Hope of Martin" community outreach project, an Air National Guard-led joint training medical Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) mission.


Some of those images look to me like they were taken from computer games. Granted, I've been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 lately, but still . . .
Apparently these second set of photos are not from the original poster because he said he wouldnt post anymore after he posted the images. Yea i know 4chan..anonymous. However judging by quality differences and the fact that the second set was very clearly made in unreal in a few hours, not to mention the obvious need to chuck egyptian on it...id say the second set is unrelated to the first. Im not sure how the first set was made though, quality is too bad...or made bad in traditional hoax fashion.

Oh and the second set , the guy said hes larping. Im suprised no one posted the video that was released from the first poster...im wondering what technique was used to make that so fast.
So barber said he was the pilot and combat controller, a quick gpt on what combat controllers use reveals the HH-60G Pave Hawk, if correct it has a hydraulic cable winch on the side 200ft long and looks to have a camera looking down next to the cable, see photo. also inside is a fast roping winch, presumably for his team he mentions maybe. The metal cable from the winch looks super thin though in comparison to the egg video

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video walkaround of the chopper
Source: https://youtu.be/1b1LMFihSWs?si=yJYuwVp30rKL2XQ3

Night Vision Capabilities of the HH-60G Pave Hawk:

1. Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR):

  • The helicopter is equipped with a FLIR system, which provides thermal imaging to detect heat signatures.
  • This allows the crew to identify targets, terrain, and personnel in total darkness or poor weather conditions.

2. Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Compatibility:

  • The cockpit is fully NVG-compatible, meaning all lighting inside the cockpit (such as instrument panels and displays) is dimmed or filtered to prevent interference with night vision goggles.
  • Pilots and crew typically use AN/AVS-9 night vision goggles, which amplify available light and allow for precise manoeuvring during night missions.

3. Infrared Lighting:

  • The Pave Hawk is equipped with covert infrared lights, which are invisible to the naked eye but visible through NVGs. These lights are used for landing, takeoff, and illuminating the area around the helicopter during night operations.

4. Advanced Navigation Systems:

  • The helicopter has a combination of GPS, inertial navigation systems (INS), and radar to assist with flying in dark or challenging conditions.
  • The systems work alongside FLIR and NVGs to provide situational awareness.

5. Low-Visibility Operations:

  • The HH-60G is designed for operations in poor visibility, including dust, fog, and moonless nights. Its terrain-following radar helps the crew fly safely at low altitudes in these conditions.

Did Jake Barber ever actually say that he was a combat controller?
I've only watched the Coulthart interview, so I might have missed some other information that he provided, but his DD214 that appears briefly doesn't show any period where he would have been a combat controller who completed training.
Forms show that he was a trainee in the program and scheduled for jump training, but none of that shows up on his discharge form.
My thought was that he probably washed-out as 70% or more of applicants do-and was basically a mechanic until the end of his service.
Also, his ATP cert wasn't issued until years after he left the service, so he wasn't flying helis as a civilian either until much later.

In the interview that I watched it seems deliberately obfuscated, but they so seem to be trying to create an impression of his being a special forces operator, but without actually saying that he was.

Again, I could very well have missed some info along the way.
This is moving fast so might have been posted but Barber has already changed his story, he had a "cover" job...

Interesting....He kinda hints at the "cover" story idea in the interview, but as with most of it, it's vague:

External Quote:

Everything changed for me right around 911, and, I left the Air Force and was sent out to California at that time to begin stablish. And my cover basis for an independent as an independent contractor, so that I could serve what was coming down the line next for me.

Did Jake Barber ever actually say that he was a combat controller?
I've only watched the Coulthart interview, so I might have missed some other information that he provided, but his DD214 that appears briefly doesn't show any period where he would have been a combat controller who completed training.
Forms show that he was a trainee in the program and scheduled for jump training, but none of that shows up on his discharge form.
My thought was that he probably washed-out as 70% or more of applicants do-and was basically a mechanic until the end of his service.
Also, his ATP cert wasn't issued until years after he left the service, so he wasn't flying helis as a civilian either until much later.

Again, it's all very vague. To start with, according to Wikipedia, a "combat controller" in the USAF is a Special Ops person who is trained in a number of Airforce related things, like ATC:

External Quote:

Air Force Special Operations Command's Combat Controllers are battlefield airmen assigned to special tactics squadrons. They are trained special operations forces and certified Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers.[2][3][6] The mission of a Combat Controller is to deploy undetected into combat and hostile environments to conduct special reconnaissance, establish assault zones or airfields, while simultaneously conducting air traffic control, fire support, command, control, and communications and forward air control. They deploy with air and ground forces in support of direct action, such as counter-terrorism, foreign internal defense, humanitarian assistance, and combat search and rescue. Combat Controllers employ all-terrain vehicles, amphibious vehicles, weapons and demolitions in pursuit of their objectives, which may include obstacle destruction.[2][3]
And often team up with other Special Ops guys like the Green Berets or SEALs:

External Quote:

Trained in underwater and maritime operations, freefall parachuting, and many other deployment methods, Combat Controllers are often assigned individually or as a team to Army Special Forces, Army Ranger, Navy SEAL, and Delta Force to provide expert airfield seizure, airstrike control, and communications capabilities.[4]

They seem to integrate Air Force Special Ops into other Special Ops teams. What they don't seem to be is helicopter pilots, which is how Coulthart, again vaguely, describes Barber's tenure in the Special Ops unit:

External Quote:

But Jake was no ordinary mechanic. Being recruited into the Air Force's elite combat control unit meant he had a resumé that reads like something out of an action thriller. Helicopter pilot, freefall parachutist, expert marksman, and the recipient of a NATO top secret security clearance.

It sounds like maybe he went the Combat Control route and washed out? Not something to be ashamed of as 90% do:

External Quote:

Combat Controller training, which is nearly two years long, is among the most rigorous in the US military. The CCT pipeline has a wash out rate upwards of 90–95%, mostly due to self-eliminations, injuries sustained during training, and academic failures.

He became a mechanic AFTER going to Combat Controll school, as he now says on X, though he implies he did not wash out, rather he was reassigned as part of his cover story:


Not the other way around as Coulthart says. Still not sure when, or maybe IF, he flew helicopters in the Airforce.

The plot thickens!
To me, it doesn't really need to make sense why. I've seen others express incredulity over the idea that if it was a balloon, that Barber's team would not have deflated it in order to move it. We can't know every reason anyone would want something done in a particular way. Or what random ways someone might do something. Was Barber explicitly instructed to move the object as-is? (I think an untrained team deflating and folding up a 20ft diameter balloon on a rock/cactus/etc covered ground carries risk). Was the sling already wrapped and secured on the object when they got there?
All good questions. The reason I didn't think plausible is because the mould is deflated to get it out of the concrete tank poured around it. It's possible they didn't pour and just moved it but since helis are expensive it would seem more like to just throw it in a truck. Who knows tho
Maybe I'm missing something from the interview, but Barber says the closest he got was 150ft because that's how long the cable on the helicopter is. Can someone explain how they would have attached the object to the helicopter? Like the missing steps here:
1. Helicopter is flown to the object, and hovers 150-200ft above the object.
2. ???
3. Object is now secured in a sling and the sling is attached securely to a 150-200ft long cable dangling from the helicopter.

In my mind (unless maybe some system of electromagnets or robotic sling attachments is used) someone had to be on the ground at the pickup site to wrap the sling around the object and attach the sling to the helicopter's line. This person (multiple people?) would be much closer than 150ft, and would be able to estimate how heavy the object was, and whether it was a rigid surface or was soft like an frameless inflated balloon. They'd also maybe have a better sense of what color it was, and would also be much more (compared to someone piloting a moving helicopter 150ft away) able to say whether the object was truly smooth like a polished pearl surface, or whether it had small seams/ridges/wrinkles like this egg-shaped balloon:
Indeed. There would have had to be boots on the ground that secured the netting around and under it. They would have way more info.

For dropping off loads the pilot typically has an electronic hook on the bottom of the line to release it and doesn't need to be nearer the object than rope length during the job.

Regarding feeling the weight, the pilot can sense the approximate load as you guessed and monitor the power meter when lifting. In this video the pilot is trying to lift a heavy load but it's too heavy and he bails out. Also if you keep watching you can see the long line hardware including electronic hook

Source: https://youtu.be/dzcVFKpuyDY?t=915
These seem to be military only variants of the UH-60/S70, and Barber was not flying for the military when he recovered eggs and UFOs.

I don't think being a civilian contractor with the military precludes you from flying military aircraft. If the Army supplied the copter, and he was contracted only as a pilot, it seems possible. For example:

"He returned for a second tour in Korea where he retired from active duty as a chief warrant officer four after 26 years. Mineo returned to Fort Rucker to focus on flight school students as a DA civilian instructor pilot [...] His co-pilot was his son, Lt. Robert Mineo, a former Army aviator who served 8 years in the Army [...] When Robert came through flight school, Chuck was able to be his IP for his first flight in the Chinook back in 2007."

I have a friend who retired from Navy nuclear sub service who then later returned as a civilian contractor doing essentially the same things on those nuclear subs that he had been doing while in the Navy.
that video is an excellent match. same cord texture, basically same camera view.
have you guys looked at this..assuming you did as i just googled "sling load sphere". its inflatable and might be moved around by helicopter.


When you need an internet signal at home to access the world wide web you call a local provider and they bring cable or a satellite, when the 280th Combat Communications Squadron sets up an internet signal they bring a GATR (Ground Antenna Transmit and Receive).

GATR is a tan colored, inflatable, 7-foot sphere-like satellite that sits on the ground at a slight angle and is currently being used at Martin Middle School in Martin, Tenn., July 15 in support of the "Hope of Martin" community outreach project, an Air National Guard-led joint training medical Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) mission.

View attachment 76354

This is is an interesting lead. I wanted to look at the tarp under that image closer.



I wondered if that tarp maybe is the wrapping/sling load designed for moving it around.. but it doesn't really match the video. But I wonder if there will be other similar setups for something like this that does.

Maybe a different shaped tarp for an egg shaped inflatable antenna?

Some of those images look to me like they were taken from computer games. Granted, I've been playing a lot of Baldur's Gate 3 lately, but still . . .
Nature creates more or less even spheres and eggs in caves all by itself, by the way, as I saw yesterday in a TV documentary (Discovery or something). It was about a sinkhole in Oman (Bachmut?) in which there are waterfalls that leave all kinds of traces in the rock at the bottom. I photographed the TV screen with my smartphone to make the picture more authentic. The colors are not edited ;)

I suspect that a secret experimental radioactive reactor was disposed of.

This would explain the following points:
  • Highest secrecy
  • Use of a long line
  • Radiation damage to the pilot
  • No staff on the ground
  • Lonely desert-like area
  • Egg form popular with reactors
  • The egg glows in the infrared range, so it is warm (visible because a night vision device was used)
  • No particularly careful setting off


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