This article on shows two "letters" that claim to be from a "chemtrail pilot". These letters appear to be an obvious hoax, and yet they are being treated as potentially genuine. Yet the letters contain ludicrous descriptions that make no sense at all.
So I'd like to state for the record that:
1) This looks exactly like a hoax
2) I don't know who is responsible for it
3) I think such hoaxes are a bad idea, and they do not help debunking, which should be open and honest.
I've posted a comment under the story, so Wigington is aware of this:
Some people interested in debunking chemtrails think that doing a hoax like this is a good way of illustrating to people that they should not believe everything they read. I disagree, and I think that, when the hoax is revealed, it simply makes people think their theories are more correct, as why else would people be trying to discredit them?External Quote:I should not be telling you this. But nearly one-third of all flights, are being orchestrated from small un-named islands. Where newly constructed bases, are being built, at a rate of eight per year. On these extremely remote islands, there are HAARP arrays of every possible design. With many arrays surrounding these islands, within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has developed sophisticated underwater construction technology. That allows fully autonomous robot submersibles, to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these massive under water arrays, as they progress across the open sea floor. Every time that you see or hear about military excercises at sea. They are basically there to give support and resupply, their army of underwater robotic minions. There is possibly, one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that.
So I'd like to state for the record that:
1) This looks exactly like a hoax
2) I don't know who is responsible for it
3) I think such hoaxes are a bad idea, and they do not help debunking, which should be open and honest.
I've posted a comment under the story, so Wigington is aware of this:

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