It is not easy to argue they have anything to hide because the government of Peru wants the specimen back. Even if they are fakes, an entire country's government is considering it a property of said government.
Please note that these peruvians think they are legit mummies, nothing special about them
There is an excuse for them to not hand them over to even a third country. If the government of Peru makes a good old international fuss about it they might just not get it back from let's say Germany. As far as I know they are open to any investigation but want researchers to go to Mexico to look at the mummies there. Is that such a ridiculous thing to ask? I don't really think so.
I have no information if they refused any such investigation. And if I was refused I would speak out. That kinda means there was not such inquiry so far.
As it seems to me, it is not just about Maussan not wanting to give it away. It is like proper scientists don't care enough or don't want to risk their reputation to actually go there and debunk it.
Is there a scientist who said "all right, I will go there and look at it myself then"? I will personally chip in to fund him. That is what we need. I follow the topic but never heard such a thing.
Also, these things are not easy to debunk. Just because you can link a few people claiming a few inaccuracies, that does not prove a lot. For example the entire country of Peru is on record saying:
This is a discovery we have known for years. No scientific entity in Peru has claimed these findings are of non-human origin.
Leslie Urteaga, Peru's Ministry of Culture chair, from the article above
Also, Vicek above me quotes from a "book" which does not exist. Please provide a source material for me because I am not sure if you are making stuff up at this point.
Also, I found an interesting thing.
You can remember this paper about the mummy's skull and investigating if it belongs to a llama or not.
We talked about it. The questions were if it proves that the skull belongs to a llama and if it is backwards.
This paper was authored by José de C. Ríos López. He is the main author who appears first.
This is a 2 days old video of José de C. Ríos López, who authored the paper.
At 1:01:38 onwards he says:
Entonces, como este es un tema bastante controvertido debido a las características y apariencias similares que estos podrían tener, se realizó este trabajo. Así como se encontraron ciertas similitudes, también se encontraron diferencias, lo cual no es concluyente para determinar si esto se trata de un cráneo de una llama o de una alpaca. Para llegar a esa conclusión, tenemos que realizar estudios mucho más detallados, comparando los cráneos de otros individuos de la misma especie y llevando a cabo un estudio de ADN para cruzarlo con el ADN de estos organismos. Si encontramos que hay una coincidencia, entonces no queda más que decir que se trata de ello.
Yes I typed it out for you. Yes I speak a bit of spanish too, not fluent. English is also not my 1st (or 2nd) language, someone asked above. I'm European.
In english it means:
"So, as this is a rather controversial topic due to the similar characteristics and appearances that these could have, this work was done. Just as certain similarities were found, differences were also found, which is inconclusive in determining whether this is the skull of a llama or an alpaca. To arrive at that conclusion, we need to conduct much more detailed studies, comparing the skulls of other individuals of the same species and performing a DNA study to cross-reference with the DNA of these organisms. If we find a match, then there is nothing more to say than that it is indeed that."
I used chatGPT to translate so I am not accused of making errors. Blame chatGPT.
I swear on my life this is what is said in the video. Any spanish speaking member can attest. And there are pretty interesting claims in that video but that would require a lot of explanation why it is interesting so who cares.
Anyway, so much about debunking. I seen some pictures taken out of context from this study used as proof for the backwards llama head theory. And the author claims they did not even prove it is a llama.
If you accept this L then we can move on to dissecting the next piece of "proof". Trust me guys, I would not be on this forum if these specimen were not mindboggling.