Droitwich bedroom abduction video (2010)

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Just before she flattens out (0:31) presumably she is kneeling with her head down and her bottom up to its fullest height.
it's not up to its fullest height. she is not kneeling. she is just starting to to pull her knees under her before she lifts up.

a bit of perspective. the end of the blue line is her husbands hip when he is on his side, and her hipbone when she is on her side (end of video).
try to imagine if he rolled toward her and had his knees tucked under him, how high his bum would be!
(Edited to add: Dang it, NorCal Dave was faster than me! But I worked over 9,000 hours to make that lovely image so I'm leaving it up unless moderators decide it is unnecessarily redundant duplication of excess surplusage.)
Great minds think alike, I'm just lazier and found a few yoga pics.

In any event, it seems a strange way to move while sleeping, very big and exaggerated interspersed with total motionlessness, which is why the hoax idea is still in my head.

On the other hand, if as Holdrien reports, she believes that she has been abducted multiple times going back to when she was 3, maybe she suffers from very real and intense dreams that result in a lot of physicality. Not quite sleep walking (bold by me):

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Sleepwalking occurs when you get up from bed and walk around even though you are still asleep. It can also involve a series of other complex actions. Before walking, you might sit up in bed and look around in a confused manner. At other times, you may bolt from the bed and walk or run away. You may be frantic to escape from a threat that you dreamed or imagined.

Not at all trying to play Dr. here and try to diagnose someone, but I also found this (bold by me):

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Individuals with narcolepsy may experience vivid dream-like experiences while falling asleep or upon waking up. Hallucinations when falling asleep are known as hypnagogic; when waking up, hypnopompic. These hallucinations can be experienced as multisensory and can feel extremely real. People with narcolepsy often transition directly from wake into REM sleep, which may underlie this experience.

Dave Holdrien, or Chairman Dave as he calls himself, already seems to believe in abductions, and so doesn't look much for other explanations, like maybe some questions about her sleep habits.

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Personally I feel that there is enough evidence to suggest that the follow on abduction really took place and was not just a strange dream, there are too many aspects of it which fit in with contact. It also appears to have been a physical abduction rather than metaphysical. Therefore, unless proven otherwise, I currently feel that the footage is genuine and actually shows Susan de-materialising from the bed.

However when I skimmed through some of his other reports on the Birmingham UFO Group (he's the only investigator it seems), he was more objective. He found that one video of a glowing orb was in fact likely the ISS. In an other he used video stabilization to show that the UFO lights in a video where just reflections on a window.

I think he just went all in on this one.
No reported anal probing?

External Quote:
Susan then became aware of a strange looking machine which was between her legs. The next thing she felt was a long cold metallic rod being pushed up inside of her. As this was being done, a screen of some kind appeared to the right. It had no outer structure to it – it was almost like a floating holographic image. The screen appeared to be showing an internal view of herself in glowing white lines. Susan felt there was an urgency to the situation, like whoever was doing this was running out of time.

To be fair, this is in reference to the 12/3 abduction that prompted the use of the camera and it's a little unclear where exactly the probing is taking place.
it's not up to its fullest height. she is not kneeling. she is just starting to to pull her knees under her before she lifts up.

View attachment 48521

I think her thighs are roughly vertical just before she disappears (see post #38). Like the cat pose below but resting on her elbows rather than her hands.

Child, Cat, Cow and Downward Dog poses.

When she comes back she seems to be in the Cow pose as it seems that you can see a bump where her head should be. But her bottom is now at the level of the bed headboard which is strange. One could imagine that as her bottom is higher she is making the Downward Dog pose. But in that case you wouldn't see a head bump.
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Like with most of these stories, the events just seem to stop or evaporate. Perhaps it is because the aliens or ghosts got fed up harassing these people, but more likely the witness got psychological help and that is that.

When I was young (10?) i owned a nice little paperback titled "Wat het verstand te boven gaat", roughly translated as "unexplained mysteries". It contained a dozen short stories about ghosts, ufos, paranormal stuff etc. The story of this thread would have fit very nicely among them. The attractiveness of these stories is because we like unsolved matter perhaps more than solved ones..

EDIT, found my book https://www.boekenwebsite.nl/mysteries-mythen/wat-ons-verstand-te-boven-gaat
... Downward Dog pose. But in that case you wouldn't see a head bump.
Unless she is not carefully doing her yoga routine, but is instead just sort of in that general position, but with her head held differently.

FWIW, here's what I am seeing -- apologies for truly bad drawing via touch-pad on a new computer...
up but 2.jpg

And I am still reallly struck by the aliens re-inserting her under the sheet, instead of just on it. To what purpose? HOW?

On the other hand, if there are no aliens, it's pretty simple: the purpose of "reappearing" under the sheet is that she never went anywhere, was always under the sheet, but was either asleep or awake and acting through a hoax (I have no real basis to select between the two), and the how becomes moot as there is no actual rematerialization that has to squeeze in under a sheet somehow (while presumably staying above the fitted sheet!)
And I am still reallly struck by the aliens re-inserting her under the sheet, instead of just on it. To what purpose? HOW?
Confirmation bias

Hypothesis: aliens came and abducted the woman
Experiment: set up IR camera, record aliens if any
Outcome: no aliens recorded
Conclusion: aliens not involved

Belief: aliens came and abducted the woman
Experiment: set up IR camera, record aliens if any
Outcome: no aliens recorded
New belief: aliens used an invisible means of abduction and restoration.

This new belief is borne from an inability to recognize, when faced with evidence, that the initial belief is false. It's a very common pattern inside the rabbit hole, and it makes those people down it impervious to evidence: they disconnect from reality.
New belief: aliens used an invisible means of abduction and restoration.
It's not a new belief; many eyewitness reports imply that aliens, if they exist, use covert methods to abduct people.
It's not a new belief; many eyewitness reports imply that aliens, if they exist, use covert methods to abduct people.
Convenient. Very handy of those aliens that they have teleportation tech! Forget warp drives, simple stuff.
It's not a new belief; many eyewitness reports imply that aliens, if they exist, use covert methods to abduct people.
If it's an eyewitness report of something covert, how do they know what they saw? Doesn't "covert" by definition, imply that the eyewitness report is wrong or at least inaccurate?

And, the covert teleportation idea was new around the early '90s. Prior to that abductees tended to "see" UFOs and physical aliens.

The classic abduction myth starts with Barny and Betty Hill in the '50s. They "see" the craft and are more or less physically taken onboard the alien ship.

In the 1986 book Communion, Whitley Streiber describes a robot and small aliens coming into his bedroom before taking him to the ship.

By the '90s people like John Mack and Bud Hopkins were suggesting such huge numbers of abductees, that there weren't enough UFOs and aliens to physically go around and abduct that amount of people. So, abductees simply started to pass through walls and get teleported, instead of being physically taken.

Note also, and this is very important, in all of these cases, including this one, all or much of the story and details are only revealed through hypnotically recovered memories. A technique that has been shown to be wholly and totally inaccurate since at least the late '90s.
I sense a drift away from discussion of this video and more towards a general discussion of alien abductions. Before we go too far off into those weeds, maybe a recap of what we have seen looking at this particular video. Let me take a crack at it:

It is claimed that the video shows somebody being teleported away, and then returned to her bed, in some mysterious manner by UFOnauts. What is visible in the video is consistent with that extraordinary claim, if we assume the UFO folks have technology that can beam somebody away from under a sheet, and then somehow return them under the sheet that is now lying flat on the bed. However, what we see is also consistent with a person in the bed rising up onto their hands and knees and then settling down flat onto the mattress for a few minutes, before rising back up under the sheet. Since the video is consistent with an extraordinarily mundane explanation, it does not constitute the extraordinary evidence that would be needed to support an extraordinary claim.

How's that?
It must be noted that a magician always covers his assistant with a sheet before he makes them 'disappear'. And we know the reason behind this... if he didn't, we'd see how he did the trick.....