Jay Reynolds
Senior Member.
I wonder how Francis Mangels can explain the result given the opposite is occuring.
Though it swiftly becomes improbable if looked at realistically, most conspiracy theorists tend to simply expand the range of the conspiracy/cover-up to include ever-greater participants. Thus, the Shasta bunch will probably have to claim that the data you show is being controlled and falsified. Dane Wigington regulary uses the theme that he has failed to advance the chemtrails meme because ten thousand atmospheric scientists are either more stupid than he and his cohorts or actively engage in a conspiracy to conduct geoengineering. Which is more probable?
Mangels, Wigington, Michael J. Murphy, and G. Edward Griffin have all been informed multiple times of the information in this thread and how their other claims on this and other topics have been debunked.
That puts the onus on them to demonstrate otherwise, but they carefully avoid putting themselves in positions where those sorts of questions could be asked, and actively avoid responding to any information which they are aware contradicts their claims. That is dishonest behavior and amounts to spreading misinformation and engaging in a cover-up, which is ironically what they accuse others of doing. Undeniably, THEY are fully aware they are engaged in the cover-up and promotion of false information.